Delhi Police have arrested the accused Dhaba owner Sahil Gahlot. Preliminary interrogation has revealed that Gahlot was getting married on February 10 and the woman was objecting to it as they were in a relationship for a long time.
A 30-year-old labourer was arrested for allegedly uploading morphed pictures of over 150 women on social media and asking them to have sex with him, police said on Wednesday.
Real life Bunty-Babli: Couple runs massive government contract scam, dupes people of Rs 20 crore - A couple has been arrested for allegedly running a government contract scam and duping several people of crores of rupees.
The accused, Abhishek Aggarwal (38) and his wife Meenakshi (34), natives of Supaul district in Bihar, were wanted in at least four criminal cases and have been absconding for the last three years.