created equal and the number may not matter as much as the magnitude. it is a clear sign that despite thad cochran s victory and despite the establishment of the party having some electoral victories there is still divisions that create good men. john boehner and barack obama turn the clock back and look at their resumes you thought they could do business together. this is kind of the low point of their relationship in some ways. boehner said not only can i not work with the guy but i want to stop him from doing what he wants to do. what is new about that? some people had the fantasy they could be legislative progress. if boehner is now going to do this, it s hard to imagine them getting anything done. i don t think boehner had that fantasy as well as key republicans. i think they had that from the get-go and doubled down on it. i think it s a critical issue
for conservatives now. the new york times will be stunned when a republican power sees power this much. we have passed the affordable care act and this president has unilaterally time and time again issued executive orders that have fundamentally changed the very nature of this significant law. whether you re a republican, a democrat, conservative, or liberal, if you are interested in the law, if you re interested in the executiconstitution and interested in the separation of powers and what powers the executive branch should have versus the legislative branch, this is a pretty critical issue that needs to be changed. steve rattner, i mean, i don t want to belabor this point, but the president has made very significant sweeping changes unilaterally to the affordable care after the past few months, has he not or am i reading it wrong? if it s unconstitutional or
comment because of transexempt confidentiality agreements. the democrats on the hill, i would have to believe, at some point, are going to start aggressively trying to distance themselves from lois lerner and the clowns who were running the irs right now. i don t know that any democrats were are rushing to embrace the irs or lois lerner in particular. if you listen to some of the testimony from democrats during these hearings, they have been pretty hard on her and for good political reason too. i mean, the irs is not exactly the kind of agency that any politician wants to wrap their metaphor cal arms around. i think that this issue is there is going to be a drip, drip, drip, as more of these e-mails are scrutinized there are more instances like that
this one seems like we re at this point grasping and we will see. i m not taking the side of the internal revenue service. beautiful goals by argentina messy is one of the dynamic players. big match. morning joe sports is next. they lived. they lived. they lived. (dad) we lived. thanks to our subaru. (announcer) love. it s what makes a subaru, a subaru. thank ythank you for defendiyour sacrifice. and thank you for your bravery.
income taxes was a reference to mitt romney who was paying at a 14% rate. no one has really brought that up. she was referring to the amount she and her husband pay compared to mitt romney. right. but the fact that this is what we are talking about and not the substance of her book, which i ve actually read. right. is a disaster for them. so i want to get to how you feel about the book in a second. is she missing an opportunity as a woman to talk about money in a way that could be ground breaking and interesting and extremely attractive? i think that talking about money at this point is one thing she does not want to do. when the campaign comes, she is going to have to talk about money in a domestic household sort of way. right. and she is going to talk about, you know, the income and equality in a way that doesn t put off the left wing of her party, but also remains kind of sane in the middle. that s going to be a real challenge for her.