martin reynolds from february 2020 and dominic cummings saying lots of science containment has failed and we should now expect a proper pandemic and even to have an update from the prime minister. if we go over the page we see martin reynolds saying we have scheduled ministerial meeting on heathrow first thing so cannot have a meeting tomorrow but will look to fix it later and then says perhaps we could cover it at cabinet or at the end of the national security council. and then if you skip down a couple of entries, later that morning we see martin reynolds perhaps by that stage has spoken to the cabinet secretary seen marc would prefer to do it at cabinet and makes a point cabinet would be better as it includes a wider cast with including health and so on and we see the response from dominic cummings seeing cabinet leaks and if it leaks out it will be from some fool so that it out it will be from some fool so thatitis out it will be from some fool so that it is a bad idea. t