In his post, PM Modi said, "Birthday wishes to Punjab CM Shri @BhagwantMann Ji." PM Modi also said that may Mann be blessed with a long and healthy life. 📰 Bhagwant Mann Birthday 2022: PM Narendra Modi Wishes Long and Healthy Life to Punjab CM As He Turns 49.
Get latest articles and stories on India at LatestLY. Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday conveyed his condolences and heartfelt sympathies to US President Joe Biden over the loss of lives and devastation caused by Hurricane Ian. Hurricane Ian: PM Narendra Modi Conveys Condolences to US President Joe Biden Over Loss of Lives in Florida Storm.
The latest Tweet by PM Narendra Modi states, Onam greetings to everyone, especially the people of Kerala and Malayali community spread around the world. This festival reaffirms the vital role of Mother Nature and the importance of our hardworking farmers. May Onam also further the spirit of harmony in our society. 📰 Onam Greetings to Everyone, Especially the People of Kerala and Malayali Community Spread . - Latest Tweet by PM Narendra Modi.
The latest Tweet by PM Narendra Modi states, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II will be remembered as a stalwart of our times. She provided inspiring leadership to her nation and people. She personified dignity and decency in public life. Pained by her demise. My thoughts are with her family and people of UK in this sad hour. 📰 Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II Will Be Remembered as a Stalwart of Our Times. She Provided . - Latest Tweet by PM Narendra Modi.