Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday said that the way the women Self Help Groups (SHGs) across the country have served the nation during the pandemic by producing masks and sanitisers and creating awareness about the infection is unprecedented.
PMFME scheme for micro food processing units launched: Centre
Published on
Tue, Feb 9 2021 21:03 IST |
The Centre on Tuesday said that as part of the AatmaNirbhar Bharat Abhiyan, the Ministry of Food Processing Industries has launched the centrally sponsored PM Formalisation of Micro Food Processing Enterprises (PMFME) Scheme for providing financial, . Image Source: IANS News
New Delhi, Feb 9 : The Centre on Tuesday said that as part of the AatmaNirbhar Bharat Abhiyan, the Ministry of Food Processing Industries has launched the centrally sponsored PM Formalisation of Micro Food Processing Enterprises (PMFME) Scheme for providing financial, technical and business support for upgradation of two lakh micro food processing enterprises.
PM Modi assures farmers over farm laws, Rahul Gandhi calls it asatyagrah | 10 points
PM Modi assures farmers over farm laws, Rahul Gandhi calls it asatyagrah | 10 points
As the farm stir continues, Prime Minister Narendra Modi reached out to the farming community to clear the air. Union Agriculture Minister Narendra Singh Tomar said the government is open to talks and hopeful that the farm stir will end before the New Year.
UPDATED: December 19, 2020 08:09 IST
The farmers have been agitating against three new farm laws at Singhu and Tikri borders of Delhi since last month (File | PTI)
Thousands of farmers are still staying put at the Delhi border points demanding the repeal of the three farm laws that Parliament passed in September. The government, on the other hand, has maintained that the farm laws are good for the farmers while indicating its willingness to amend the wordings of the laws to allay fears among the farmers. As the farm stir continues, Prime Mi