moves. what s the common element? what makes them all christmas movies? i think the fact they re set over the holidays is the uniting theme because the idea of a christmas, many of us, we think about love and forgiveness and redemption and family and maybe some fear. but not all these moves have that. taking a narrow view it eliminates a lot of movies but you had christmas vacation which is a favorite. it does have that. it is a comedy. very much driven by christmas and some of the best are sort of set around the time and a key plot point. but basically what ties them all together is what ties all great
then he does trading places. then he does the blockbuster beverly hills cop. eddie murphy in the 80s was comedy. he s such a perfect everyman, and so likeable, even though he s kind of a shit. it wasn t about necessarily being the put-upon guy, it s being the guy smarter than the room. he s bugs bunny. you know, this is the cleanest and nicest police car i ve ever been in in my life. this thing s nicer than my apartment. up until that point, hollywood movies that featured or starred a black artist, their color was always a plot point. in coming to america, their color has nothing to do with the plot. oha, it is my 21st birthday. do you think perhaps just once i might use the bathroom by myself? most amusing, sir. wipers! he is a prince in a fictional african nation.