To think that health caring. Gov could be built so quickly and then secured, to me, is very hard to believe. When we have a web site to be reviewed, typically we start at the very beginning before the site is actually developed. We do things as far as audits, we do vulnerability assessments, also pin testing. All three of these things are required to actually look at and examine the site. Pin testings a very important part of this process, because pin testing means were looking at the site the same way the attacker would, were seeing what would the attacker see, what could they use, what could they do with this, and how could they leverage this potentially for attack. I dont believe those types of assessments have been done to this day and have been properly completed. So whats been reported currently is that when we see with healthcare. Gov that they are running weekly assessments, they are potentially patching the site. But a lot of that activity were talking about is reactive in nat