top it. the caller, and employee who loads bags onto the plane tells authorities he took a nap. dispatchers are confused. where are you in a plane at? i m inside the plane. alaska airlines plane. are you at the airport? i m not in the airport. i feel like it s moved, because i feel like my reporter: the emergency call lasts 48 seconds. then suddenly it drops off. are you by yourself or with somebody? reporter: with the plane climbing at 5,000 feet passengers hear banging and a scream from below their feet. he was like help. help. and we re like what. reporter: airborne for 14 minutes, the trapped man was near the nose where it s pressurized and temperature controlled. the pilot made an emergency
it should have been on. they all should have been strapped into their seats. i know they say they have found some passengers strapped into seats floating. my sense is this plane could be in quite a number of pieces. let s talk about some reports that we re hearing that perhaps the plane did a vertical stall, and what kind of conditions or catastrophe would an airplane have a vertical stall situation at 32,000 feet? yes. we have got various pieces of information from indonesia which have been leaked out to a number of organizations, including ours. they paint a picture of a plane climbing at about 9,000 feet a minute which is way too fast putting it very simply and then
why no one on board sent any messages. the new york times reports that someone may have intentionally depressurized the plane as it soared to an unusually high altitude right after the turn around, which would have rendered passengers and flight attendants unconscious. i think that s wrong information. the information they ve been running with with for the last three days about the plane climbing to 45,000 feet then making a dramatic dive is not true. when they got the radar information from the military, it was at the very boundary of their radar capability. their coverage and the altitude information that they were getting was not accurate. and so, they smoothed the radar data to take those points and the plane was at 29,500 feet. never climbed. never descended. now, jim, do you think foul play is involved? well, i think it s a likely
and flew eastest west or southwest into the indian ocean, before likely crashing into the sea that. is one item. the second one ties in additional details of how the jet was flying. malaysian military radar showing the plane climbing to 45,000 feet soon after disappearing from civilian radar screens, then reportedly desends to 23,000 feet, then climbs again as it heads into the indian ocean. there are doubts which such drastic changes are possible. the new york times citing american officials and others saying the plane also altered course more than once as if still under the command of someone. the obvious question is who and why? item three in the new reporting is from andy paster, suggesting the presence of at least two bad actors, one to turn the plane, another to disable some of the electronics. he joins us shortly. first i want to go to pentagon
york times, malaysian military radar showed the plane climbing to 45,000 feet. that is well above the approved limit for this type of aircraft. the radar track shows the plane descending unevenly to 23,000 feet, then flying northwest over the strait of malacca toward the indian ocean. where you see the planefku3 /ñ÷