that we are the heirs of thats first revolution. we are the keepers ofof flame of liberty. we hold it high tonighh tot fonr the to see. we will safeguard our valueas . we will teach our childrend to cherish and adoreador their o that they can build its future . we can make the years ahead the best years our has everne had. there is new ground to bew brokengr and new action to be b taken. america has always been greatest. when we dared to be great o together, we are part of one of the greatest story ever told. the story of america the ideals of july four, 1776 still speak l to all humanity, and the revolution declared that day goes on time legend. at the time of his death and the statue of liberty is not as shaken or less than a happy happy 4th of july. america, to all of you out out there, welcome to our bige independence day special celebration live herdae in new york city, where it is 80 degrees, very hot and humid. i might just be here tonight with joey jones, carl
and it not only sustainsin the economy, but it y,s sustain the life of artists that hav e these and keep these unique. when you walk through the relaxium and you see these beautiful floats ready to go, g our artists are working this,o. then this weird artist s studio for a whole year to prepare those floats. they ll be on the street forwe a few hours, then they ll comek back in. we ll take them apar t. it ll be like it s a crazy business model. bu itt it s what we ve done here for 150 years. there is no otheyearr placs e, only in america, but this is a s hidden gem of a world. we ll continue to build on it. i hope we ref doing for another hundred fifty years. that would be something to celebrate. that w. stephen hales, thank yoo much. pleasure to be with you. what many may not realize is that mardi gras isn t just a time to party, but also a time of religious reflectionfn and alms giving. monsignor christopher nalty broke it all down for us . great to see you. we just heard a lot