Authorities identified a pregnant woman who was killed in a fiery crash just outside Los Angeles when a speeding car ran a red light and plowed into other vehicles in a crowded intersection.
and next to somalia, and the attack on a u.s. military target. the terror group al shabab claiming responsibility tonight for two attacks. ho tofttse training site involving car bombs and a gun battle. u.s. air strikes then taking out ten militants,thut be were no u. the militants also targeting a convoy of italian peacekeepers here at home tonight, republican congressman chris collins from new york is stepping down ahead of an expected guilty plea in an insider trading case tomorrow. collins is accused of sharing information, inside information, in fact, from a bio-tech company that he served as a board member for, and then selling his own stock before it tanked. collins won reaction despite the scandal, calling initial reports of insider trading fake news. there is much more ahead on world news tonight this monday. the deadly pla crash. the rescue efforts right after. the plane going down in the woods, erupting into flames and foot rushing to the scene, trying to save the passe
metro north crash north of manhattan where the tired train conductor zoned out and four people died. and what happened in philadelphia, for some reason heading into that 50-mile-an hour curve that train was being driven at over 100 miles an hour. the cars flung off the rails. yeah positive train control would have prevented this crash too. but the system is not in place yet. amtrak has been slowly getting that system in place piece by piece, doing this here and that there. they have positive train control on on some of the tracks but not in philly where the plane crash happened last night. and so all of those people died. it is not installed for this area where the accident occurred, where the derailment occurred. that type of a system we call
it a positive train control system. that type of system it is designed to enforce the civil speed to keep the train below its maximum speed. and so we have called for positive train control for many, many years. congress has mandated that it be installed by the end of this year. so we are very keen on positive train control. based on what we know right now we feel that had such a system been installed in this section of track, this accident would not have occurred. had the system been installed, this crash would not have occurred? this is not a history and this is not hard. this is not rocket science. this is not curing cancer. we also know that we need to do it.
inside of the passenger cabin was crushed. you can actually see the metro link engine pushed inside of the passenger car. it must have been a very traumatic crash. friends and relatives rushed to local hospitals. some learning their loved ones were lost. one of my uncles is really injured. there s no word yet how or why this happened except to note the obvious. there is only one track here, and horribly both trains were on it. both trains were on the one track. what happened in that metro link commuter train crash in l.a. in 2008, what happened there was human error. the engineer who was operating that commuter train missed a signal. the train was operating the way it should have, the signaling system was operating the way it should have. there was nothing wrong with any part of the rail system, there was something wrong with the engineer. the engineer was on his cell phone, he was texting.