Years after launching its flagship Pixel 3 in India, tech giant Google has confirmed that it is all set to bring its next-generation Pixel 7 series to India. The Pixel 7 and Pixel 7 Pro will be available on Flipkart, which has been the online retail partner for the tech giant for all Pixel launches in India. 📲 Google Pixel 7, Pixel 7 Pro India Launch To Take Place Soon; Flipkart Availability Confirmed.
The leaks suggest that the Pixel 7 series could be powered by Exynos 5300 modem with a custom-made Tensor GS201 chipset. It will work on Android 13. For connectivity, options like Wi-Fi 6E, Bluetooth 5.2, NFC, 5G, and USB Type-C can be given in it. Talking about the price, it can be around Rs 67,500.