The Supreme Court on Wednesday allowed a plea by the central government seeking Rs 5,000 crore allocation out of Rs 24,000 crore, which was deposited by Sahara group with Sebi, to pay back to the depositors.A bench headed by justice M.R. Shah .
A bench headed by Justice MR Shah and comprising Justice CT Ravikumar passed the direction on the application filed by the government in a Public Interest Litigation by Pinak Mani Mohanty.
"The manner and modalities for making the payment is to be worked out by the Central Registrar of Cooperative Societies in consultation with Justice R. Subhash Reddy, former judge of this court, and Gaurav Agarwal, advocate," the bench said. 📰 Supreme Court Allows Centre’s Plea for Rs 5,000 Crore From SEBI-Sahara Fund To Repay Depositors.
The Supreme Court on Wednesday allowed a plea by the Central government seeking Rs 5,000 crore allocation out of Rs 24,000 crore, which was deposited by Sahara group with the SEBI, to pay back to the depositors.A bench, headed by Justice M.R. .