Chicago abortion facility closes permanently
February 1, 2021
The following e-letter was written by Suzanne and Pietrina Probst. God bless everyone involved in this pro-life endeavor!
In February 2020, Joe Lazar, a parishioner at St. Peter Church in Volo, organized and led the 40 Days for Life campaign at the Family Planning Associates (FPA) on North Milwaukee Avenue in Chicago. When the escorts at FPA realized that large groups of prayer warriors were descending upon their territory during the 40 Days campaign, they took a break and left the prayer warriors alone to pray and counsel women.
Through the power of the Holy Spirit, babies were saved during this campaign.
ECC names 2020 NISOD Award winners Clockwise from top left: Diane Flahaven, MS, math unit adjunct faculty; Peter Gray, BFA, transitions coordinator IV; Michelle Kershner, MEd, associate professor I of mathematics; Tim Moore, MA, associate dean of instructional improvement and distance learning; Pietrina Probst, MA, director of ADA and student disabilities services; Kelly Scott. Courtesy of Mark Carriveau/Elgin Community College
Updated 12/17/2020 7:35 PM
Five Elgin Community College employees have been selected to receive the 2020 National Institute for Staff and Organizational Development Award. The award recognizes outstanding faculty, staff, and administrators of community and technical colleges. We received many excellent nominations this year, demonstrating the outstanding work done on campus by our faculty, staff, and administrators, said Peggy Heinrich, EdD, vice president of teaching, learning, and student development.