Or reflect. Hi, everyone. Were here digging up soil because were about to plant a garden. I wont be satisfied, nor will my husband until every single veteran and Military Spouse who wants a job has one. At the end of the day, my most important title is still mominchief. [ applause ] in 2008, barack obama was elected as our 44th president and he and First Lady Michelle Obama went into the history books as the first africanamerican first couple. Now one year into a second obama term, the first lady continues her focus on Childhood Obesity and support for military families and access to education. Good evening and welcome. Well tonight is the final installment in our yearlong series first lady, influence and image and we finish with the current first lady, Michelle Obama. For the next 90 minutes well learn about her biography and her six years so far. Let me introduce you to the two guests. And theyre both journalists who have covered the first lady. Liza mundy is biographer and her 2008
You come into this house and there is so much to do with so much coming at you that there is no time to think or reflect. Hi everyone, we are here digging up soil because we are about to plant a garden. I wont be satisfied nor will my husband until every single veteran in Military Spouse who wants a job has one. At the end of the day my most important title is still mom and mom in chief. In 2008 barack obama was elected as our 44th president and he and First Lady Michelle Obama went into the history books as the first African American first couple now one year into a second obama turned the first lady continues were focused on child will be city support for military families and access to education. Good evening, and welcome well tonight is the final installment in our yearlong series first ladies influence an image, and we finish appropriately with the current first lady, Michelle Obama. For the next 90 minutes we will learn more about her biography and how she as approach the job in
Words of violence doesnt stop and a surprise maybe you can see there he left the white house and walked across to a church that had been damaged in the unrest us. Were broken and were disgusted and cannot normalise this pain not on the Entertainment Industry calls for a blackout daughter torchwood. Unprecedented night and the United States the protests continue for a 7th day of the killing of george floyd in Police Custody he died after he was penned down for 9 minutes by a Police Officer and official autopsy has now concluded his death was homicide involving neck compression and bears out the findings of an independent autopsy which said floyd died from. Lets talk about tonight chaotic scenes outside the white house. Police cleared a peaceful protest using tear gas and stun grenades at the moment that was happening in the garden across the sort of the white house president on a trump threatened to deploy the military nationwide unless a state Governor Scott the sometimes violent demon
A really stunning move donald trump left the white house and walked to a nearby church damaged and the young rest of us. Were broken and were disgusted and cannot normalize this. Entertainment industry calls for a blackout to on our shores floyd. Is better and president tonight and the United States is person has continued for a 7th day over the killing of george floyd in Police Custody he died after being penned down for almost 9 minutes an official autopsy has now concluded his death was homicide involving neck compression and that bears out the findings of an end dependent autopsy which said that floyd die from its success. Were chaotic scenes outside the white house and its police cleared a peaceful protest using tear gas and stun grenades. So they were doing that while the president was speaking in the rose garden at the white house he threatened to deploy the military nationwide unless state governors got the sometimes violent demonstrations under control he said it was his duty
Then he left the white house and walked to a nearby church damaged and the unrest plus. Were broken and were disgusted we cannot normalize this pain not Entertainment Industry calls for a blackout to honor george ford. Have another breaking news story were following for you as well irans foreign minister says the iranian scientist and prison in the u. S. Is now back on his way home serves us kaare had been pleading for weeks to be released from an Immigration Center after contracting kovan 1000. 00 he was in custody since 2017 while on trial for charges of fraud in selling state secrets skaro was acquitted last month but was transferred into immigration custody over an expired visa so would the parent way he is now on his way back home. An unprecedented night in the United States the protests continued for a 7th day over the killing of george floyd in Police Custody and he died after being pinned down by a white Police Officer for almost 9 minutes an official autopsy has now concluded