Words of violence doesnt stop and a surprise maybe you can see there he left the white house and walked across to a church that had been damaged in the unrest us. Were broken and were disgusted and cannot normalise this pain not on the Entertainment Industry calls for a blackout daughter torchwood. Unprecedented night and the United States the protests continue for a 7th day of the killing of george floyd in Police Custody he died after he was penned down for 9 minutes by a Police Officer and official autopsy has now concluded his death was homicide involving neck compression and bears out the findings of an independent autopsy which said floyd died from. Lets talk about tonight chaotic scenes outside the white house. Police cleared a peaceful protest using tear gas and stun grenades at the moment that was happening in the garden across the sort of the white house president on a trump threatened to deploy the military nationwide unless a state Governor Scott the sometimes violent demonstrations under control he said it was his duty to tell pollsters law and order country we cannot allow the righteous cries of Peaceful Protesters to be drowned out by an angry mob the biggest victims of the rioting are peace loving citizens in our poorest communities and as their president i will fight to keep them safe i will fight to protect you i am youre president of law and order and an ally of all Peaceful Protesters but in recent days our nation has been gripped by professional and arkans violent mobs arsonists looters criminals rioters and tiefer and others. And then a surrounded by the secret service the president walked across the street through the gate of the white house to go to a church that had been damaged and sundays protest he did not assess the damage should not go to the basement where thered been the fire he just stood there and held the bible so this church is part of the oppressed support diocese of washington the bishop or that diocese told the Washington Post she was outraged at the visit reverend mary on battle said i was not given even a Courtesy Call that they would be clearing the area with tear gas so they could use one of our churches as a prop everything he has said and done is to inflame violence we need moral leadership and hes done everything to divide us and its just used one of the most Sacred Symbols of the Judeo Christian tradition. Has been out at the protests in washington d. C. Where a curfew is now in place he sent this report were about 3 blocks from the white house the police have managed to disperse most of the protesters although actually im seeing a gathering a protest is now just behind us. And weve seen some police not to be moving in that direction. The core group of protesters however remains behind us kept a limb by limb by the police so the police were very careful to school the media out of the group home it kept a cool group of protesters look to be surrounded by the police and we assume that they will be they will be detained shortly but now we just have started off really as weve seen so often in these evenings a protester joined by one protester or what youll hear. Another note of protest you think the message is getting through. I think today when i deescalate situation the police i think that showed that at least some of them are listening yes we want to say all we want them all to listen we want them all to be involved in our progress but if they dont want to speak up if they want to comply with Police Brutality thats on them but those Police Officers were peaceful and that listened and that decided to compromise with us and this have us move backwards peacefully those are the kind of Police Officers we need everywhere because if not were going to keep having this problem were going to keep having to do these marches were going to keep having to chant we have to keep having to do all of this and were tired out of the protests carry on into our oldest record what we were people stop protesting. Change looks like the police Getting Better Mental Health care change the psych police being vetted more for further change actually looks like making sure that these men and women are ready to police the communities that theyre in thats what change looks like changes like prosecuting every single Police Officer with an unjustified Police Shooting and not sue them under the rug that is what change looks like we need to diversify the police force and the more people of more colors more genders more sexual orientations on these Police Forces or were going to keep running the same problems the bigotry in their oppression will keep going on if they do not have more diversity within their Police Forces they need Racial Sensitivity Training theres just so many different ways that this situation could be resolved that the president and the d. O. J. Have refused to do. Thank you very much. Robert station appears to have moved a little bit further down. Were few hours an hour into the curfew we will monitor the situation. So the queue that is the American Civil Liberties station says that it has responded to President Trumps approach to the demonstrations saying this deploying more federal troops to suppress dissent would be irresponsible and dangerous now levelheaded governor is asking for an even more militarized response to civilian protests against Police Brutality and systemic racism for good reason the president may not cause the country and its people even more harm. And the Presumptive Democratic nominee for President Joe Biden responded to trumps actions this way he said he is hes using the American Military against the American People he tear gassed Peaceful Protesters and fired rubber bullets for a photo for our children for the very soul of our country we must defeat him but i mean it when i say this we can only do it together lets go now to john hendren who joins us from minneapolis where all of this began so d unusual nightly curfew john i hear a lot going on behind the whats happening. Thats right richelle tonight the curfew began 2 hours later so its at 10 oclock local time instead of 8 oclock but the police have been cracking down as soon as the curfew happens or at least within an hour or so we are at ground 0 here on the far corner where you see that crowd gathering that is where george floyd spent his last moments in the near ground here just in to that cut food sign theres a mural a newly painted mural is a tribute to him and you can just see the hundreds and hundreds of flowers it has been left underneath behind that there was a crowd this is where it reached one of the main protests has remained these people are all in defiance of the curfew and theyve been chanting call and response chants like no justice no peace say his name george floyd now we dont know exactly whats going to happen but we know theres a pattern the 1st 4 nights the protesters dominated this streets there were fires set there was looting and that went on police could not even come in with fire trucks in order to put out those fires because this city officials told us later they deemed it not safe enough and so they just let those buildings burn well once the National Guard came in with an extra 1000 troops for a total of 1700 in addition to the hundreds and hundreds of police that were here that all changed they came in 2 nights in a row. Weird out the protesters immediately firing tear gas and rubber bullets i would call it indiscriminate they were not waiting for people to move people were peacefully sitting down and that was the polices way of getting them to move away so a number of people got hit tonight we expect this same thing to happen a curfew is a little later but the routine is likely to be the same nevertheless these people here seem determined to stay here until the police come so john lets talk about what happened to george floyd the killing of george floyd we all saw the officers knee on his neck for for 9 minutes but there were indications in the official 1st autopsy that there were they ought to try to allude to other causes that perhaps contributed to his death besides the knee on his neck now theres been an additional autopsy so tell us how all these things line up now. Thats absolutely right now the 1st we havent seen the whole official autopsy from the Hennepin County coroner but we know from the prosecutors charges that that autopsy concluded that he died of as not of as fiction asian but that he died of a heart attack that they also said that he had a couple of underlying heart problems that contributed to it but those charges also said that the coroners report said police did contribute to his death now the new autopsy the private autopsy that has just come out is much more direct it says that he died as a result of 3 officers kneeling on top of him not just the one with these knee on George Floyds neck but also the other 2 who had their knees on his back that compressed his chest and ways that he couldnt get air to his brain so what we have here are not really 2 completely opposite conclusions but one is simply much starker and stronger than the other and of course that is the prime. One that was sought by his family that concluded that not only did all 3 of those officers who were on the ground with george floyd contribute to his death but also that it was a homicide and still only one of those officers has been charged john hendren live on the streets of minneapolis john thank you very much. So there it is in new york have imposed a curfew on that city after large protests sunday largely peaceful but some of them did turn violent every else on its own society from new york so gabe what is it like where you are right now. Grove new york city is currently in curfew for the last 10 minutes or so to kick to cry it is mostly peaceful however we are seeing some protesters here in brooklyn and they are defying the protesters. Out on the streets here in brooklyn i would say there are of no no no 3 or 400. Peaceful if theres. No lack of lives matter. And they are here basically defies occur you not know what their plans are are you do not know what. Will come of this but they are clearly out here to try to scare you thats what theyre doing there are lots of police around here. But they are showing a lot of restraint right now theres riot police just you can actually lets turn around you can see to the right players are just on the other side of the story. Theyre showing a lot of restraint right now. Here in brooklyn. But there are many many officers out here but theyre simply just watching this watching very closely so they dont want to instigate anything so this is where were at right now ok so game to that point yes the officers are across the street now but there have been theres video of incidents where police are still being aggressive with protesters Peaceful Protesters theres been video of a Police Cruiser driven into people there was a lot of controversy about the way mayor bill de blasio responded to that picture particular thing so what are we hearing from the later said neighbor from the mayor of new york city from the Governor Andrew Cuomo about about what it is about the interaction between Law Enforcement and the protesters because the very thing theyre protesting is Police Brutality. Yeah thats right i think that there have been a lot of videos using heavy handed nature a lot of using tear gas and other. The governor and the mayor have both said that they do not do not condone any sort of always. Wrong activity of these protests however this is the 1st night of the curfew and they have double the amount of police on the streets tonight as one officer told me he said only out here to get the troublemakers is in his words off the streets he said were not looking to make any trouble were not looking to other than to look for the troublemakers but you know listen theres a curfew going on right now but the mayor and governor of new york of both said that they expect that the curfew will be enforced ok Kate Elizondo live on the streets of new york kate thank you very much so lets go to the other side and the u. S. To the west coast now there had been a series of protests throughout the day and Los Angeles Runnels has been among those protests set the scene for us from. The scene here is sunset boulevard with the sun going down and behind me rachelle you can see a line of people who have been put under arrest by Los Angeles Police there and. With the plastic handcuffs theyre being processed and waiting to be. Taken on board a bus and then presumably they will be taken to jail we dont know why these people were arrested there was a there is a chain drug store over there that was broken into and partially ransacked another Starbucks Coffee shop that was also smashed up police told us that there is active loot. In their words underway on hollywood boulevard really the heart of the sort of tourist los angeles so while earlier we watched very peaceful protests and police being very restrained here we are seeing that police are taking action to arrest people and there is some some ransacking and some stealing going on in the city of los angeles as we speak so. What is the governor and i have in our Gavin Newsome saying about whats happening about what he is saying or. Governor knew some spoke several hours ago he gave a very i think kind of emotional speech although he remained pretty calm. But he spoke about how the civil unrest and the overall problems that gave rise to it are not the fault of africanamericans is they are the fault of society as a whole he says its all of us and he said that it is it is no longer possible to simply work around the edges of this problem with you know a new law about Police Cameras or body cameras or or this or that he said thats like just pruning the branches the tips of the branches on a tree and you need to rip the entire plant out by its roots thats a very striking image and it was a. I have to say is a completely different kind of speech than one we heard from a president from a short while ago so were going to talk about that as rob thank you very much there on the streets in los angeles. Lets hear from a protester who was another part and another part of los angeles today has been out and eyes. Everyone here has either had some Family Member that was affected by these from these people im trying not to close it its literally years of oppression theres only so much people can take that are oppressed with this couple is that society all this this is what it breeds this is exactly what it breeds fed up people you dont want this to happen again this is been happening over and over and over again so now were all here we doing exactly what they gave us. They gave us this we dont want to be out here none of these people want to be the oh here. We already have enough to deal with here do you have enough to deal with with this pandemic so now were dealing with another one thats just been seen here from beginning of time its been 10 years the beginning of this country. Jason nichols joins us live now on skype from washington d. C. Hes a political analyst and professor in the after American Studies Department at the university of maryland appreciate your time there in much i want to start by talking about the language that President Donald Trump is using he calls himself the president of law and order not the president the United States or the president of law and order and then weve also heard language from some of the governor saying things like these are outsiders see that theyre doing cesar outside agitators is it just may address that hearken back to the language of the sixtys without. The whole. People like. It people throughout the south say oh yeah its not out yet doubly. It was never a Homegrown Movement and they always denied that and you know president you think law and order goes back to the sixtys and seventys and you notice he never said anything about reform about it after a tract when the actual issue i really think that this was an opportunity where you could have shown you ship he could have shown that he was a unifying president country instead use. Let me let me let me ask you there though can he really is it really possible considering is rhetoric and his actions for so long that he actually could make that pivot and it would actually even matter is it is it even possible that he has the credibility to that. You know so i dont think that there is. Im not sure that you want. Cant change any of this with with words and plot its. Pretty speeches or. Police officer is dealing with people while theyre protesting none of that is what people want people who want substantive change people want actual reforms and not just one or 2 here and there actual large scale reshaping of our criminal Justice System going from policing to incarceration and even going into things Like Health Care we need large scale reforms so i dont think that you know we would have hearings and. Read but i dont think we could have actually said something that would have been comforting to a certain part of the country now does he have credibility you know as a matter of fact one of my very Close Friends lopez was accused of committing a crime on a jogger in such a park and President Trump put it in papers calling for his death you know young black latino and so i said let me go there let me remind our viewers what were taught our International Viewers exactly what youre talking about this in this matters were talking about the central park 5 as theyre called 5 black and brown very young teenagers who went to jail for the rape of a white woman in the park they did not commit that rape they were later exonerated during that time donald trump was a businessman in the city of new york he was on television constantly calling for the Death Penalty for those young men he put an ad in the newspaper as such when they were exonerated he never once apologized i want people to understand that is what youre talking about. Absolutely and actually there was there were 6 young men its not very much known by friends even lopez took a plea deal so hes not usually included but there are 6 people involved in that bar that did not reveal. d prison for very long. Very long. But president hes called black people lazy laziness is a great in but black people he did not housing to black people it is buildings that the 1970 s. He has a long history of flat out racist but i still think of president United States people were looking for someone to say look we are actually going to make reforms were actually going to do these things and he didnt say that he said were going to bring in the military were going to bring in law and order and were going to treat you essentially the way people were treated in the 1960 s. And seventys and still and that is what were saying on on our Television Screens and Jason Nichols thank you so much for joining us from washington d. C. Appreciate it thank you thank you. Social media has captured thousands have been counter is between protesters and looters and play some feature white demonstrators committing violence and vandalism while ignoring blacks from appears for the Police Rather from black protesters to stop so thats opened a tense conversation about the role of nonblacks in this new fight castro has more. Oh a black woman tries to cry stop to a group of white looters and opened but the chaos drowns her out to be maddening a black woman who put in black lines letters to nonblack protesters vandalize a cafe but the africanamericans whose lives are actually on the line fear theyll pay little. Doubt doubt does break them oh you know what i dont mind that people couldnt come back we couldnt do it and in denver. Done what we wanted that black activist and School Board Director Tate Anderson intervened when he saw a white man defacing public property i do get very frustrated and. People of color are destroyed during a day or a day and we end up getting the blame for it but you didnt ask for it. Right the daytime protests organized by black civil Rights Groups have been largely peaceful across the u. S. But the nighttime rioting has involved people of all races the over the nonblacks are allies and marcus or even White Supremacists as some have accused is unclear. And we do not to write our arms our own stories and part of that is yet letting us you know worries for her because what the divisions here are not simple protesters of various races in washington d. C. Attacked a white man after he destroyed a sidewalk then they turned him into police. And a young white woman jumped in front of a young black man near the white house blocking him from advancing police the widely shared clip showed a moment of racial solidarity even as many black americans insist they write this chapter of their own history. Hi joe castro aljazeera washington. A black Business Owner has been shot and killed by police in kentucky on monday during the latest protest David Mcentee was shot when officers moved in to disperse a crowd during a curfew and Louisville Police say they were shot at 1st the police chief has now been fired into officers have been put on administrative leave with folks right now giving voice to not trusting Law Enforcement one of the most important things we can do to build that trust is to make sure that we are fully transparent right now about it and if it bears out. That actions were taken wrongly i guarantee you will act and luck strongly journalist covering the protests have increasingly come under attack by Police Officers even after clearly identifying themselves on sunday a cameraman for the b. B. C. Was rammed by Police Outside of the white house a reporter with vice film this moment when he was forced to the ground and pepper sprayed despite identifying himself repeatedly place fired pepper balls as theyre called with this reporter during a live shot a Little Kentucky others have been shot out with rubber coated steel bullets for target for linda tirado was partially blinded by one while covering protests and minneapolis on friday the same day a team from c. N. N. Was arrested on Television Live they were released a short time later in the states governor has since apologized already stuff is International Press Institute Board member she says journalism United States has been under assault for a while now. We have 1st amendment protection for journalists journalists are the eyes and ears built into the Us Constitution that the journalist would be a checks and balance on not only government but institutions the government as well including the police see have seen since the beginning of the Trump Administration a a widespread distrust of the press fueled by the president s own tweets in own words continuing calling the media here in the United States the enemy of the people and certainly putting down the role that that we play in the Important Information cycle getting information out to the world about whats happening so yes to answer your question there is sort of a feeling by local sheriffs as well as. Members of larger Police Forces that there is a bit of impunity that journalists are impeding the polices ability to do their job not understanding that the press has an Important Role and actually cant even protect the police just certain extent because they are filming everything. So the Music Industry is calling for a blackout tuesday a day of silence reflection and meaningful action to honor george floyd a number of major record labels a pledge to refrain from Business Activity and response to floyds killing and the protests and brokers says it wont release new music this week instead it will help organizations bailing out protesters who were arrested while exercising their right to assemble peaceably musicians and hollywood celebrities have joined the chorus of people demanding justice for george floyd stars like fiona apple michael b. Jordan. And Ariana Grande they join demonstrations at the weekend others have been sharing messages on social media calling on the Music Industry to take action to provoke accountability and change doesnt have artists are speaking out about Racial Injustice were broken and were disgusted cannot normalise this pain not only speaking to people of color if youre white black brown or anything in between im sure you feel hopeless by the racism going on in america right now no more senseless killings of human beings no more seeing people of color as less than human we can no longer look away george because all of our family and humanity hes our family because hes a fellow american Police Brutality been going on even even way before i was born but he has be it been more visual ever since you know social media started getting popular another way for the people to take power i dont want to make everything political but it is what it is its by bull and when i say body im not only talking about the president we could both for many years we go both for judges and we can also board for the as this attorneys yes we could both for these people for our county we sure can. I dont understand how that kid. There. Got 2. 000 c. To come this way. To. Look at the headlines right now on aljazeera at senate and president at night and the United States protests continue for a 7th day over the killing of george floyd in Police Custody their work chaotic scenes outside the white house and the police cleared a peaceful protest using tear gas and stun grenades that was all happening as President Donald Trump walked out of walked out rather to the rose garden to address the nation. He threatened to deploy the military a State Government governors cannot contain violent protests this past week as a nationwide demonstrations against Police Brutality most of the protests had been peace for but there has been some looting and some vandalism said it was his duty to uphold law and order. We cannot allow the righteous cries of Peaceful Protesters to be drowned out by an angry mob the biggest victims of the rioting are peace loving citizens in our poorest communities and as their president i will fight to keep them safe i will fight to protect you i am your president of law and order and an ally of all Peaceful Protesters but in recent days our nation has been gripped. By professional anarchies violent mobs arsonists looters criminals rioters and tiefer and others then surrounded by the secret service the president walked out of the front gate of the white house to go to a church across the street that had been damaged in sundays protests he just stood there with the bible that was it a photo op so the bishop told the Washington Post she was outraged at the visitor that she was not warned the president would be as she put it using the church as a prop forever Marianne Edgar also said everything the president has done is to inflame violence. And in minneapolis people have been holding a vigil at the site where george floyd died it was penned down for almost 9 minutes by a Police Officer an official autopsy has now concluded his death was homicide involving neck compression and it bears out what the findings have an end dependent autopsy which said floyd died from suffocation there so the headlines keep it here witnesses next as bombs continue to rain down on afghanistan civilians are paying the ultimate price they are completely forgotten and no one is listening to these people while those responsible operate with impunity this is about owning your mistakes this is about saying sorry and this is about accountability and then lastly on account of the war has anyone from the u. S. Military been in touch with you since the 9. Lines investigates afghanistan civilian most of the u. S. On a. School goes through the when they came out when i was your own i was still in the children now as you age and we use my. Interest to be. You know its over her to do it either

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