predawn raids on your home, they can throw you in jail, they can bankrupt you, they can ruin your business, they can threaten your family members, these are awesome powers and as more and more evidence comes out, it s becoming clearer and clearer that this whole russian narrative was formed by a phony dossier financed by the clinton campaign and then used in collusion with our justice and intelligence agencies to justify an investigation, and completely phony investigation that they then could lead to the press. that was used during the 2016 campaign to create the official patina of legitimacy to this russian collusion narrative and when that failed to influence the election, they then used it for the last two years to undermine this president. that s the real question and those are the reports that are yet to come out. jason: i think that is one
can throw you in jail, they can bankrupt you, they can grow your business, they can threaten your family members, these are awesome powers and as more and more evidence comes out, it s becoming clearer and clearer that this whole russian narrative was formed by a phony dossier financed by the clinton campaign and then used in collusion with our justice and intelligence agencies to justify an investigation, and completely phony investigation that they then could lead to the press. that was used during the 2016 campaign to creates the official patina of legitimacy to this russian collusion narrative and when that failed to influence the election, they then used it for the last two years to undermine this president. that s the real question and those are the reports that are yet to come out.
predawn raids on your home, they can throw you in jail, they can bankrupt you, they can ruin your business, they can threaten your family members, these are awesome powers and as more and more evidence comes out, it s becoming clearer and clearer that this whole russian narrative was formed by a phony dossier financed by the clinton campaign and then used in collusion with our justice and intelligence agencies to justify an investigation, and completely phony investigation that they then could lead to the press. that was used during the 2016 campaign to create the official patina of legitimacy to this russian collusion narrative and when that failed to influence the election, they then used it for the last two years to undermine this president. that s the real question and those are the reports that are yet to come out. jason: i think that is one
violations of the statutef regarding the handling of classified information, our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case. laura: there s nothing reasonable about a system of justice where at least half the country thinks the entire thing is rigged. the deep state that candidate trump up after it became obvious that he was going to win the nomination because they were terrified of even the remote prospect of an outsider becoming president of the united states. exonerating mrs. clinton was an essential step to stopping trump, but it didn t work. once trump won the presidency b they had to fire up the russian collision investigation via the phony dossier, the fisa court, and of course, agent muller halpin comic helping along the way. when that didn t work, after a
contact with him, contact with bruce ohr. writing his contact with christopher steele, who built this lying, phony dossier that now is debunked, giving information to bruce ohr to funnel to the special counsel robert mueller himself. we have that s evidence. oh, yeah. yes. and i think this goes back farther than that, sean. i think it goes back to 2015 when comey gave illegal access to the raw nsa data to three private contractors. i p would bet that one of those is fusion gps and that they were mining that data to createdo this phony dossier with christopher steele in the first place. and then recycled it through him. sean: two years, it s been trump-russia. they knewai from the get-go that hillary paid for russian lies that were disseminateded to the american people andnd then they used those lies that they knew were lies, never verified it. if they would have done their job, they sign off on it as gospel truth to get a warrant.