that will happen again tomorrow as this crisis shows little sign of improving. mike: we are waiting to hear from a special counsel regarding president trump s conditions on agreeing to an interview. the president s lawyers say they have given robert mueller their terms. we offered an opportunity to do a form of questioning, he can say yes or no. if he doesn t want to do it, he knows the answers to every question that he wants to ask. he s going to ask you did you tell comey to go easy on flynn. why do you want to get him under oath, does he think they re fools or do they want to trap them in perjury? mike: today president trump tweeted it s an illegal witch hunt by people who are totally corrupt and conflicted. it was started and paid for, phony dossier, buys a disgrace in so many lying and dishonest
remembers a conversation with the former fbi director one way, and the former fbi director remembers that same conversation another way, well, the president could then walk into a perjury trap. here s what the president said on twitter, this is an illegally brought, rigged witch hunt run by people who are totally corrupt and/or conflicted, started and paid for by crooked hillary and the democrats. phony dossier, fisa disgrace, lying and dishonest people fired, 17 angry dems, stay tuned. now, the mueller team and the president s counsel continue to go back and forth over the parameters of a sitdown. but while white house folks consider the pros and cons of the decision by the president to do that, some observers are convinced it ll never happen. i don t think it will happen. i think in the end there will be no sitdown, president trump will get on television and say i wanted a sitdown but mueller
million, which means there s about $16 million unaccounted for. that was unreported to the irs, so he s not paying taxes on that. a lot of that was money that he made from his work for ukraine overseas, and then funneled that through bank accounts in cyprus. we know that he used a lot of those funds to pay for that lavish lifestyle we heard about last week and early this week. things like his ostrich jacket that has gotten so much attention in this trial. who doesn t want an ostrich jacket? ashley parker, as this case moves forward, the question of whether president trump is going to be talking to bob mueller, it seems to be stuck in the mud. this is the president s tweet today. this is an illegal brought rigged witch hunt run by people who are totally corrupt and are conflicted. it was started and paid for by crooked hillary and democrats. phony dossier, fiesa disgrace and so many lying and sdis honest people already fired. 17 angry dems?
adam schiff. it s very hard to say on tv, it s a very risky move, but in all seriousness, okay. he s talking to a russian. he s getting opposition research that he hopes will kill off the president politically and then we got hillary s phony dossier. the media ignores at all, greg. this is beyond corrupt and they will destroy the president and his family in the process with no compunction whatsoever. there is no fairness and equivalency. i was amazed today when the new york times in their front page story declared without any evidence, without citing any statute, that it was illegal, that trumped our meeting. i will cite the law. the federal campaign election act specifically says a foreign national may volunteer services, attend meetings and provide information. it is not and never has been considered a thing of value under our election laws.
fact is i played the tape of adam schiff. it s very hard to say on tv, it s a very risky move, but in all seriousness, okay. he s talking to a russian. he s getting opposition research that he hopes will kill off the president politically and then we got hillary s phony dossier. the media ignores at all, greg. this is beyond corrupt and they will destroy the president and his family in the process with no compunction whatsoever. there is no fairness and equivalency. i was amazed today when the new york times in their front page story declared without any evidence, without citing any statute, that it was illegal, that prompt our meeting. i will cite the law. the federal campaign election act specifically says a foreign national may volunteer services, attend meetings and provide information. it is not and never has been considered a thing of value under our election laws.