Real estate promoter Ayan Shil, who was arrested by the Enforcement Directorate (ED) early on Monday morning in connection with the multi- crore teacher recruitment scam in West Bengal, was remanded to ED custody till April 1 by a special PMLA .
A major part of the proceeds of the multi-crore scam in recruitment of teaching and non-teaching staff in different state-run schools in West Bengal was invested in Tollywood film industry, the Enforcement Directorate (ED) told the special .
ED Counsel Phiroze Edulji told the court that that amounts as high as Rs 6.50 crore were transferred to a number of Tollywood actors and actresses from two bank accounts held by expelled and arrested youth Trinamool Congress leader Kuntal Ghosh over a period of time. One
ED Counsel Phiroze Edulji told the court that that amounts as high as Rs 6.50 crore were transferred to a number of Tollywood actors and actresses from two bank accounts held by expelled and arrested youth Trinamool Congress leader Kuntal Ghosh over a period of time. One