The National Investigation Agency (NIA) launched fresh crackdown against the cadres of banned Popular Front of India (PFI) and conducted raids at multiple locations across Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Punjab and Goa. aaa
should celebrate the courage and creativity the protesters have demonstrated, their desire to shape chinese society and determine the course of their own lies. what we have seen in terms of the reaction from chinese authorities so far is that there have been a number of arrests and widespread harassment from police in an attempt to tack down the protests. it is possible there will be an escalation in the crackdown, but that remains to be seen. ., ~ crackdown, but that remains to be seen. . ~ i. crackdown, but that remains to be seen. ., ~ ,, y crackdown, but that remains to be seen. . ~ i. , . crackdown, but that remains to be seen. ., ~ y . ., seen. thank you very much for your time. the world s largest active volcano, mauna loa in hawaii, has begun erupting for the first time in nearly 40 years. the lava flow is mostly contained within the summit, but nearby residents have been
Though the offices of Popular Front of India (PFI) in Coimbatore were closed following a five-year ban by the Centre, they were sealed by Revenue officials today.
"RSS should also be banned like this. In Kerala, both majority communalism and minority communalism should be equally opposed. Both the outfits have flared up communal hatred and thus tried to create division in the society," he said. Ban on PFI: Congress, Indian Union Muslim League Welcome Centre s Decision; Both Want RSS Also to Be Banned.