inland. it will bring rain and rough surf to coastal areas. now back to our program. for the first time in his 18-year struggle to prove that he didn t pull a trigger, eric glisten finally had his hands on a smoking gun. an affidavit from a federal investigator said eric was innocent. he asked if i had an attorney and i said, yeah, and he said, i promise you i will call him today. peter cross remembers that phone call. mr. o malley says, peter, i am with the u.s. attorneys office and we know your client is innocent. i thank god every day for john o malley. when i looked in that man s
berry s dead. next thing you know, she was coming across the street with a child behind her, she went to a neighbor s house and made a phone call, this being amanda berry, and then everything started happening after that. absolutely extraordinary. what is the general belief amongst journalists in cleveland who followed these stories involving predominantly amanda and gina de jesus, because they were the ones who got so much attention, not so much michelle knight for reasons i m sure will emerge later. but was the general feeling that they must be dead, that it had been so long with no real leads, that was the only conclusion people could reach? reporter: well, i think so. i think that is the conclusion that we always reach, whether it s in cleveland or any city that has a child or a young person or anybody missing for so long. you just don t believe it. it s like the young smart girl out there in utah.
who would ever imagine that these girls would resurface and yet they have and i think it s just an incredible story. people around here are just saying how astonished they are. you hear cheering. like i say, it s just like a carnival atmosphere almost, the people seem to be so overjoyed that this has happened. nobody, i m sure nobody expected this would ever happen. it s a fantastic end to a gruesome story. peter, stay with me. taking another break. john, you stay with me too, and also marc. i ll be back with more on this quite astonishing breaking story. we re awaiting a live police press conference and talk to reporters on the scene and many others. hey! [squeals] [ewh!] [baby crying] the great thing about a subaru is you don t have to put up with that new car smell for long.
lady who effected her own escape and she s had a very, very difficult life from the time that she was kidnapped as a little girl until she reached about 20 years old and now she s finally understanding and being able to reconcile the things that happened to her and put her life together. so we really have to hope that these girls, as john said, avoid the media and get the kind of psychological counseling that they require to be able to become productive and good citizens again. absolutely. very wise words. with me now is peter krauss, reporter for the cleveland plain dealer. he joins me by phone. this is a quite remarkable twist to a story that i m sure you ve covered for quite some time, peter. what can you tell me about the latest on it? reporter: well, what i can tell you is that it s almost like a carnival atmosphere on the street. there seems to be so much joy, so much happiness that these women have finally been rescued.
we re in the process of evaluating their medical needs. they appear to be in fair condition at the moment. reporter: can you explain where they were held? i can t go into any further specific details. were there any young children with them? babies? can you comment on that? i can t go into any further specific details. we love you, amanda! [ cheers and applause ] reporter: when amanda talked to you, did she feel any pain anywhere? again, i m sorry, i can t go into any further specific details. this is really good because this isn t the ending we usually