The Tablet January 8, 2021
The Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. is pictured in an undated file photo. (Photo: Catholic News Service)
BEDFORD–STUYVESANT Brooklynites in the winter of 1963 got a preview of one of history’s most iconic moments the delivery several months later of the “I Have a Dream” speech by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
On Feb. 10, 1963, the civil rights leader visited the historic Plymouth Church in Brooklyn Heights, which, a century earlier, became a rallying center for the abolitionist movement and a stop on the Underground Railroad. Its first pastor, Rev. Henry Ward Beecher, was a prominent abolitionist and brother of Harriet Beecher Stowe, who wrote “Uncle Tom’s Cabin.”
The Tablet December 23, 2020
St. Clare Catholic Church, Rosedale, had a joyous Christmas Ball last year but had to cancel this year’s due to the pandemic. (Photo: Wandy Felicita Ortiz)
ROSEDALE Looking back on 2019, St. Clare Catholic Church was able to accomplish a lot, according to Youth Minister Peter Damour. The parish experienced many firsts during its 95th anniversary that helped bring the community together and allowed children, teens, and young adults to have fun and grow in their faith …
The rest of this article can be found exclusively in the Dec. 26 printed version of The Tablet. You can buy it at church for $1, or you can receive future editions of the paper in your mailbox at a discounted rate by