significant. it may be but probably more to find out before i deem it as something significant yet. ari, if it is health, that s one thing. if it s not, could this also be the growing pains of a campaign? campaigns start off one way, often evolve into something else. yeah. this often does happen in campaigns. anderson, as james knows, campaigns are the most gruelling thing you can do. it s a labor of love and intensity. it s ridiculous hours, low pay, grinding work but ends in joy hopefully if you win. i m 50 and i m too old to do a campaign. it s a young person s business on the presidential level. i don t know the facts with ed. he s 68 years old. you have to keep an eye out for these things, especially michele bachmann has a history of not being able to keep a staff at her congressional office. let s see how this plays out. john king joins us as well. what do you make of this? as james and ari know as veterans of campaigns there are shakeups. this comes at a time w