just be the growing pains of a campaign? campaigns start off one way and often evolve into something else? >> yeah. this often does happen in campaigns. anderson, as james knows, campaigns are probably the most grueling thing you can do to yourself. it's a labor of love but intensity. it's ridiculous hours. low pay, grinding, difficult work and it ends, hopefully, in joy if you win. i'm 50 and i'm do too old to do a campaign. it really say young person's business, especially on the presidential level. i don't know what the facts are with ed. he's 68 years old but you have to keep your eye out for these things. michele bachmann has a history of not bag able to keep a staff at her congressional office so let's see how this plays out. >> joining us is john king. what do you make of this? >> as james and ari know, there are shakeups. this comes at a time when congressman bachmann faces rick perry into the race which has changed the dynamic and stalled her month. she has a lot to in south carolina and iowa, the most critical state. but, also, there have been some missteps. some silly, confusing elvis' birthday with his death day. some silly factual misstatements. some not so silly where the management of the campaign, staffers giving her bad information has come into place. last time i talked to ed rollins in an e-mail he said he was having a lot of fun but he has had some health issues in the past so i take them at their word but they've also had a question about management style and substance in the bachmann campaign. >> james you work on campaigns overseas. what do you make with how her campaign has been run? you disagree with her politically but what about her campaign? >> we know that michele bachmann, is not going to be the republican nominee. that's hard to work. it's hard enough to work on a campaign where you have a chance. it's really hard to work on a campaign where you know in the end you're not going to prevail. that could have something to do with it. ari is right. this is strictly when a campaign is a cause as opposed to something that's going to end in ultimate victory. you have to have a lot of energy and perseverance. i'm not surprised and i think john pointed out she's had trouble keeping staff at the congressional level and some people are hard to work for. maybe she's one of those people. i obviously don't know that much about her. >> to john's point, ari, about, entrance of mitt romney maybe i changing or stealing her momentum, do you think that's true? how big a problem do you think that is for her? >> you know, i think michele bachmann attracts people that work for her because they believe in her and she has this special appeal and charisma. even if you're working on a campaign that's not winning but she does have a chance. it's way too soon for anybody to say who's going to one the republican nomination. that fires up a staff and gets them energized. so i think you have to let this play out. if she loses staff at the end of the day it's not the worse thing to happen to candidates. many candidates go through staff changes. it's a regular part of campaigning. it becomes a test of who the cad is and how they persevere and move forward. newt gingrich is being tested on that right now. it's part of the adversity of campaigning that helps to prepare people to become president. one of the grinding facts about working on a campaign. we get to measure the candidates over time as they deal with adversity, whether personal nell or policy. >> james carville sl grinning like a cheshire cat so i got to ask why. >> i just said, she wasn't. it's pretty clear to anybody. i go back to my point. it's hard -- it's heck to work on a campaign that has a chance to win. it's mighty near impossible when it doesn't have a chance to win. ed, he's an old friend of mine, he's hardly idealogically -- he worked for christine todd whitman. christine todd whitman and michele bachmann are on a different planet if you ask me. aopposed to somebody committed idealogically to this. >> congressman bachmann and four other republican hopefuls spent is afternoon courting conservatives in colombia, south carolina, in a forum hosted by senator jim demint. who do you made the best impression for that crowd? >> i think making an important impression. i i don't know if i would characterize it as the best. governor romney was a surprise. senator demint is a tea party. senator demint supported governor romney in 2008 when the massachusetts health care reform plan was passed. now he says it's a different issue because it's a different presidential field. governor romney, with governor perry in the race, with michele bachmann's support among the tea party and the potential trin of sarah palin, needs to reach out beyond the moderate republican party. he needs some votes. maybe not a lot but some votes from the tea party and evangelical. this is a important statement from governor romney that he realizes he needs to broaden his reach and strategy. so he agreed to come here and then instead of sharing the stage with governor perry, governor perry had to go to texas because of the wildfires. we'll have to wait. three debates coming up for the romney/perry showdown. i think governor romney made an important statement by coming here today and saying -- i'm competing outside what many of you might have thought was my box of voters. >> rick perry took another swipe at mitt romney's jobs' credentials. many of the jobs he takes credit for in texas are in the public and not private sector. who has the edge in terms of jobs working the private sector? romney or perry? >> it's a fair fight. this is the stuff of which campaigns are made to see who can make their case stronger to the republican primary voters. governor romney has the case he has private-sector experience and he knows how to create jobs in the private sector. net job creation. governor perry has the experience of being part of the fastest growth of jobs in america in the last couple of years which is a significant accomplishment in this economy. and a tendency in republican primaries for voters to choose sitting governors because of their executive experience. so you've got what i think is a fair fight. i think if the issue is the economy and it certainly is the economy, these two are the ones to look for who can make the best tam kaine and best message to candidates. >> james, what do you think? >> i'm sorry, to the public. >> i think it's a fascinating race. what i like about it is that from everything i hear and everything a feel, these two guys don't much care for each other and that always makes for an interesting primary. i know that primaries sometimes, can be more intense in general elections. i think this is going to be, you know, a very intense fight and governor romney and perry are two different people and that's going to become apparent over the next month. it was unfortunate the governor had a good excuse. obviously, the wildfires with very devastating but they have thee debates coming up and one right here on cnn as i recall. >> that's right. and michele bachmann -- sorry -- go ahead, ari. >> i'm in the minority among republican observers. i don't believe there's a republican frontrunner. i think every candidate has sufficient strengths and weak bss nobody is in first place by enough to call them a "frontrunner." i don't count michele bachmann out yet. there's too much of a rubic's cube. >> you didn't name ron paul? >> he doesn't have the strength to go beyond hbase. but the top tier, michele bachmann, governor perry, and rick perry. and the campaign in new hampshire. possibly huntsman can conquer. there's too many dynamics in play over the next several months. >> this is something said michele bachmann said about how the federal government could save some money. >> areas of government would include, for instance, i believe that the department of education, because the constitution does not specifically enumerate nor does it give to the federal government, the role and duty to supertend over education. that's historically been held by the parents and local communities and state government. >> not surprising, that's been a long-held position among some republicans getting rid of the department of education. what else jumped out at you tonight? >> well, look, social issues are important to republican primary voters especially evangelical, 54% of the voters in the republican presidential primary in 2008 says they're evan gel can so there are going to be debates and questions about eliminating the department of education. whether there should be a federal constitutional amendment or leave it up to the states to allow abortion or same-sex marriage. there's no way to avoid it. republican voters want to hear the differences laid out. but there's a question, when republicans see the president of the united states, the democratic incumbent, there are some republicans that worry if they get too much national attention it gives the president to say -- these guys are too far right and they're talking about issues not relevant to the number one, two, three windy four challenges that the country faces right now which is the economy. so the issues today aren't necessarily the issues in the case of the social issues, certainly not the issues we'll be talking about a year from now at labor day heading into the final stretch. >> stick around, more on the story from ed rollins. he's on the phone. we're on facebook and you can follow me on twitter. i'll try to tweet some tonight. and later, texas, wildfires have destroyed hundreds of homes and are burning out of control. ♪ been torn apart ♪ got so many scratches and scars ♪ ♪ maybe time can mend us together again ♪ ♪ it's not what we've done but how far we've come ♪ ♪ i know that we will recover [ male announcer ] here when you need us most. with a verizon mobile hotspot, you can connect up to 5 wifi devices to the internet with lightning-fast verizon 4g lte speed. a gaming device. ereader. mp3 player. connect any 5 for wifi on the go. get the 4g lte mobile hotspot now for only $49.99. verizon is the place with the largest selection of 4g lte devices. on america's fastest, most advanced 4g network. handle more than 165 billion letters and packages a year. that's about 34 million pounds of mail every day. ever wonder what this costs you as a taxpayer? 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thanks for calling in. >> arounderson, i've been doing this three or four months now. i'm 68 years old. you know, i had a stroke a year and a half ago. work 12:00 and 14 hour days wearing. and i have great affection for michelle. i will do everything i can, it was always my plan to build a team, get to the straw poll. and kind of make a transition to get to the fall when she comes back to congress. so that's, in essence, where we are today. no conflicts in the campaign. i have great affection for her. i'll do everything i can to help her. still very much the team i put in place. i just don't have the endurance to go 12 and 14 hours a day, seven days a week. >> ed, you got more endurance than me. you can still box my ears. >> as long as you've been around i've been doing campaigns. it's a tough business. it's a young person's game. >> the deputy campaign manager is also stepping down. do you have a comment on that why? >> you know, david and i have been a team for a long time. we worked on the huckaby campaign together. his family moved back to houston and i think to a certain extent, he has two young children. he lived in new york before. just kind of -- it's a good time to make a change and once again, how she wants to structure it and who she structured it with are out of our players. but i think david just decided, we worked so well, he's a little worn ought, too. >> how do you think the entrance of rick perry into the race has affected michele bachmann's campaign? has it changed anything? >> sure, it has. rick perry is a very serious candidate who steps in. we now have two serious money people in the sense that mitt romney and him. it's a crossover. i think the debates will play a big role. the vast majority of people don't know who rick perry is, outside of texas. so we're sort of going after the same voter base. and i think to a certain extent, it slows our money down. it took a lot of the momentum that we would have gotten out of the straw poll victory. if we win the straw poll after eight weeks is unheard of and normally that would have given you a big gigantic boost. he steps in the race the same day so stlees a lot of attention on him. this makes it harder but at the end of the day he has to prove himself in a tough arena with debates and all the rest of it. she's a good debater. she'll do very well over the next six or seven weeks. there's a lot of debates out there. so my sense is -- i think legitimately, it's a romney/perry race with the leaders in the poll with the money. i think she's the third candidate at this point in time which is way different and better than we thought when we started this thing and she's very much in this thing and the key thing is to do very well. think of it as a marathon. it's a long time until voters cast their votes. it starts in iowa and she's strong in iowa. >> there are reports of strategic differences between deputy campaign manager and michele bachmann which led to him stepping down? true? >> there's always differences in a campaign. david did a superb job. he ran the straw poll. it comes down to time. it comes down to -- where do you put something? iowa? florida? south carolina? there's no strategic interest in the sense of what we should be doing or saying. it's just a question of how you use your time and resources. >> i know john king is with us and wants the ask you a question. >> sed ed is an old friend of af ours at cnn. you say it's right time but many people will say, no, it's the wrong time. you conceded governor perry getting into the race changing the dynamic and creates momentum. there's been criticism of congresswoman bachmann because of silly factual mistakes. confusing elvis' death with his birthday. for a candidate, who, a., has a new competitor in governor perry. and b., letting her tongue get ahead of her brain, now people are going to say she has a campaign staff shakeup. people will say, another misstep, another problem for congressman bachmann. do you think they will? >> probably. but i will be there every day. i talked to her today after she did very well in your forum in south carolina. i'm going to still be around and give her council. it's not -- it's just -- there's a difference between starting at 6:00 in the morning and going until midnight and making every decision in a campaign, which may have been my skillset 20 years ago. but today, my sense is my value is more or less giving her advice and council. what we're going to do is -- the campaign both from the fundraising and also, in the political side, and the key thing over the next couple of weeks is how she fights very effectively as she has in the past, the whole debt ceiling and the new budget and all those kinds of things, and essence, how well she does in the debates. that team is intact at this point. >> sorry to interrupt. how much more difficult and how different is a conversation with a republican fundraiser now as opposed to right after our cnn republican debate or right after the aims straw poll where people said, let's give her another look and she had juice and momentum. how much more difficult is it now, a couple weeks later to raise money when the perception of republic activists she stalled a bit? >> polls go up and down. i've heard you say it many times and no one understands the game better than you do. at end of the day, each has their own donor base. certainly governor perry being the governor of texas and raised enormous sumless of money has to put all that in place, too. he's a viable candidate. we'll see as we go through debates, whether people like him outside of texas. we don't know that yet. and i think to a certain extent, can mrs. bachmann sustain the good debate she's had and over time, like mike huckabee whose campaign i cheered four years ago, at this point in time he's barely known and he went on to win the a kwa caucus. the key is, where do you win? we won the straw poll. we put together a strong organization in eight weeks and that organization is there and we won the caucuses. we get a conduct out. he has to win somewhere. either against romney in new hampshire or in south carolina. obviously, we're going to compete for those places, too, particularly, south carolina. >> ed rollins, thank you. appreciate it. i know it's been a busy day for you, john. plets bring back in ari fleischer and james carville. james, you heard from our friend there. what do you make of it? zbho >> let's give ed credit. he's so honest. usually they make light of it. he gave very honest answers and i tend to believe him. he's 68 years old. he had a stroke a year and a half ago. given the pace of a presidential campaign, my gut instinct was right. at least health issues contributed to his decision. you never know what else goes on in a campaign and sometimes it takes a long time for the truth to emerge. the other thing i noticed was watching the tape of her on television, she's an energetic candidate. >> on the human side, people don't realize unless they've worked with this, how grinding and grueling it is. i have nothing but sympathy for ed rollins. his personal reasons are his personal human reasons. but the thing that raised my eyebrows is when he said this is a perry/romney race and michelle become man is in third, that caught me by surprise whp when you work for someone you typically would say it's per perry/bachmann/romney. >> i think he said that earlier and people are still making up their minds. >> it was the statement he made that it a perry/romney race and michele bachmann is in third. that's surprising to hear someone say that works for a candidate. >> nice to have all of you on. up next, texas on fire! wildfires burning across the state fueled by winds and drought conditions. no relief in sight. one man forced to evacuate his home may have said it best. you can smell the earth burning. also, it may no longer be a tropical storm but it continues to wreak havoc in georgia. look at lee's path just ahead. 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[ male announcer ] introducing cadillac shield. the most comprehensive suite of owner benefits offered by any luxury auto maker in the world. it's a monster and it is zero percent contained. that's how hey spokesman described a giant wildfire burning near austin. one of scorching bone-dry texas has burned about 25,000 acres and destroyed nearly 500 homes. 5,000 people have been forced to evacuate and texas is in the middle of a historic drought and they could use the drenching rains that have fallen on the louisiana and mississippi from tropical depression lee, but winds from that storm have fanned the flames burning into texas. tonight, firefighters are battling a dangerous and fast-moving fire just north of houston. cnn affiliated kprc reports it's burned about 1,000 acres and is threatening homes in a number of subdivisions. people have been evacuated but we don't know how many. so far thankfully no reports of injuries. a separate fire in the eastern part of the state killed a woman and her 18-month-old child yesterday. we're joins on the phone by the texas for rest service. we have mary. have you ever seen anything like this in texas? >> no, i have not. i've been here about 18 years and this is one of those things that you train for and you worry about for years and hope it never happens. but all the pieces in the puzzle came into place in n a very bad way this weekend. >> to hear zero percent contained is that still the case? have you made any progress? >> there's so many fires going on in the state and they are making progress on some of them. some of them they are not calling "contained" at all because they can't get around them. the winds have just not died down. >> yesterday we talked about a mom and her baby being killed. they refused orders to leave prp people taking the warnings seernsly? >> yesterday i was on fires and i talked to a lady and she said this was all she had, she wasn't leaving. it's a house. it's just a house. we just encourage people, that's our number-one goal is to protect the firefighters first, the volunteers that are out here. and fight these fires and protect the properties. but mainly, lives. you can replace everything else. >> i don't think a lot of people realize how quickly these fires jump from one area to the next and how fast they can move. >> these fires are like rolling. because of the extreme drought, the trees, automatic the fuel may look sort of green but it's not. it's like firewood standing there and this fire is rolling over it. it's just unbelievable. it sounds like a locomotive. >> is there something people can do so they don't inadvertently start other fires? >> you know, that's the horrible thing. these last couple of days we've seen people dragging chains and we've seen people pulling barbecue pits that have embers coming out. yeah, you know, we have to get the word out that there's so much you can do. most fires in texas are caused by people. >> and at this point, how are you device battling all this? >> mostly from the air. ground resources behind it but mostly we're dropping water and retardant and anything from the air is better than on the ground because it's a lot safer. >> the work of the men and women are just extraordinary. mary kay hicks, i appreciate it. >> if only tropical storm lee had made lawful farther west in texas it would be a different story. we have susan with our bulletin. severe flooding from the remnants of the tropical storm lee as you spoke about. it's blamed for at least one death in mississippi. a teenage boy is missing off the coast of alabama. the water is waist-deep in parts of louisiana and mississippi. and it spawned tornados near atlanta. four of them. officials say more than 100 homes were damaged because of it. in the atlantic. hurricane katia was upgraded to category 3 and maximum sustained winds of 115 miles per hour. forecasters don't believe katia will strike the east coast of the u.s. the postal service announced today that it may default on an upcoming payment of a retire yee fund contributing noun a health care trust fund by september 30th. if it does default they say there will be no interruption in mail service. and check this out. the black widow strikes again. sonia thomas, the woman in red, all 100 pounds of her, ate 103 chicken winni en wings in 12 mi. she won the contest last year by eating 181 wings. two more this year. she earned her nickname "the black widow" because she beats out the 'men. >> when did this become a sport? >> hot dogs and hot wings. robyn gardner. the man in aruba trying to get out from behind bars. and new surveillance video authorities are hoping will lead to a crack in the cause. and on a lighter note, tonight's rediculist revisits a story that inspired this -- [ laughing ] the chevy silverado. and not because of the awards or the accolades. no, it was good because you told us so. the chevy model year wrap up. get in on our greatest model year yet. just announced -- celebrate labor day with an additional $500 bonus cash. with all other offers, including the all-star edition discount, that's a total value of $6,500. ♪ our greatest model year yet is wrapping up. comes centrum silver, with vitamins and minerals balanced to support your energy and immune function. everyday benefits from advanced formulas. discover the complete benefits of centrum silver. "crime and punishment," in aruba, search forte missing woman is focusing on a grainy video after a car. authorities are looking for the driver of a white hyundai caught on camera drive being hind the restaurant where robyn gardner was seen. giordano has been behind bars and he says gardner was sbept out to sea while snorkeling and a judge rules that he can be held for another 60 days and today he appealed and there's not hearing on wednesday. martin savidge is in aruba. they released the photo of the white car hoping for new information about the driver. why is that so significant? >> you know, that photo is interesting for two reasons. number one, where that photograph was taken and when the photograph was taken. and as you point out, that's a security camera and it's grainy and it's hard to tell what it is. it's identified as a hyundai getz. popular on the island and popular with rental cars. it was photographed behind the restaurant where robin and gary had their meal on august 2nd. in the exact area where gary giodano says they were snorkeling. that's the where. the when? 17:59, one minute before 6:00, when he says they were back there snorkeling. so nears the whole premise. now the video shot shows that there was somebody else there. somebody else who could confirm that, maybe, he saw robyn and gary in the water snorkeling or not. or they saw the car back there -- or not. or that gary is telling the truth -- or not. which is why authorities so desperately want to find the driver. here's the problem. they don't see a license plate and they don't know who the driver is. if it's a local or a tourist so they're putting out the photo in both countries asking if you're out there, mr. driver, please, contact authorities. they desperately want to hear from you. >> and the attorney filed an appeal to the ruling last week that's keeping him behind bars for another 60 days. there's a hearing on wednesday. how likely is it that he could get out? >> well, if i was a betting man, i would say the odds are not high he's going to be released. but the reality is, you probably shouldn't try to guess what three judges will do. that's what he's going up against. the hearing will be at the prison or maybe in the courthouse. we don't know which. 11:00 in the morning. the attorney will argue that saying that there's no proof he president committed a crime. he was only the witness to a horrible accident. you can bet the prosecution will argue something different. either way, the judge also make a decision that day and they could, if it goes in gary's favor, that he could go home, he would be free, a day from now. >> mark geragos from l.a. laws are different in aruba. do you think they have enough to keep him another 60 days? >> if it were here in the u.s.? no. there, they have a little bit 'lax idea of what happens prefiling. so they may survive. although, i would not be surprised if they ordered him released. at this point they have two problems. one, was there even a crime? and number two, did he have anything to do with it if there was a crime and at least, it seems to me as an outside observer speculating that they come up short on both counts. >> it does seem a lot of this stuff is circumstantial at this point. no body. they don't seem to have much physical evidence. >> somebody disappeared. it appears that it could have been, at worst or best, i suppose, depending on how you look at it, an accident. is that enough to hold somebody for months and months and months? certainly it wouldn't happen here in america. but that's one of the reasons that you travel with a little bit of hesitation, i suppose. >> it does raise a lot of suspicion, mark, when, apparently, he had a travel insurance policy put out in her name. she must have cooperated with, according to the report from martin savidge. and he was the beneficiary, according to authorities, of her travel insurance policy. >> anderson, i hear this -- if you go back and look at your archives on missing white women, which cable news specializes in, it's always a default that there's some insurance policy or somebody alleges that. i'm never sure and i always take that with a grain of salt because i've been involved in cases where that wasn't the case. even if it was a insurance policy and it's traveler insurance and sometimes they charge it to your card and you designate who you're with as the beneficiary or cross beneficiary. i never give it to much motive even in terms of financial. even if there was insurance, who's to say it wasn't an accident? so far they don't seem to have anything other than just kinds of suspicion. i don't think that that's enough. >> martin, i was surprised to learn the body of a middle-aged man was found floating by people in a yacht around aruba. it doesn't seem in any way related to robyn gardner's disappearance. what are locals saying about the fact that a body which is found float something. >> if you were surprise we were shocked. all we heard was -- body found in the water. of course, we thought it would be something 'toe to the robyn gardner case. it's not. unfortunately, the tragedy of a local man that went swimming and drowned. but what this points out and locals confirm, the mystery of robyn gardner's disappearance, they say -- if you're drown on the island, you're in and around on the island. robyn has been missing since august 8th. >> we got to leave it there. martin savidge and mark geragos, thank you very much. amanda knox, the italian police rerespondsing. and the crisis is worse than thought. 750,000 people are in danger of imnents starvation. what you can do to help when we continue. supervisor is genius...i transfer. transfer! transfer! transfer! transfer! transfer! name is... peggy? 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>> translator: actually for the last six months he's been hill. the famine has tightened around us nobody has been able to help us. then we came here and now we're just hopeful. >> in the corner of a room, mohammed and his wife sit in silence. between them we know disa small pile of cloth. it turns out, it's covering the body of their son. his name was ali. he was just 1 year old. >> he came up from the area from al shabab, it took them so long to get out by the time they arrived there was nothing anyone could do for him. he died about two hours ago. >> what will they do for him? >> they don't have enough money to bury him. they're sitting here hoping that someone will come. in this situation nobody has any money but they're hoping that together, people try to put money in together when things like this happen and they can raise the funds, otherwise, they have no means to bury him. >> we helped that family but there are so many others in feed. 750,000 people according to the u.n. facing imminent starvation. right now we're joined from london. when we were in somalia with you a few weeks ago, the u.n. announce with they still don't have the money they need? >> this is something we kept coming back to again and again. you're two months into a u.n. call for assistance and they want $1 billion from the entire donor community and they still don't have the money and the funds being pledged that are in place, frankly, i think when you're talking about the world's largest economies are quite embarrassing. the u.s. has given just under $90 million. the uk has given $ 3 million. all the way down here you have someone like france, which has only given $6 million. when you talk about the fact that during those two months while the funds have not been fully raised, they've said that tens of thousands of people have died. we've had aide workers telling us that hundreds of people are dying every day. and half of those that have already died are children. >> to the thing is this is a significant time in somalia because of the harvest season. this is when, what, is this the planting time? >> yeah. we're just -- we're coming into the rainy season in october. actually, they're quite hopeful this rainy season might be a little bit better. you saw them. so weak and so utterly devastated. the aide agencies are worried if they can't feed them now he won't be able to plant. if they can't plant, they won't harvest and we'll be in the same situation the next time -- sorry, this year next time. >> some countries don't want to give money because of al shabab, this islamist group in somalia. they won't allow aid into famine-struck areas. they've outlawed inoculations. is is this still a legitimate concern? >> i don't think it is. we've been speaking to the red cross and they are the only aid organization in terms of the scale of the area they've been given access to by al shabab and they are trying to raise funds to feed 1.1 million people and they haven't managed to raise the over $155 million they need. so when donor countries say that you say, why haven't you given to the red cross? a lot of these people are going into the camps in kenya that have always been recruitment grounds for al shabab. and now al shabab are hugely unpopular because they haven't allowed foreign aid in. so if you think from the perspective of national interesting with when these people, sick, desperate and dying in camps and they think the world has forgotten about them, they're going to look around and say, maybe al shabab were right. maybe the west doesn't care about us? you'll see the militancy and the radicalization starting up all over again, anderson. >> many of you have asked us how you can help the victims. you can find a list of organizations taking donations online at cnbc cnbc/impact. >> here's susan hendricks with an update. anderson, the international committee of the red cross has been granted access to a detention facility in syria for the first time since the political uprising began in february. meanwhile, human rights' groups say security forces killed six people today. and 70 people were arrested when dozens of homes were raided in the province. we cannot independently confirm these reports. pakistan's military says a senior al qaeda lead they are want topped attack targets in the u.s., europe and australia has been arrested. u.s. says this arrest is a major blow to the terrorist group. in italy in a courtroom, amanda knox' appeal case continues. the italian prosecutors are defending the dna testing that linked the student to the 2007 killing of her british roommate. knocks' 'defense team argues the dna evidence used in the original trial is not conclusive. it's official, after weeks of rumors, carla bruni is pregnant and she says she will keep the child out of the spotlight. it will be difficult but she says she'll do what it takes. and addressing the whole "paying on a plane" incident. that's next on the rediculist. let's see if i can giggle some more. 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[ professor ] good morning students. today, we're gonna... a network of possibilities... ♪ in here, pets never get lost. ♪ in here, every continent fits in one room. it was fun, we played football outside. why are you sitting in the dark? ♪ [ male announcer ] in here, you're never away from home. it's the at&t network. and what's possible in here is almost impossible to say. time now for the rediculist. with great trepidation, i have to add garrard depardieu. when on a plane his fly reached a dangerous ault altitude when he unzipped his fly and paid. there's no video of the event. this guy is urinating on a plane and no one bothers to whip out their cell phone camera? the results publicity has slowed to a mere trick, thanks to depardieu, it's back because he made a parody 'video about the incident. but how seriously can you take yourms when a stream of your pee meanders through the business class. i'm sure the video will be great. nuance and subtle. >> ladies and gentlemen, we're ready for take justify. please replace your tray in the upright position and fasten your seatbelt, thank you. [ speaking in french ] >> okay. so it's in french. we'll probably be able to get gist, anyway. let see some more. [ speaking in french ] >> all right, stop right there. i don't care what they were all saying. i have some important questions that need answers immediately. one, can someone please tell me why he's wearing -- what is that? a viking helmet? he's a vieking from the neck up and tweedle defrom the waste down. is this some allison wonderland kind of thing? where is jerry lewis when we need him? i want to give up on the video but we'll give it one more go. [ speaking in french ] >> all right, so i'm told the costumes are based on a movie he's making right now. and we got the video translated and it was a whole schtick about how he wanted to eat wild bore and the flight aten don't told him he had to wait and then there was an announcement about himmaking an effort. i applaud the effort but i think there was a gigantic missed opportunity. master pee theater. ja cobb's bladder. "eat, sfla, love." golden globe or not, i still refer the re-enactment conan o'brien did by peanuts. >> witnesses say he got out of his seat, unzipped his fly and began to urinate on the carpet. . the flight was cancelled and the plane was taken back to the departure gate was depardieu was removed from the flight. >> that was a proper re-enactment of a

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