KUALA LUMPUR: Only 253,794 women out of some three million housewives in the country have registered for the Housewives Social Security Scheme (SKSSR) as of April 21 this year, says the Social Security Organisation (Socso).
RECENTLY, Khazanah Research Institute reported that although females outnumbered males in terms of enrollment in higher education, higher shares of male enter work right after graduation when compared with their female counterparts. In terms of finding qualified jobs, female graduates are also disproportionately affected by over-qualification, with more than half of them employed in low or semi-skilled positions in 2021.
KUALA LUMPUR: The Human Resources Ministry is expected to table two amendment bills this year to raise the Social Security Organisation (Perkeso) insured salary ceiling for workers from RM5,000 to RM6,000.
KUALA LUMPUR: Communications Ministry is finding the best solution to protect part-time media practitioners, film and music crews, and behind-the-scene production teams, says its minister.