KUALA LUMPUR: A girl can be as young as 12 to be eligible to sign up for the Housewives Social Security Scheme (SKSSR), says the Social Security Organisation (Socso).With the scheme acting like personal accident coverage, Socso said the protection is valid as long as the girl helps with simple house chores or provides care to her family members.
KUALA LUMPUR: Only 253,794 women out of some three million housewives in the country have registered for the Housewives Social Security Scheme (SKSSR) as of April 21 this year, says the Social Security Organisation (Socso).
The platform is set for the upskilling and upscaling of the Malaysian workforce, which currently has the opportunity to shine in a globalised world where technology and knowledge are available at the fingertips, says Steven Sim. The Human Resources Minister speaks to the Sunday Star in an exclusive interview about his first 100 days and the policies he’s working on.
GEORGE TOWN: A total of 405 housewives received benefits under the Housewives Social Security Scheme throughout last year, involving a total payment amount of RM1.094mil, says Steven Sim Chee Keong.
GEORGE TOWN, Jan 21 A total of 405 housewives received benefits under the Housewives Social Security Scheme (SKSSR) throughout last year, involving a total payment amount of.