And the state of the economy. The committee will come to order. The chair is authorised to declare recess at any time. This hearing is called Monetary Policy and the state of the economy. I would like to start by addressing the elephant in the room. This president has made it clear that he has no understanding or respect for the independence of the Federal Reserve. Doesnt fed, have a clue. Most lled at this time difficult problem for the u. S. Hes ing to media reports discussed firing chairman powell just as hes fired others he with. Not agree lets be clear. It is essential that the federal maintain its executive e from the branch. So i urge chairman powell and other Federal Reserve board overnors not to submit to the High Pressure tactics of this president who continues to push economic nd harmful and social policies. Another issue i hope chairman powell will address is facebooks recently announced with 27 other crip toe to develop a currency and digital wallet. And others have raised
Publicprivate partnership. This is 90 minutes. The subcommittee on space and aeronautics will come to order. Without objection the chair is authorized to declare recess on at any time. Welcome to todays hearing entitled returning to the moon, keeping artemis on track. I would like to acknowledge i appreciate the witnesses being here today. Mother nature is proving to be somewhat challenging this week as you can see by the turnout of membership. This has been hearing thats been much anticipated by the members in a very enthusiastic way, but you have to physically get here, and that is a challenge and the subcommittee chairman is in the air somewhere between here and houston, so the moment he arrives we will have a proper chairman to preside over this process. With that, i want to recognize myself for an opening statement. Good morning and welcome everyone to the science committees first hearing of 2024. Its fitting we are kicking off of the hearing on artemis given its importance to the
Holy see, thank you, sir, for your time. Guest thanks for having me on. Host well bring you now to the floor of the house. Theyre about to gavel in. Well bring you gaveltogavel coverage here on cspan. The speaker the house will be in order. The prayer will be offered by our chaplain, father conroy. Chaplain conroy let us pray. Gracious god we give you thanks for giving us another day. The members of this peoples house will be leaving for the memorial day recess. As they meet with their respective constituents, give them the gifts of wisdom and discernment that in their words and actions they will do justice, love with mersy, and walk humbly with you. May they also have the attentiveness that is called for to hear the concerns of those whom they represent. On this weekend especially, we remember those men and women who have given their lives in service to our country. Bless them with everlasting peace and give consolation and peace to those who mourn them. May all that is done be for yo
Cspan2s book tv. Transportation secretary elaine chao testified before a Senate Committee on the future of the federal Aviation Administration and the president s proposal to privatize the air Traffic Control system. This is just over two hours. Morning. I want to welcome secretary chao back today. This is her first time beforee the committee since being confirmed. Secretary, i want to thank you for appearing before us today to discuss reauthorization of thehe faa. We arend working hard on a bipartisan basis to produce a bill, hopefully during this work period. And we appreciateld the administrations engagement. Already this year, the committee has held hearings on a range of topics underpinning this legislative effort including safety, drone policy, rural issuing, aircraft certification, consumers concerns, and infrastructure financing. One of the key governance issues we have not yet focused on this yearld but which has been discussed extensively overall the last two years and whethe
Web actors, increasingly important, but we dont have strategies for how to bring them together. Watch after words, sunday at 9 00 p. M. Eastern on cspan to the tv. Transportation secretary elaine chao testified before the senate and Transportation Committee on the proposal to privatize the air Traffic Control system. [inaudible conversations] good morning. I want to welcome secretary child back today. This is her first time before the committee since being confirmed. Madam secretary, i want tong thank you for appearing to discuss reauthorization. R we are working hard on a bipartisan basis to produce a bill. Hopefully during this work. We appreciate the engagement. The committee has held hearings on a range of topics underpinning this effort including safety, drone policy, role issues, aircraft concerns and infrastructure financing. One of the key issues we have not yet focused on this year but that has been discussed atet pensively occurs in other parts of the world is whether the Uni