Holy see, thank you, sir, for your time. Guest thanks for having me on. Host well bring you now to the floor of the house. Theyre about to gavel in. Well bring you gaveltogavel coverage here on cspan. The speaker the house will be in order. The prayer will be offered by our chaplain, father conroy. Chaplain conroy let us pray. Gracious god we give you thanks for giving us another day. The members of this peoples house will be leaving for the memorial day recess. As they meet with their respective constituents, give them the gifts of wisdom and discernment that in their words and actions they will do justice, love with mersy, and walk humbly with you. May they also have the attentiveness that is called for to hear the concerns of those whom they represent. On this weekend especially, we remember those men and women who have given their lives in service to our country. Bless them with everlasting peace and give consolation and peace to those who mourn them. May all that is done be for your greater honor and glory, men. The speaker the chair has examined the journal of the last days proceedings and announces to the house his approval thereof. Pursuant to clause 1 of rule 1, the journal stands approved. The pledge of allegiance will be led by the gentleman from texas, mr. Olson. Mr. Olson will members, staff, and guests in the gallery join me in the pledge of allegiance. I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of america and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. The speaker the chair will entertain up to five requests for one minute speeches on each side of the aisle. For what purpose does the gentleman from texas seek recognition . Mr. Olson i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. Revise and extend. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Speaker, for 8 1 2 years i have worked for the best people in america. The people of texas 22. The people of texas 22 love their neighbors. They love their communities. They love life. And they love god. Texas 22 is katie. Katie is a senior at needville, high school. Three months before using her blue jay wings to fly into her future, god gave her a different flight. She fell out of a tree with a boy friend watching. She is now paralyzed from the aist down. Curry, her classmates, and whole town rallied around katie and her dreams. 12 days ago at her prom with kearney, she danced. Katie, i dont want to come between you and kearney, but i want you to be my date the next time President Trump speaks to this chamber in february of next year. Well lock this down at the knights of columbus on june 6 back home. Keep fighting knowing that god is with you always. On behalf of katie and blue jay nation, i yield back. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentlewoman from illinois seek recognition . Excuse me, the gentleman from illinois seek recognition . Ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. Revise and extend my remarks. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one inute. Thank you, mr. Speaker. I rise today in strong opposition to the budget released by President Trump. It is cruel and shortsighted. In the extreme cutting essential investments driving job creation, protecting our environment, funding breakthrough cures, and providing a safety net for the neediest among us. Among the most objectionable are the president s cuts to education. Funds used for College Work Study programs, loan forgiveness for those who enter public service, and dollars used for schools for Mental Health will not just be cut but be eliminated. Mr. Schneider for example 21st Century Community Learnings Centers which offered learning opportunities during nonschool hours for those in our neediest communities would be completely eliminated. We know these programs work. An evaluation showed Program Participation improved math and english grades by 30 to 40 . In my district uses these funds to offer an extended day program at seven schools to increase academic achievement and build life skills. Mr. Speaker, this budget irresponsibly mortgages our future by shortchanging our children. I urge my colleagues to reject this budget and lets Work Together to chart a path that ensures our nations prosperity. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from pennsylvania seek recognition . Mr. Speaker, request unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. Revise and extend my remarks. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. Mr. Thompson thank you, mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, this week we observe national e. M. S. Week to celebrate and unify and inspire the men and women of our nations emergency medical services. The theme this year is always in certificate virks which recognizes our e. M. S. Professionals and their Constant Service to communities throughout this nation. From a young age children are taught that in a moment of crisis they call 911. From illness to injury, whenever the world seems to be ending, society counts on the e. M. S. Personnel to be there. They are expected to work hard and be strong, especially in times of trouble. Mr. Speaker, as a volunteer firefighter, e. M. T. , and russ key technician with more than three decades of experience being on the frontlines of these e. M. S. Professionals, i can personally attest to their dedication to saving lives. The job of an e. M. S. Professional is not easy. It just as much compassion as it does courage. These men and women are committed to making the world better. I say thank you. Thank you to the e. M. T. s, paramedics, dispatchers, and supervisors across the contry. Thank you for serving. Happy e. M. S. Week. I yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from california seek recognition . Ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one inute. The new American Health care act, c. B. O. Score released yesterday reinforces that this bill is devastating to the american people. 14 million more will be uninsured within just one year, and 23 million more will be uninsured over a decade. Mr. Ruese mr. Ruiz it confirms that trumpcare would shift the burden of costs on to our seniors, millions of hardworking families, and patients with preexisting conditions. Those hit hardest are the people who need care the most. All while giving tax breaks to millionaires and billionaires. Whats more, this analysis debunks the gimmicks Republican Leaders try to sell us, saying the bill would do no harm to those with preexisting illnesses. Patients with preexisting conditions will have less coverage, be forced to pay more, and even be priced out of the market just as we expected. This is far too great a toll on the american people. And we must do better. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from new york seek recognition . Ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. Mr. Speaker, i rise today to honor the life of a dear friend and former colleague, Longtime Police captain richard walsh. For nearly 20 years i served as a federal prosecutor in Central New York. During much of this time hi the distinct privilege of working alongside captain walsh and witnessed firsthand his commitment to serving the city of syracuse. He joined the Syracuse Police department in 1970. Rising to the rank of captain of detectives. He led a very successful and distinguished career retiring in 2011 after 41 years on the job. On the day of his retirement, he was named the grand marshal of syracuse Saint Patricks day parade. A height of distinction for any Central New Yorker. In katko in addition to his efforts to keep our community safety, he volunteered countless hours to Many Community organizations including project hunger, Huntington Family certainty, and rape crisis center. Truly proud of his Irish Heritage and roots he devoted many hours to the irish fess sti val. A Founding Member of the st. Patricks day committee, he was a true definition of a public servant. He loved his work. He had the utmost respect of his colleagues and community, and he was relentless in his efforts to make Central New York a safer and better place. His kindness and again rossity will forever be remembered. May captain richard walshs name and legacy be forever remembered in the congressional record. Rest peacefully, my friend. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentlewoman from california seek recognition . Ask for unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the gentlewoman is recognized for one minute. Ms. Lee thank you, mr. Speaker. I rise today to with the call of action to make sure that the country recognizes that we have got to focus on and talk about the more than 20 Million People at risk of famine in south sudan, somalia, yemen, and northeast nigeria. This is a humanitarian crisis. Starving children and families are crying out for our help. Right now 1. 4 million children are acutely malnourished and at risk of death. Worldwide an additional 50 Million People are severely hungry, surviving daytoday on only what they can find. United nations is calling this the largest humanitarian crisis that has faced the world since the organization was founded in 1945. But, mr. Speaker, we can end this crisis if we just find the political will. Thats why im joining my colleagues in congress and humanitarian and faith leaders around the country to mark a global week of action on hunger and famine. Earlier this month we were successful in securing an additional 990 million for famine relief in the fiscal year 2017 spending bill. Thanks to a Bipartisan Coalition of members and our passionate grassroots organizations. But this is not enough. The United Nations needs 4. 4 billion by july to avert catastrophe. We need other countries to step up to the plate and we must absolutely preserve our commitment to addressing famine. We cannot allow the trump administrations proposed budget, which would decimate food aid, to be enacted. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from california seek recognition . Unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. Revise and extend. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. Mr. Lamalfa i rise today to note veterans bills passed by the house of representatives this week. Amongst the legislation are bills to provide the veterans with a cost of living adjustment for disability compensation, create a Pilot Program to explore magnetic resonant therapy as treatment for veterans, with Mental Health conditions. And streamline the disability claims process at the v. A. , amongst other legislation. Id like to specify ighlight specifically the v. Scheduling and accountability act. No less than 40 veterans died while on unauthorized waiting lists. Waiting to receive care they never government completely unacceptable. This puts in place measures to ensure every facility is in compliance with v. A. s scheduling policies and will withhold any awards or bonuses from any centers who fail to certify their compliance. Together with our new v. A. Secretary who we met with this week, im confident well continue to create meaningful reforms for the v. A. As we head into the memorial day weekend, this is one way we can honor veterans and those who have fallen for us. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from massachusetts seek recognition . Mr. Speaker, i request unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. Revise and extend my remarks. The speaker pro tempore without objection. The gentleman from massachusetts is recognized for one minute. Mr. Speaker, i come to the floor today to monor a constituent, friend, and beloved member of our community, henry tiamir. He was a resident of my hometown in massachusetts and the retired c. E. O. Of genzime, the biotech firm credited with launching the biotech revolution that leads the globe. He has been described as the epitome of a renaissance man and he embodied the nexus of business, culture, and civic responsibility. He also left a Lasting Imprint print on those he loved. His 16yearold daughter referred to him as the giving tree because of the seemingly Endless Energy he devoted to the causes he believed in and the lives he touched. At dinner the night he passed away, henry said to his guests, were getting older and running out of runway here. We need new leaders now. Mr. Speaker, we would all do well to aspire to be the kind of thoughtful, passionate, and impactful leader henry was. He saved countless lives and yet he was known for his modesty. Henry was one of the kind hest men i have ever known. Kindest men i have ever known and we will miss him. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from new jersey seek recognition . To address the house for one minute. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. Mr. Lance thank you very much, mr. Speaker. I rise today to welcome the veterans from Rolling Thunder to washington for their memorial day events. Veterans like gus dante of branch burton, new jersey, serve on Rolling Thunders national board. Every year he and others help organize events here in washington to commemorate those brave americans lost in war. For 30 years Rolling Thunders voices and motorcycles have been roaring in washington. And lawmakers and the new administration are listening. Veterans issues are front and center in the halls of congress and secretary shulkin is reforming the Veterans Administration to restore the trust Rolling Thunder and all veterans demand. Keep up your fight for the rights and benefits you have earned in the service to the nation. I am proud to join with Rolling Thunder in introducing two important measures. Legislation to end the 40mile rule for private care through the v. A. , and legislation to display the p. Powmia flag on federal properties. On this commemorative memorial day weekend let us all recall those who answered the call of service, especially those who did not return home. Mr. Speaker, i yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from new york seek recognition . I ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. Mr. Speaker, the trump budget is a disaster for the very people that the president claims he wants to assist. Mr. Jeffries, its reprehensible and regressive. The trump balance balances itself on the backs of working families, middle class folks, the poor, the sick, the afflicted and rural america. The trump budget fails to invest in education and job training. It fails to invest in transportation and infrastructure. It fails to invest in research and development. Instead, the trump budget would cut head start, cut medicaid, cut assistance to Nursing Homes. It even cuts meals on wheels. This is all being done simply to pay for tax cuts for the wealthy and the welloff. Lifestyles of the rich and shameless. The trump budget is a disaster and were going to do Everything Possible to vote it down. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman rom virginia seek recognition . Mr. Goodlatte mr. Speaker, i ask unanimous consent that all members may have five legislative days in which to revise and extend their remarks and include extraneous materials on h. R. 1973, and ask that bill be called up. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Pursuant to House Resolution 352 and rule 18, the chair declares the house in the committee of the whole house on for the of the union consideration of h. R. 1973. The achair appoints the gentleman from maine the chair appoints the gentleman from maine, mr. Poliquin, to preside over the committee of the whole. The chair the house is in the committee of the whole house on the state of the union to consider h. R. 1973 which the lerk will report by title. The clerk a bill to to prevent the sexual abuse of minors and amateur athletes by requiring the prompt reporting of sexual abuse to Law Enforcement authorities, and for other purposes. The chair pursuant to the rule, the bill is considered read the first time. The gentleman from virginia, mr. Goodlatte, and the gentleman from michigan, mr. Conyers, each will control 30 minutes. The chair recognizes the gentleman from virginia. Mr. Goodlatte mr. Speaker, i yield myself such time as i may consume. The chair the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Goodlatte today were able to continue our efforts in protecting children by passing legislation to protect Young Athletes from abuse. The country was shocked at the revelations in recent years concerning the ongoing abuse endured by Young Athletes at the hands of their coaches and trainers in u. S. A. Gymnastics and u. S. A. Swimming. These children were betrayed by people they trusted, by people they looked up to, by people who had a duty to protect them. Thats why im pleased to be on the floor here today in support of the protecting young victims from sexual abuse act. This bill imposes a requirement to report child abuse for those authorized by u. S. Sport National Governing bodies, such as u. S. A. Gymnastics and u. S. A. Swimming, to work with minor athletes or members of these governing bodies. As is the case with existing federal mandatory reporting requirements, these individuals will be required to make a prompt report to Law Enforcement when they learn of facts that give reason to suspect that a child has suffered an incident of child abuse. This provision will ensure that the malfeasance on the part of National Governing bodies, like u. S. A. Gymnastics, in failing to report allegations of abuse to Law Enforcement never occurs again. The bill further strengthens existing civil remedies for victims of sexual abuse who wish to seek civil damages from their abusers. The bill clarifies that once a victim has established a harm occurred, the court will presume damages of 150,000. It relaxes the statute of limitation standard for victims. The 10year period will now begin when the victim reasonably discovers the violation or harm, not when it accrues. It also extends the statute of limitations to 10 years after a legal disability is lifted. In other words, minors who are victims will have 10 years from the time they reach adulthood to file. Finally, the bill expands the authority of the National Governing bodies to develop practices, policies and procedures to prevent sexual abuse and clarifies the duties of the bodies in developing these practices. Sports have always been a central aspect of american life. Sports teach our children about focus, teamwork and leadership, and we should encourage our children to participate, to be a part of healthy competition, but in doing so we need to assure we keep these competitive atmospheres safe. I am pleased to see that the u. S. Olympic committee has helped to establish a new Organization Called the center for safe sport, to prevent and respond to emotional, physical and sexual abuse of Young Athletes. I want to commend the gentlewoman from indiana, mrs. Brooks, for introducing this important legislation, and i urge my colleagues to support it and i reserve the balance of my time. The chair the chairman reserves. Mr. Conyers mr. Speaker. The chair the gentleman from michigan is recognized. Mr. Conyers thank you. I yield myself such time as i may consume. The chair the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Conyers mr. Speaker, i rise in support of h. R. 1973, the protecting young victims from sexual abuse act, for several reasons. Most importantly this is a reasonable bill and is intended to help protect Young Athletes from abuse and preserve the sanctity of Sports Associated with the u. S. Olympic committee. The organization responsible for preparing and training Young Athletes who might one day represent their country competitively all over the world. Children deserve to fully enjoy the innocence of their youth by exploring the curiosities of the world, taking pleasure in the arts and participating in sports, free from hurt, harm or danger. Involvement in sports and instruction and guidance from adult coaches can positively influence a Young Persons growth and development as well as his or her potential for future success into adulthood. The sexual abuse of children in youth is intolerable in any context. We must take appropriate measures to eliminate it from youth sports. Such exploitation betrays and harms young people, and sometimes severely and irreparabley. Young people look to adults to protect them and keep them safe. We all have a responsibility to do so. With h. R. 1973, we have an opportunity to ensure that individuals abide by this duty. Existing federal law requires certain professionals, such as doctors, dentists, social workers, psychologists, teachers and daycare workers who regularly interact with children to report suspected abuse to Law Enforcement. While our discussion of this legislation today may focus primarily on sexual abuse, h. R. 1973 will require adults who interact with Young Athletes in connection to National Governing bodies of various sports to report suspected abuse of any kind. The need for this legislation is best illustrated by an ongoing scandal of widespread abuse and exploitation young gymnasts over the course of 20 years within the u. S. A. Gymnastics, a prominent governing body of the united committee. Ic many complaints of sexual and Emotional Abuse went unreported , allowing coaches, instructors and doctors to repeatedly victimize gymnasts as young as 6 years old. The shocking failure of anyone to report accusations to Law Enforcement or even keep track of complaints internally made it possible for some of these predators to commit horrific acts at several gyms in several states. For example, a cloud of allegations of abuse surrounded one particular physician in ichigan going back as far as 1997. Regrettably, allegations against him were not reported to Law Enforcement until recently. Following the first public complaint against him in 2015, more than 100 women have filed complaints accusing him of sexual abuse, and he now faces more than 20 criminal charges in both federal and state courts. While the u. S. A. Gymnastics scandal is unfortunate, let it be an example and incentive to prevent such pervasive abuse elsewhere. Accordingly, i encourage my colleagues to join me and my chairman in supporting this important legislation and, mr. Speaker, i reserve the balance of my time. The chair the gentleman reserves. The gentleman from virginia is recognized. Mr. Goodlatte mr. Chairman, at this time its my pleasure to yield five minutes to the gentlewoman from indiana, mrs. Brooks, the chief sponsor of this legislation. The chair the gentlewoman from indiana is recognized for five minutes. Mrs. Brooks thank you, mr. Chairman. I rise today in strong support of h. R. 1973, protecting young victims from sexual abuse act. Since my time as u. S. Attorney in the Southern District of indiana, ive been committed to battling Child Exploitation and abuse. Last year i was shocked, along with much of the country, when the Indianapolis Star published an investigative piece that exposed troubling allegations of sexual abuse at u. S. A. Gymnastics programs across the country. According to their report, over e last 20 years at least 368 young people, most olympic hopefuls, were the victims of sexual abuse at the hands of adults they trusted coaches, trainers, doctors and other adults associated with u. S. A. Gymnastics. They reported the abuse to u. S. A. Gymnastics, but unfortunately u. S. A. Gymnastics failed in many cases to report those allegations of abuse to Law Enforcement authorities. The article shed light on their stories and inspired the legislation thats before us today. According to more than 5,600 pages of u. S. A. Gymnastics records released by the indy star, some of the 54 coaches who had been accused of sexual abuse by Young Athletes in their care werent banned from gymnastics until years after their history of abuse had been reported to and kept in complaint files by u. S. A. Gymnastics. One u. S. A. Gymnastics doctor already referenced, dr. Nassar, stands accused of having abused young women and girls for more than 20 years. More than 100 women have come forward today to share their stories of abuse at his hands. I understand how challenging it is to share painful stories of sexual abuse, and im proud of these brave gymnasts who shared their stories. Stories that never should have happened, stories that went inexcuseably unanswered. Their stories demand our action and our attention, not only to provide victims with the justice denied to them for so long, but also to protect future generation of olympic hopefuls. I want to acknowledge the work of senator feinstein of california, who is leading this bill in the senate. My colleagues in the bipartisan womens caucus, specifically representative frankel of florida. I want to commend the chair and the Ranking Member of the Judiciary Committee and other members of the committee for taking the lead in protecting young victims from sexual abuse. Our legislation is an important step forward toward protecting these Young Athletes. It addresses that dangerous silence that as the indy star investigative piece showed plagued u. S. A. Gymnastics and other governing bose of our olympic sports. Bodies of our olympic sports. They face little to no repercussions for their heinous actions. The abuse should have been first and foremost prevented. The system utterly failed when the abuse was not detected and protchtly reported. Our olympic promptly reported. Our Olympic Committee failed and must do better and i commend them for their work now in working to do better. Our bill makes sure National Governing bodies entrusted with the wellbeing of Young Athletes promptly report allegations of sexual abuse and other abuse to Law Enforcement authorities and implement much stronger policies and procedures to prevent this from happening again. Most importantly, i want to applaud the victims who shared their story to protect others. I really thank them for their courage and for changing the lives of not only Young Athletes today but those in the future. I urge passage of the bill and at this time i thank the chairman and, again, the Ranking Member, for your leadership and i yield back the balance of my time. The chair the gentlelady from indiana yields. The gentleman from michigan is recognized. Mr. Conyers im pleased now to recognize the gentlelady from florida, ms. Frankel, for two minutes. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady from florida is recognized for two minutes. Ms. Frankel thank you, mr. Speaker. Good morning. Thank my colleague. Today i rise, i am the proud cosponsor of this important legislation thank my with my fr colleague from indiana, susan brooks. I want to thank her for her work on this and the judiciary leadership, and of course senator dianne feinstein. Mr. Speaker, imagine you are a 10yearold girl and you have a dream. Your dream is to stand on the podium at a summer olympics with a medal around your neck and you are saluting the american flag. And you are willing to do a lot for that. You are willing to give up all the kinds of things that little girls like to do in their youth. You are willing to spend hours practicing your skills. You get bumps and bruises, but it doesnt stop you. And your Parents Trust your dream to a coach you call grandpa. Heres the thing. Your dream becomes a nightmare. The protecting young victims from sexual abuse act comes after devastating reports that at least 368 gymnasts have been sexually abused by their coaches and trainers over the course of 20 years. Some were unimaginable. Although the usa gymnastics received allegations of abuse, they turned a blind eye. Why . Because it was more important for them to win medals and protect their star coaches. We read and heard lots of stories. Im going to give you an example of one trying to protect the confidentiality. By the time she was in seventh grade, a gymnast has developed an eating disorder. The g with the fact that coaches she called grandpa made her hate her body. By the time she got to college, she had difficulty maintaining relationships believing that she would never like being touched or physically embraced by others. Heres a postscript. More than a decade, the coach we call grandpa was able to move from gym to gym abusing girls and recording videos of them. He instilled secret cameras in changing rooms and recorded 469 videos of gymnasts. Many of whom were naked. Mr. Conyers mr. Speaker, i yield the gentlelady two additional minutes. Ms. Frankel thank you. The chair the gentlelady is recognized. Ms. Frankel thank you. So we ask we have to ask his question could these young girls been spared this trauma had proper procedures been in place . Of course today our answer is hopefully yes. This legislation is a step in the long journey to change to change the culture around sexual abuse. Too often institutions whether they are colleges, military, or here in this case an athletic organization, prioritize preserving their reputations and their brand over the people they protect. This legislation will require National Sports bodies like the u. S. A. Gymnastics to file reports of abuse as soon as possible. It will establish mandatory training. And require the enforcement of policies preventing reporting addressing these kinds of allegations. Protecting our athletes must be a priority. Let their dreams come true. Thank you. I yield back. The chair the gentlelady from florida yields back. The gentleman from louisiana is recognized. Thank you, mr. Chairman. Yield three minutes to the gentleman from pennsylvania, mr. Meehan. The chair the gentleman is recognized for three minutes. Mr. Meehan i thank the gentleman. I want to express my admiration and deep appreciation for the gentlelady from indiana for her leadership on this most important bill. This gives us a chance to do something which is to give a voice to those victims who have suffered in silence and yet had the courage to come forward and allow others who appreciation the depth of the impact that they have suffered, as well as an opportunity for us to assure that this kind of pattern doesnt repeat itself again. We know its a pattern because we have as aptly demonstrated by the speakers before me, stories of young women who have been victimized because they enter a trusting relation shfment one between a coach and person which that power dynamic is so unique, the young person putting their future in the hands which is exploited by that person in the superior relationship. We now have a chance to assure that that trust is no further impacted. Its not just that relationship. Its the longterm implications of it, which are so damaging. Working with the Pennsylvania Coalition against rape. We come to appreciate victims and how the psychological impacts including things like Substance Abuse and other disorders last for years. By the courage of coming forward it does not necessarily end that impact on them. In fact, its not just situations like coach and athlete. All kinds of trusting retionships can create a dynamic relationships can create a dynamic. One including something im working on. Massage parlors in which individuals who put themselves in a compromising position find themselves assaulted. Most recently i introduced a duty to report act addressing that kind of a violation of that trusting relationship. These are examples of opportunities for us to address once and for all the implications of people who are allowed to move from one situation to another when reports come forward and stop. We call that pass the trash. Today, today its time for our body to put forward the kind of legislation that will assure that there is a duty to report. So along with due process, there can be an internal investigation to assure and reporting requirements so these individuals are not able to victimize future Young Athletes and future people who put themselves in that position of trust. Mr. Speaker, i applaud my colleagues who support this legislation and i ask that we do so with a strong voice from this house. Mr. Speaker, i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back. The committee will rise informally to receive a message. The speaker pro tempore the house will be in order. The chair will receive message. The messenger mr. Speaker, a message from the senate. The secretary mr. Speaker. The speaker pro tempore madam secretary. The secretary i have been directed by the senate to in the house that the senate has passed h. R. 1238, with amendment, an act cited as the securing our agriculture and food act in which the concurrence of the house is requested. The speaker pro tempore the committee will resume its sitting. The chair the gentleman from michigan is recognized. Mr. Conyers thank you, mr. Speaker. Rereserve. The chair the gentleman reserves. The gentleman from louisiana. Is recognized. Mr. Johnson thank you, mr. Chairman. We yield three minutes to the gentleman from indiana, mr. Messer. The chair the gentleman from indiana is recognized for three minutes. Mr. Messer mr. Speaker, i rise oday in strong support of h. R. 1973, which aims to strengthen protections against child victims of sexual abuse. I am a parent. In fact today with me i have my son hudson and one of my daughters, ava. You know, mr. Speaker, sadly over the course of the past couple of years countless stories of Young Athletes being accused including in indiana have revealed glaring inadequacies in our law. These stories, many about coaches and doctors and trainers and other adults who have abused their positions of authority and trust to exploit Young Athletes. It these stories are appalling and as a parent gut wrenching. Every one of these kids deserve better. This bill aims to ensure that acts of suspected child abuse are properly promptly reported to an organizations National Governing body to make sure that these cases are immediately disclosed to local or federal Law Enforcement authorities. Sure this requirement being codified into law, predatory individuals can continue perpetrating horrific crimes against young atleets with relative impunity. In addition, this bill requires National Governing bodies to develop specific policies and procedures for reporting sexual abuse cases to Law Enforcement and to keep track of individuals who leave one facility due to complaints and then go to another facility to repeat that abuse elsewhere. I want to thank my colleague from indiana, mrs. Brooks, for her important work on this legislation. She is my kids second favorite member of congress. And for her hard work on this important bill to protect kids all across america from abuse. And i encourage my colleagues to support the bill. Thank you, mr. Speaker. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the the chair the gentleman from indiana yields back. The gentleman from michigan is recognized. Mr. Conyers thank you, mr. Speaker. Im pleased to recognize now the Ranking Member on the crime subcommittee on house judiciary , ms. Jackson lee, for five minutes. Ms. Jackson lee the gentlelady from texas is recognized for five minutes. Ms. Jackson lee i thank the distinguished Ranking Member. I thank the chairman of this committee and the manager of this bill. And particularly i want to express my appreciation to the bipartisan cosponsors of this legislation. The gentlelady from indiana, mrs. Brooks, the gentlelady from florida, ms. Frankel, for coming together around a concept of continuing to work to protect our children. And where we can find bipartisanship, that is really very special as relates to the message to the american people. The vicktism child abuse act of victim of child abuse act of it this requires that personnel and employees of National Governing bodies recognize by the u. S. Olympic committee to report suspected incidents of child abuse, including sexual abuse to Law Enforcement. And the importance of this is to cease, end, stop, never have again where those victims never report or hold it for years and years are impacted psychologically and impacted for the rest of their life. Really that is what has been happening in years past. This bill intended to protect Young Athletes who with great expectation and excitement and challenge and wonderment and those who aspire for the olympics, their early years, their desire to serve their nation. Because when they put their bodies through this rigorous engagement in sports, day after day, week after week, month after month, hour after hour, minute after minute, second after secretary secked, and deny themselves other extracurricular activities, they do it because of their passion for the support, for their recognition of excellence, but also to go to the olympics and make their nation proud. So what we have put them through with respect to not protecting them against Sexual Assault, severely undermines, again, an irrepresent pli harms them. H. R. 1973 we have an opportunity to ensure that never happens again. The need for this legislation is best illustrated by the ongoing scandal, widespread abuse and exploitation of young gymnasts over the course of 20 years within u. S. A. Gymnastics, a prominent governing body of the u. S. Olympic committee. Noted in particular physician starting back in 1997 who engaged in such activities, allegations against him were not reported to Law Enforcement until recently. And following the first public complaint against him in 2015, more than 100 women have filed complaints accusing him of sexual abuse and now faces more than 20 criminal charges in federal and state courts. Again, this legislation is to turn the light on to those who quietly abused these young men and women and did it with impunity, because no one would have provided or no vehicle was provided for these young people to be able to ensure that they would not be assaulted again. The integrity that we bring to this process with this legislation, the comfort that we give to families and parents when they entrust their children to those who are coaches, doctors, leaders of teams, sponsors of teams is vitally important, and the protections of this bill of reporting and ensuring that the t continues to stay on and the darkness never comes to that athlete who seeks the first place, second place or third place or even to participate they can do it with the affirmation that the nation believes in their protection and their security and that they should never, never, never face this alone. I rise to support the legislation, h. R. 1973, and i ask my colleagues to support this legislation. I yield back. The chair the gentlewoman yields back. The gentleman from louisiana is recognized. Thank you, mr. Chairman. I yield three minutes to the gentleman from minnesota, mr. Paulsen. The chair the gentleman from minnesota is recognized for three minutes. Mr. Paulsen i thank the gentleman for yielding. Mr. Speaker, id like to First Express my thanks and appreciation as well to the gentlelady from indiana, mrs. Brooks, who is bringing this legislation forward, h. R. 1973, which i am a proud cosponsor, the protecting young victims from sexual abuse act. Every year, mr. Speaker, thousands of amateur athletes, they again their journey with the goal of one day being able to represent the United States at the olympics. This journey is often filled with years of dedication and sacrifice, of multiple setbacks, all in the hopes of rising to the top of their craft. Unfortunately for some, this journey has also been scarred by sexual abuse. Often this abuse comes from those who are closest to our Young Athletes. These are the individuals that have been entrusted by families all around the country to look after them, to take care of them, to look at their loved ones during training. The house we are taking up is a step in the right direction to ensure athletes are better protected. It requires mandatory and immediate reporting of incidents of child sexual abuse to both local and federal Law Enforcement. No organization should be able to stand idly by when a child is placed in harms way and becomes a victim. The bill directs our amateur athletic governing bodies to implement rigorous training and oversight practices to prevent abuse of athletes in the future. Mr. Speaker, our amateur athletes and their families should never, ever have to worry about their children being abused by those who are closest to them, often in a very trusted relationship. We need to pass this critical legislation to give families the peace of mind and prevent abuse. I urge all of my colleagues to support this bipartisan bill, and i yield back. The chair the gentleman from minnesota yields back. The gentleman from min is minnesota is recognized. Mr. Conyers thank you, mr. Speaker. Im prepared to make Closing Remarks if my manager of the other side is ready as well. We have no further speakers, mr. Chairman. Prepared to close. The chair the gentleman from minnesota is recognized. Mr. Conyers thank you, mr. Speaker. Let me close by saying that the protecting young victims from sexual abuse is a necessary measure that will help ensure Young Athletes in this country are able to pursue their a safe dreams in environment and free of exploitation and abuse. Training on like. S, doctors and the this bill establishes remedies for those who might be harmed and this bill has training and oversight to encourage compliance, vigilance and protection. I thank chairman goodlatte for facilitating the prompt consideration of this bill in the Judiciary Committee. I also want to recognize leadership of senator feinstein, the Ranking Member of the senate Judiciary Committee, who authored the Senate Version of this bill and whos been the leading voice in congress in demanding we address these issues. Finally, i note that this important Bipartisan Legislation is supported by many advocacy groups, including the National Center for missing and exploited children, the National Childrens alliance, the National Center for victims of crime, rape, abuse and incest, national network, and the United States Olympic Committee as well as several of its National Governing bodies. For the foregoing reasons, i urge all my colleagues to join and supporting h. R. 1973, i yield back the balance of my time. The chair the gentleman from michigan yields. The gentleman from louisiana is recognized. Thank you, mr. Chairman. And i thank mr. Conyers, ms. Jackson lee and all those who have spoken in support of this bill this morning, the protecting young victims from sexual abuse act is exactly as been described. Mr. Johnson its an important for us in a bipartisan consensus weve reached to protect our Young Athletes. Its been articulated whats behind the bill and its a proud moment as we stand for these Young Athletes to defend them as they perform and use their godgiven talents that make our nation so proud. So without belaboring the point, mr. Chairman, i just want to commend, again, mrs. Brooks for introducing this important legislation and we also urge all our colleagues to support it. With that i yield back the balance of my time. The chair the gentleman from louisiana yields. All time for general debate has expired. Pursuant to the rule, the bill shall be considered for amendment under the fiveminute rule. In lieu of the amendment in the nature of a substitute recommended by the committee on the judiciary printed in the bill, it shall be in order to consider as an original bill for the purpose of amendment under the fiveminute rule an amendment in the nature of a substitute consisting of the text of rules Committee Print 11520. That amendment in the nature of a substitute shall be considered as read. No amendment to that amendment in the nature of a substitute shall be considered in order except those printed in part a 115152. Report each such amendment may be offered only in the order printed in the report by a member designated in the report, shall be considered as read, shall be debatable for the time specified in the report equally divided and controlled by the proponent and an opponent, shall be subject to an amendment and shall not be subject to a demand for division of the question. Its now in order to consider amendment number 1 printed in part a of house report 115152. For what purpose does the gentleman from louisiana seek recognition . Mr. Johnson thank you, mr. Chairman. I rise as the designee of chairman goodlatte, and i have an amendment at the desk. The chair the clerk will designate the amendment. The clerk amendment number 1 printed in part a of house report 115152 offered by mr. Johnson of louisiana. The chair pursuant to House Resolution 352, the gentleman from louisiana, mr. Johnson, and a member opposed, will control five minutes. The chair recognizes the gentleman from louisiana. Mr. Johnson thank you, mr. Chairman, and i yield myself such time as i may consume. Im happy to introduce this managers amendment to h. R. 1973, the protecting young victims from sexual abuse act. This amendment is very simple. It defines who is covered by the mandatory reporting requirement in the underlying bill. The definition harmonizes language with the underlying statute, defining this class, not by location, but by simply keeping the jurisdictional reference where it belongs, in the National Governing body or a member of the National Governing body. The amendment also defines the term event to include travel, practice, competition and health or medical treatment. This definition is important as events in u. S. A. Gymnastics revealed abuse by team dr. Larry nassar who molested young girls under the guise of medical treatment. It sometimes took place during travel to various competitions. The amendment also clarifies duties of National Governing bodies and under the amendment, National Governing bodies must implement reasonable procedures designed to avoid oneonone interactions between minors and adults that are not within an observable or interruptable distance. This amendment assures that the 47 different National Governing bodies can implement procedures that make sense given the sport they cover. The reach of their influence and the Resources Available to them. With that, mr. Chairman, i reserve the balance of my time. The chair the gentleman from louisiana reserves his time. For what purpose does the gentleman from michigan seek recognition . Mr. Conyers mr. Speaker, i rise in opposition to claim time in opposition although i do not oppose the bill or the amendment. The chair without objection, the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Conyers i yield myself such time as i may consume. And i rise in support of the amendment offered by the gentleman and point out this amendment addresses the provisions in the bill concerning oneonone interactions between Young Athletes and the adults who work with them. The existing version of the bill requires the National Governing bodies instruct coaches, instructors, doctors and the like to avoid oneonone situations with Young Athletes that cannot be observed or interrupted by another adult. Under the proposed change, National Governing bodies will be required to institute and enforce reasonable procedures designed to avoid oneonone interactions between Young Athletes and their coaches, instructors and doctors that could not be observed or interrupted by another adult. Mr. Goodlattes amendment also harmonizes language used in the bill with language in the underlying statute and makes technical and conforming changes. I support this amendment and the changes it makes to enhance h. R. 1973, and i look forward to further discussions of these provisions with the senate with the goal of producing a onsensus bill for enactment. I am pleased to reserve so that ms. Jackson lee can speak for one minute. The chair the gentleman reserves. The gentleman from louisiana is recognized. Mr. Johnson i reserve at this time, mr. Chairman. The chair the gentleman from louisiana reserves. The gentleman from michigan is recognized. Mr. Conyers im pleased to recognize the gentlelady from texas, ms. Jackson lee, for one minute. Ms. Jackson lee yes. Im pleased to join the gentleman from louisiana and the Ranking Member from michigan in support of this amendment. I think it has an underlying premise that we should all celebrate and attempt to ensure that it is in place. I, too, agree that i look forward to reconciling the house and senate bill, but the amendment specifically addresses the provisions in the bill concerning oneonone interactions between Young Athletes and the adults who they work with, and i believe the clear understanding is that we all hope can be implemented is that we dont have oneonone interactions without overall supervision or other kids or other adult participants so we do not create an atmosphere where a child can be atim dated or abused. National governing intimidated or abused. National governing bodies will have reasonable procedures designed to not have oneonone interactions that cannot be observed or interrupted by another adult. First of all, we know that the expans of sports is expanding. So many new sports, so many new opportunities for adults, many committed and dedicated adults but the real issue is to protect the children and so i rise to support the goodlatte amendment. I yield back. The chair the gentlelady yields back. Mr. Johnson i reserve, mr. Speaker. We have no speakers in favor of the managers amendment. The chair the gentleman from louisiana reserves. The gentleman from michigan is recognized. Mr. Conyers mr. Speaker, im pleased to yield back the balance of our time. The chair the gentleman from michigan yields back. The gentleman from louisiana is recognized. Mr. Johnson thank you, mr. Chairman. Just in closing, echoing what has been said already, appreciating the comments of my colleagues and acknowledging again, that the managers amendment is very simple. It simply seeks to clear up language and define these terms. Its a necessary alteration to the bill, and we encourage our colleagues to support the amendment. With that i yield back the balance of my time. Quoip the gentleman yields back. The question is on the amendment offered by the gentleman from louisiana. So many as are in favor say aye. Those opposed, no. In the opinion of the chair, the ayes have it. He amendment is agreed to. It is now in order to consider amendment number 2 printed in art a of house report 115152. For what purpose does the gentleman from california seek recognition . Mr. Costa i have an amendment at the desk. The chair the clerk will designate the amendment. Cloim amendment number 2, printed in part the clerk amendment number 2, printed in house report 15232. Presented by the gentleman from california. Mr. Costa. The chair the chair recognizes the gentleman from california. Mr. Costa thank you very much, mr. Speaker. As cochair of the victims rights caucus, along with we have n ted poe, over 70 members, bipartisan, to focus on protecting victims of crime. We also try to ensure that we h over 70 members, bipartisan, to protect the funding that goes for very worthwhile efforts for organizations throughout the country. And to every year recognize and honor those who stand out on behalf of victims of crime. And i want to commend the chairman and Ranking Member for advancing this legislation. As well as my senate colleagues, because there is a companion piece of legislation that is attempting to address this horrible issue in which you have so often Young Athletes, olympic caliber actually some who have participated in the eolympics, who at a very young age find themselves victims of these horrific crimes actually have participated in the eolympics, who threw no fault of their own. Through no fafflet their own. Sexual assault in any form is a horrible crime and it leaves a lasting damage to its victims. Sadly some victims of assault are children who may be incapable of truly understanding what is happening to them at the time. However, years later when this pore child comes to understand what happened, they are faced with the reality that someone who is supposed to be looking at their wellbeing actually betrayed them. This leaves a real and very lasting damage that can take decades or if not years for a person to deal with. In some instances Sexual Assault victims may not discover their injuries or the violations until adulthood. Years after the abuse happened, years after the processing of their own internal trauma, years after feeling Strong Enough finally to go public, a perfect example of this is in child pornography. How is a young child supposed to find, process, and accuse someone of a crime they simply didnt even know existed . There are legitimate constitutional debates dealing with the criminal and civil process. We understand that. Qurnt and future legal scholars will debate those. Im not a lawyer. Im farmer. But as a farmer i know that we should all be able to agree on one simple principle, that principle is these victims deserve their day in court. They deserve due process. Their time to face the person who assaulted them and to ask their fellow citizens or a judge for justice. It is our responsibility to do what we can to protect child victims and sure and ensure they have access to the courts. Thats what this amendment is all about. Mr. Chairman, i want to in the effort of comity to offer this amendment and ask unanimous consent to respectfully withdraw the amendment. But this is an issue thats not going to go away. I know there are different perceptions on how we deal with this. Mr. Johnson would the gentleman yield . Mr. Costa yes. Mr. Johnson i appreciate the gentleman from californias remarks and support for this important legislation. Victims of course should all have reasonable opportunities to seek justice and face their accusers in court. This bill is a good one and fair to all parties. I look forward to working with the gentleman to get it to the president s desk. Mr. Costa ill accept that. Continue to work with the gentleman. Chairman goodlatte from virginia. Because at the end of the day to have some success and move this forward were going to have to have reconciliation between the senate bill and the house bill in how this is treated. I would hope that we would gain that agreement. Then we could move the legislation for signature. I yield back the balance of my time. The chair the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. Without objection, the mendment is withdrawn. It is now in order to consider amendment number 3 printed in art a of house report 115152. For what purpose does the gentleman from arizona seek recognition . Mr. Speaker, i have an amendment at the desk. The chair the clerk will designate the amendment. The clerk amendment number 3 printed in part a of house report number 115152, offered by mr. Ohalleran of arizona. The chair pursuant to House Resolution 352, the gentleman from arizona, mr. Ohalleran, and a member opposed, will each control five minutes. The chair recognizes gentleman from arizona. Mr. Ohalleran thank you, mr. Speaker. As a former Law Enforcement officer i know all too well what happens when our institutions fail to protect our most valued and treasured among us, our children. The recent reports of Young Athletes experiencing Sexual Assault and abuse at the hands of trusted adults are not just abhorrent, they are unacceptable. Last year tragically one of our own young gymnasts in mesa, arizona, came forward after years of abuse by a coach at his gym. We must do better. No child anywhere should face the risk of abuse. Thats why im proud to support the bill before us today which will go a long way in protecting our Young Athletes. My bipartisan amendment, which is cosponsored by congresswoman sinema, and congressman biggs, simply builds on the underlying bills spirit by requiring National Governing bodies to clearly list information and resources. Which may include sexual abuse, assault, hotlines and victim support resources on their official websites. As a former cop who has dealt with vulnerable victims, i know from my experience that resources like Sexual Assault, hotlines are a critical tool between victims, families, local health providers, and Law Enforcement. Requiring governing bodies like u. S. A. Gymnastics to clearly list this type of information on their websites is an important step forward in ensuring support for victims and their families. As adults and parents, we place our children in the trusted hands of coaches, trainers, and others when we support and encourage their involvement in sports. We all know sports play such a Critical Role in so many of our communities. Its where we learn about teamwork, resilience, hard work, and perseverance. These spaces should be safe for children to learn, grow, and develop a healthy adults. We have a moral obligation to ensure our kids have protection and access to the information they deserve. My commonsense amendment helps do just that. I thank representative sinema and representative biggs for their support on this amendment. As well as the sponsors of h. R. 1973 for their good work on this important bill. I urge my colleagues to support my amendment and i reserve the balance of my time. The chair the gentleman reserves. The gentleman from louisiana is recognized. Mr. Johnson thank you, mr. Chairman. I rise to claim time in opposition although i am not opposed to this commonsense amendment as hes just articulated. I want to thank mr. Ohalleran and mr. Biggs for offering this amendment. It will help to prevent abuse at these National Governing bodies and encourage children to report abuse when they are able to quickly and easily access this information. I reserve the balance of my time. The chair the gentleman reserves. The gentleman from arizona is recognized. Mr. Ohalleran thank you, mr. Chairman. I yield the balance of my time to my distinguished colleague from arizona, congresswoman sinema. The chair the gentlewoman from arizona is recognized. Ms. Sinema thank you, mr. Ohalleran, for yielding and your leadership. Sexual abuse of any kind is abhorrent. It is particularly abhorrent when its conducted by an individual in position of authority, a coach, a trainer, a teacher. The community of mesa, arizona, which mr. Biggs and i represent, was rocked by a tragic event in which a young athlete was abused for at least three years before receiving help. Had he or other Young Athletes experiencing similar nightmares had access to resources and support, perhaps the nightmare could have ended sooner, perhaps it could have been prevented. Our bipartisan amendment is simple. It builds on a stre good bipartisan bill by requiring governing bodies to list dedicated information and resources for victims and families on official websites. No individual should suffer from sexual abuse. No family should go without support when they are in need. And i thank the two gentlemen, my friends from arizona, mr. Ohalleran and mr. Biggs, for cosponsoring this amendment. I urge my colleagues to vote yes on our amendment and support the underlying bill. I yield back the balance of my time. The chair the gentlewoman from arizona yields back. The gentleman from arizona. Mr. Ohalleran i yield back. The chair the gentleman from arizona yields back. The gentleman from louisiana is recognized. Mr. Johnson thank you, mr. Chairman. I yield two minutes to the gentlelady from texas, ms. Jackson lee. Ms. Jackson lee i thank the gentleman from louisiana for his courtesies. I wanted to enthusiastically congratulate and thank the gentleman from arizona, the gentlelady from arizona, and mr. Biggs for responding to their constituents in answering a question and that is, positively answering the question while protecting our young people. I spoke earlier today about what happens with young people and their aspirations when they engage in sports. They want to win but they also want to, if you will, to impress adults, to show that they can do the very best that they can do. I want to congratulate them for this amendment that advances the purposes and goals for protecting young victims from sexual abuse by requiring the National Governing bodies to include resources, information regarding Sexual Assault and having Sexual Assault hotlines and other Victim Support Services on their websites. With this new technology it will be at their fingertips. They dont have to in essence expose themselves. They can get this information. And readily access the very people that will help them. I want to congratulate the manager, mr. Conyers, and of course the chairman of the committee and the proponents of the underlying bill. I want to congratulate those, mr. Ohallerans efforts here is to be commended. Thank you for this insightful amendment to this legislation. The gentleman. Thank you. The chair the gentleman from louisiana is recognized. Mr. Johnson i yield back the balance of my time. The chair the gentleman from louisiana yields back. The question is on the amendment offered by the gentleman from arizona, mr. Ohalleran. So many as are in favor say aye. Those opposed, no. In the opinion of the chair, the aye vs. It. The amendment is agreed to. The chair the question is on the amendment in the nature of a substitute. So many as are in favor say aye. Those opposed, no. The ayes have it. The amendment is adopted. Accordingly, under the rule, the committee rises. The chair mr. Speaker, the committee of the whole house on the state of the union has had under consideration h. R. 1973 and pursuant to House Resolution 352 report the bill back to the house with an amendment adopted in the ommittee of the whole. The speaker pro tempore the chair of the committee of the whole on the state of the Union Reports that the committee has had under consideration the bill h. R. 1973. Pursuant to House Resolution 352, reports the bill back to the house with an amendment adopted in the committee of the whole. Under the rule the previous question soareded. Is a separate vote demanded on any amendment to the amendment reported from the committee of the whole . If not the question is on the adoption of the amendment in the nature of a substitute, as amended. Those in favor will say aye. Those opposed, no. The ayes have it. The amendment is agreed to. The question is on the engrossment and third reading of the bill. Hose in favor say aye. Those opposed, no. The ayes have it. Third reading. The clerk a bill to prevend the sexual abuse of minors and amateur athletes by requiring the prompt reporting of sexual abuse to Law Enforcement authorities, and for other purposes. The speaker pro tempore the question is on passage of the bill. Those in favor say aye. Those opposed, no. He ayes have it. The bill is passed. Mr. Goodlatte i ask for the yeas and nays. The speaker pro tempore the yeas and nays are requested. Those favoring a vote by the yeas and nays will rise. A sufficient number having arisen, the yeas and nays are ordered. Pursuant to clause 8 of rule 20, further proceedings on this uestion will be postponed. For what purpose does the gentleman from virginia, mr. Goodlatte, seek recognition . Mr. Goodlatte mr. Speaker, pursuant to House Resolution 352, i call up h. R. 1761 and ask for its immediate consideration. The speaker pro tempore the clerk will report the title of the bill. The clerk Union Calendar number 86, h. R. 1761, a bill to amend title 18, United States code, to criminalize the knowing consent of the visual depiction, or live transmission, of a minor engaged in sexually explicit , for other purposes and for other purposes. The speaker pro tempore pursuant to House Resolution 352, in lieu of the amendment in the nature of a substitute recommended by the committee on the judiciary printed in the bill, an amendment in the nature of a substitute consisting of the text of rules is ittee print 11519 adopted, and the bill, as amended, is considered as read. After one hour of debate, it shall be in order to consider the further amendment printed in part b of house report 115 152. If offered by the member designated in the report, which shall be considered as read, shall be separately debatable for the time specified in the report equally divided and controlled by the proponent and an opponent and shall not be subject to a demand for a division of the question. The gentleman from virginia, mr. Goodlatte, and the gentleman from michigan, mr. Conyers, will each control 30 minutes. The chair recognizes the gentleman from virginia, mr. Goodlatte. Mr. Goodlatte mr. Speaker, i ask unanimous consent that all members may have five legislative days to revise and and their remarks include extraneous materials on h. R. 1761. The speaker pro tempore without objection, so ordered. Mr. Goodlatte mr. Speaker, i yield myself such time as i may consume. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Goodlatte today, mr. Speaker, i rise in strong support of h. R. 1761, the protecting against Child Exploitation act of 2017, and urge my colleagues to do the same. Id like to note that may is National Missing childrens month, and today marks National Missing childrens day. It is an honor to be on the floor here today as we continue our mission to protect these innocent victims. We have made Great Strides toward ending Child Exploitation. However, gaps still exist in our laws that are contrary to Congress Goal of protecting children and criminalizing the production of images of child sexual abuse. H. R. 1761 takes necessary steps to close an unfortunate loophole created by a Fourth Circuit decision in united es v. Pal meano coronado palimino coronado, where a defendant was able to be free after sexual abuse of a child. Prince georges county Police Officers responded to a home in laurel, maryland, based on a report of a missing 7yearold child known as b. H. Officers found the child at the fence that separated her house and her neighbors house. Upon investigate it was uncovered that the neighbor, anthony palomino coronado, a 19yearold male, had sexually molested the child. Found the l the your hild found the person guilty for the purpose of producing a visual of the misconduct, in other words, child pornography. Incredibly, the Fourth Circuit vacated the defendants conviction, finding there was insufficient evidence the defendants sexual abuse of the 7yearold girl was, quote, for the purpose of, end quote, creating an image of such conduct. The court found that though the defendant engaged in Sexual Conduct with a child, quote, the fact that only one image was produced militates against finding that his intent in doing so was to take a picture, end quote. Essentially the court decided that the defendant had engaged in Sexual Conduct with a 7yearold and taken a picture but had not engaged in Sexual Conduct with a 7yearold to take a picture. To me, this is a preposterous, offensive result. Under the Fourth Circuits reasoning in palomino, a defendant could admit to sexually abusing a child and memorializing the conduct but could argue he could nonetheless escape federal conviction because he lacked the requisite purpose or specific intent prior to initiating the sexual abuse. Indeed, Defense Attorneys have begun to raise these palomino defenses in other courts. In response, h. R. 1761 establishes additional bases of liability to the crime of the production of child pornography. Specifically, the bill clarifies existing law by prohibiting the knowing production of or knowingly causing the production of a visual depiction of a real minor engaged in sexually explicit conduct. Additionally, h. R. 1761 amends current law to prohibit the knowing transmission of or knowingly causing the transmission of a live visual depiction of a minor engaged in Sexual Conduct while criminalizing the knowing creation of the visual depiction of a minor engaged in sexually explicit conduct. This language will serve to fix this judicially created loophole and ensure our court system will not have to spend time evaluating this meritless defense and make predators such as this will not be able to escape federal consequences. Mr. Speaker, with this bill, Congress Intent is clear. We must continue to protect our children, the most vulnerable and innocent members of society. I commend the gentleman from louisiana, mr. Johnson, a member of the Judiciary Committee, for introducing this important legislation, and i urge my colleagues to support it. I reserve the balance of my time pending which i ask unanimous consent to yield control of the time to the gentleman from louisiana, mr. Johnson. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the gentleman reserves the balance of his time. The gentleman from michigan. Mr. Conyers mr. Chairman, i rise in opposition to the measure and i yield myself such time as i may consume. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Conyers thank you. Members of the house, this bill restructures section 2251 of title 18 of the United States code as apparently requested by the unit at the department of justice that enforces the laws against child pornography. H. R. 1761 is intended to address limitations in the prosecution of cases pursuant o section 2251 as identified by the department. While we all agree that no child pornography offense should go unpunished, we cannot overlook the consequences of mandatory minimum sentencing. The on 2251a, prohibits use 2251a prohibits the use of child pornography and related conduct including overseas production and advertising child pornography. Pursuant to this bill, two new offenses would be added to this section to prohibit the production of child pornography and the transmission of live depictions of a child engaged in sexually explicit conduct, such as Live Streaming abuse online. This measure would also modify the existing offenses, prohibits having a minor assist in sexually explicit conduct for the purpose of producing or transmitting child pornography. As amended, this offense would prohibit having a minor assist in sexually explicit conduct that violates each of the three newly enumerated production offenses except the transportation of a minor for use in child pornography production. In addition, it would amend the prohibition against the production of child pornography abroad to forbid the live transmission of child pornography produced abroad. The jurisdictional requirement for each of the offenses enumerated in section 2251 except the production of child pornography abroad would be codified in a separate subsection. Other portions of the bill would be modified to follow the of structure of the statute consistency. Unfortunately, current law sets forth a series of mandatory minimum terms of imprisonment for production of child pornography offenses. First time offenses are punishable by mandatory imprisonment of at least 15 years. Offenders with a prior conviction face mandatory imprisonment for at least 25 years. Offenders with two or more prior convictions must be sentenced to imprisonment of at least 35 years. By modifying and expanding section 2251 to include several new ways in which to violate the prohibition against the production of child pornography, the bill would subject new classes of defendants to mandatory minimum sentences. Although the bill does not establish new mandatory minimum sentences, it would in this way expand application of the existing mandatory minimums which i oppose. Mandatory minimums have been studied extensively and found to distort rational sentencing systems, discriminate against norities, waste taxpayers money and violates common sense. Under mandatory minimum sentences, regardless of the nature or circumstances surrounding the offense, the role of the owe feppeder in the particular crime offender in the particular crime and the history and characteristics of the offender, a judge must impose a sentence set by the legislature. Even if everyone involved in a case, from the arresting officer, prosecutor and judge to the victim believe that the mandatory minimum would be an unjust sentence for a particular defendant in a case, it still must be imposed. Mandatory minimum sentences are the wrong way to determine punishment under this or any other statute. During the Judiciary Committees consideration of this bill, the committee rejected an amendment that would have eliminated the applicable mandatory minimums in the current statute but would still have allowed judges to sentence these offenders to lengthy sentences up to the existing statutory maximums. Because those changes were not made, the bill continues to present problems with mandatory minimums. And accordingly, i must oppose this legislation, and i reserve the balance of my time. The chair the gentleman reserves his time. The gentleman from louisiana. Mr. Johnson thank you, mr. Speaker. I yield a moment, one minute, to the gentleman from california, mr. Mccarthy. The chair the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Mccarthy before i begin i want to thank the gentleman for his leadership on this issue to help and save those who have been trafficked across not only just america but around the world. Mr. Speaker, they didnt list their name in the report. And that makes sense. It all happened before she even reached the age of 16. So to protect her identity they called her tonya. She ran away from home and ended up living with a man they called eddie. Eddie was the stepdad of one of her classmates. Tonya and eddie started a relationship. Tonya felt that she really loved him. Eddie took advantage of that. And he pressured tonya into a life no child should have to live. Tonya was saved in large part by luck. A tip to the police led to action by the federal special agent. And now eddie is behind bars finishing the second year of his 12year prison sentence. Meanwhile, tonya is just trying o return to a normal life. Mr. Speaker, i wish i could say this story wasnt true. That these fictitious names didnt reflect hard reality. I wish i could say it was isolated. I wish i could say that this type of thing doesnt happen here in america. But it does. It repeats itself with different details, more disturbing than tonyas story. In towns and cities across our nation. Its not just sex trafficking, its forced labor. Its exploitation. Its slavery. And every single instance cries out against the moral truth written on every human heart. Now, the numbers are staggering. 20. 9 Million People are trafficked globally. Of that number over a quarter are children. The majority are pressed to work for little to no wages. 4. 5 million of these people are victims of forced sexual exploitation. W here in america there were 7,572 cases of Human Trafficking reported in 2016. Thats an increase of 35 just of the year before. My home state of california is particularly dire. Of all the cases in the nation,323 come from california. Though we need no explanion for why were passing antitrafficking and exploitation legislation today, i think it helps that we understand the magnitude of this evil. We have in this body voted on 11 bills so far. Today well vote on two more by susan brooks and mike johnson. All together these bills address many aspects of this problem. International trafficking, recording and transmission of child pornography, abuse uncovered on the u. S. Olympic teams. The handling of trauma cases in our justice system. Now, i dont believe that these bills alone will end Human Trafficking or exploitation. In and of themself. But they will help. Theyll help prevent these crimes. Theyll help the victims recover. And theyll bring us closer to a world where every person, especially those who need us most, wont be abused. But will be truly loved. And i thank the gentleman for his work in this effort. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from louisiana reserves his time. The gentleman from michigan is recognized. Mr. Conyers mr. Speaker, im pleased now to yield to the distinguished gentleman from virginia, mr. Scott, five minutes. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Scott thank you, mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, i rise in opposition to h. R. 1716 and first want to point out that the case outlined by the chair of the Judiciary Committee that failed in federal court could have been brought in state court and the defendant would have been subjected to extremely long, lengthy prison time for the heinous conduct that he participated in. Mr. Speaker, this legislation expands the use of preexisting mandatory minimum sentences. Although the bill does not technically create new mandatory minimums, it does expose additional defendants to preexisting mandatory minimum sentences of 15, 25, and 35 years. While i support the underlying goal of punishing sex offenders, and they should be punished harshly, the use of mandatory minimums has time and time again been shown to be inappropriate. This expansion of mandatory minimum sentences comes on the heels of the attorney generals memorandum of may 12, 2017, which has been roundly criticized for directing all federal prosecutors to pursue the most serious charges and maximum sentences to include mandatory minimum sentences. This directive takes away from federal prosecutors and judges the ability to individually assess the unique circumstances of each case, including any factors that may mitigate against imposing mandatory minimum sentences. This law is sick ty appalling because it would create is particularly appalling because it would apply to people we should all agree should not be subject to these long mandatory minimum sentences. Im talking about teenagers. Eenage sexing sexing sexting is wildly popular. The judge must sentence them to at lease 15 years in prison. Thele law explicitly states the mandatory minimums will apply equally toon tempt or conspiracy. That means if a teenager attempts to obtain a photo of sexually explicit conduct by requesting it from his teenage girlfriend, the judge must sentence that teenager to prison for at least 15 years for making such an attempt. If a teenager goads a friend to ask a teenager to take a sexually explicit image of herself, just by asking he could be guilty of conspiracy or attempt antijudge must sentence that teenager toot least 15 years in prison. To at least 15 years in prison. I know the federal cold sexually explicit conduct includes actual or simulated. That means if a teenager asks another teenager for a photo simulating sex even if the minor is fully clothed that attempt would violate the law antiteenager must get a sentence of at least 15 years mandatory minimum for making that attempt. This law does not allow the judge to consider whether or not the conduct may have been consensual between minors. This circumstance is irrelevant when the sentence is mandatory. For decades now the Extensive Research and evidence has demonstrated that mandatory minimum sentences fail to reduce crime, discriminate against minorities, waste the taxpayers monny, and often require a judge to impose sentences so money, and often require judge to impose sentences so bizarre it violates common sense f we ever expect to do anything about the problem and actually address this major driver of mass incarceration, the first step we have to take is to stop passing new mandatory minimums or bills that expand existing mandatory minimums. Mr. Speaker, we have to recognize that mandatory minimums in the code do not did not get there all at once. They got there one at a time. We have part of a larger bill which on balance might seem like a good idea. Therefore the only way to stop passing new mandatory minimums is to stop passing bills that contain or broaden the application of mandatory minimums. Giving lip service to the suggestion that you would have preferred the mandatory minimum had not been in the bill, and then voting for the bill anyway, not only creates that new mandatory minimum, but it also guarantees that mandatory minimums will be concluded in the next crime bill. Mr. Speaker, this bill would not be controversial if it did not contain mandatory minimums. But unfortunately it does. So i therefore urge my colleagues to vote no on h. R. 1761. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from michigan reserves his time. The gentleman from louisiana. Mr. Johnson thank you, mr. Speaker. I yield myself such time as i may consume. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Johnson thank you. Im honored today to speak in support of my legislation protecting against Child Exploitation act which aims to close a Court Created loophole and as the title suggests further protect our children from predators. When i first arrived to congress after almost 20 years of litigating constitutional law cases and drafting legislation for municipalities to control the proliferation of sexually oriented businesses, i was deeply concerned to learn that this particular loophole even existed in current federal law, which essentially allow as child rapist to admit to sexually abusing a child and yet still evade punishment. The background is important to reiterate. As my chairman stated moments ago, this comes from a 2015 case, u. S. Vs. Pal leino where the u. S. Court of peals for the Fourth Circuit reversed the conviction of a child sex offender simply because the court determined the perpetrator lacked specific intent to record the disgusting images that were found on the offenders smart phone. This is despite the fact that the defendant admitted to sexually abusing the 7yearold child from next door and memorializing the conduct. At thatn its opinion the court decided the lack of purpose or specific intent was enough to overturn the conviction even though the defendant himself took the photo of the heinous act and subsequently admitted to sexually abusing this child. This is absolutely in clear contradiction of our responsibility and this Congress Intention to protect americas children. In scripture romans 13 refers to the governing authorities as quote, gods servants, agents of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer. I for one believe we have a moral obligation and as any just government should to defend the defenseless. My legislation presents a simple fix and updates title 18 of the u. S. Code to ensure future defendants are not able to circumvent the law by simply claiming a lack of intent. Especially after knowingly creating a visual depiction of a minor engaged in sexually explicitted conduct. My legislation ameant 2251 of title 18 to prohibit the production and transmission of visual depiction of a real minor engaged in sexually explicit conduct. It amends current law to include can prohibiting the depiction after minor assisting any person engaging in any sexually explicit act. Lastly to clarify the misinterpretation of the statute and not used erroneously to prosecute Internet Service providers when they have not engaged in wrongdoing, my legislation emphasizes to be criminally libel, an Internet Service provider must have knowledge that the child proper nothinggraphy is on the server and intentionally transmit that image or intentionally cause its transmission. We also take the step of prohibiting any criminal or civil liability for Internet Service providers who are required to transmit child pornography to Law Enforcement in response to a Legal Process such as a search warrant and Child Exploitation cases. Of course we would never anticipate a prosecution of an Internet Service provider for responding to Legal Process. Its my hope that explicitly providing for this immunity in the statute will further enhance the relationship between Internet Service providers and Law Enforcement to Work Together to combat these predators. In answer to the opposition that we have heard here, its important to reiterate this legislation does not create new mandatory minimums. However, id like to address the comments regarding the current law on mandatory minimum penalties under the production of child pornography statute. There is simply no evidence that federal prosecutors are abusing the statute and i think we should all recognize that producing child pornography is a horrific crime. It often means luring Young Children into acts that no one, man, woman, or child, should be forced to do. It is not a photograph of a new child that is something far worse. Each photo is a crime scene. Such a horrific act by the perfect traitor requires the maximum a legal deter reince. While mandatory minimums deterrence. Wild mandatory minimums have Child Sexual Exploitation is vastly under reported. The number of images of child pornography keeps growing and the images are becoming more and more depraved. The harm is too great to these victims not to have significant penalties available to deter this conduct and punish the producers of child pornography. Every time an image of child pornography is viewed, the victim is revictimized. Once its on the internet it is irretrievable. This permanent record can alter his or her life forever. Many victims child pornography suffer from feelings of helplessness, fear, humiliation, and lack of control given that their images veilable for others to view in perpetuity. These images are becoming more sadistic and violent. The age of the average victim is becoming younger and younger. It is a horrifying fact that is not uncommon for even toddlers and infants to now be subject subjects of these images. Its also important there is no confusion about one fact. The very creation of these images is repulsive. Regardless of whether or not the abuse was done with a specific intent of creating an image or the intent it memorialize this conduct was a secondary thought. Consider the facts that was led to this bill. An adult had sex with a 7yearold door that lived next door and decided to photograph it. Thats the production of child pornography. No one should be permitted to escape from responsibility to say they didnt have the the act of taking a photo or making a video is enough to demonstrate intent. Mr. Speaker, thats what this bill does. It is appropriate that we are doing all this on the day that we recognize as National Missing childrens day, and im going to urge all my colleagues to support the bill. With that i reserve the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman reserves. The gentleman from michigan is recognized. Mr. Conyers thank you, mr. Speaker. Im pleased now to recognize the gentlelady from texas, ms. Jackson lee, for five minutes. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady from texas is recognized for five minutes. Ms. Jackson lee i thank the gentleman very much for his recognition, and i thank the of nents and proponents this legislation because they have said much of the same thing. Stands 1 is a bill that against everything we stand against. It is for protecting against Child Exploitation, and we all agree with that. We agree as well that the bill has existing mandatory minimums and that the attempt of the proponent of this bill to ensure that the decision that occurred in palomino would not occur again. Some clarification has occurred and that is that the bill or the law now with 1761 explicitly prohibits the creation of a visual depiction or live transmission of a minor engaged in sexually explicit conduct, and that is, of course, a meritorious and unanimously supported position. The mandatory minimums continue and also are added to now a number of other offenses. As have been indicated, those offenses can be upwards of 20 years, and they can be for a variety of offenses added under this bill. So the bill is well intended and the initial prohibition could draw support in a bipartisan manner, but the continued adding of offenses to mandatory minimums rather than language that would have left the sentencing to the discretion of the federal court, which, by the way, many judges, federal judges have come to this congress and to the Judiciary Committee to ask for and indicate the value of discretion as it relates to their sentencing. This is not a Death Penalty case. So clearly the discretion of the court and the wisdom of the court could be utilized for the appropriate new offenses and the appropriate sentencing. So while the bill is well intended, it is overbroad in scope and will punish the very people it indicates it is designed to protect, our children. H. R. 1761 would expapped and modify the meaning expand child ify the meaning of exploitation. The code prohibits the production of child pornography. As indicated it works to fix the Fourth Circuit decision in palomino, which reversed the defendants conviction because the court said or the decision was that there was no proof of intent. The structure of the statute, however, would significantly be modified by h. R. 1761, creating separating section 2251a into ve enumerated offenses codified a1 through 5. The knowing consent of a visual depiction or live transmission of a minor engaged in sexually explicit conduct. A teenager sexting another teenager could be swept up in this measure. Tweens have access to the internet and smartphone hence the usage among this demographic, we must exercise prudence when introducing legislation that are seemingly ignorant of the growing trend in communication among teenagers. 1761 ignores the lifealtering impact it will have on our juveniles who engage in sue pid and immature behaviors and in some cases sexually explicit conduct if we begin to criminalize such conducts. While this bill seeks to protect minors and i congratulate the proponent for that intent in the same vain it drastically alters the penalty for minors who will face mandatory minimum sentencing and therefore its flawed in its design and intended purpose. Now, let me be very clear. Legislators have very good intentions, but we cannot stand on the floor and guarantee how it will be interpreted. We cannot guarantee that one teenager will not be caught up in this new legislation. Court interpretations, prosecutor interpretations, all will then be subjected to mandatory minimums which is in the underlying bill. So i would ask my colleagues to consider these concerns. I heard the gentleman speak of his effort to ensure that the internet the speaker pro tempore the gentleladys time has expired. Ms. Jackson lee can i get an additional minute . Mr. Conyers an additional minute is granted to the lady. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady is recognized. Ms. Jackson lee the Internet Provider would have to show intent or have intentionally engaged. Again, the interpretation of these bills are subject to interpretation, and the clearer we can be here on the floor of the house the more we can be appropriate in its application. So my point is, in concluding, i hope we will ultimately have legislation that comes back to the floor of the house that we all may be able to join in and that the elements that do not impact and protect our teenagers will be eliminated and we can be assured that Internet Providers are protected as well. With that i yield back my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady yields back. The gentleman from louisiana is recognized. Mr. Johnson thank you, mr. Speaker. Just a couple of important points in rebuttal to what we heard. For one thing, there has been no evidence that the cases referenced by the gentlewoman involving contact between minors are being prosecuted at the federal level. Ive not seen even one thats been cited. The point here is that prosecutorial discretion has been a sufficient buffer. In committee our colleagues on the other side have invoked stories of juvenile offenders being charged for consensual conduct and being placed on sex offender registries unjustly. However, these were cases prosecuted at the local level. Not one thats been mentioned has been a federal case. Its important to note that for offenders under 18, the federal department of Justice Policy on charging juveniles means that juvenile prosecutions very rarely occur and only if no state court can assume jurisdiction. In fact, certification from the attorney general himself is necessary to proceed against a juvenile. Again, i know of no such case in which a juvenile has been prosecuted federally under any child pornography statute. So while we appreciate and understand the concerns about mandatory minimum sentencing and its abuse, particularly with the drug statutes, again, its important to reiterate here that is not the case with child pornography. And for that reason, mr. Speaker, we would oppose these arguments and trust that our colleagues will see the wisdom in supporting this very important and timely legislation. With that i reserve the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from louisiana reserves. The gentleman from michigan is recognized. Thank you, mr. Speaker. Members of the house, we cannot perspective discretion to protect juveniles under this statute. E simply cant rely on it. Iven the new public the new. Licy of the attorney general were under a new regime here at the federal level, and i on relying on the prosecutorial discretion to protect juveniles under this statute. I continue to reserve. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman reserves. The gentleman from louisiana is recognized. Mr. Johnson well reserve. We have no other speakers so were prepared to close. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from michigan is recognized. Mr. Conyers mr. Speaker, im prepared to close on this side. I yield myself the remaining time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Conyers members of the house, i believe this bill is well intended, and i share my colleagues desire to protect children from being victimized by their depiction in pornography. However, i also believe that we must address the serious problem presented by the bill, namely, that it would expand the application of the existing array of mandatory minimum sentences that the code provides for these offenses. Is aspect of h. R. 1761 directly conflicts with the growing bipartisan realization that mandatory minimums are unjust and unwise. Egregious so even offenses for which judges should be allowed to impose sentences often severe and even beyond the minimums based on the facts and circumstances of each case. We want to leave it up to the judges. In considering legislation to better protect our children from the types of exploitation addressed ploigses addressed by this bill exploitations addressed by this bill, in light of the bills failure to ddress these serious concerns, oppose h. R. 1761 and urge my colleagues to do likewise. We should consider Even Stronger legislation that addresses all of these concerns. Were not through with this subject matter by this bill coming before us today. Theres more work to be done. I thank my colleagues for this very important discussion, and i yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from michigan yields back. The gentleman from louisiana is recognized. Mr. Johnson thank you, madam speaker. The concerns stated today are misplaced. The child pornography statutes have never been the subject of abuse by federal prosecutors, and theres no evidence that that would happen in the future. However, the abuse that is being allowed and that we must address today is that of our children, and that abuse is being allowed because of a loophole that was sadly created by a federal court. Today, we have an opportunity to correct that wrong. We have an opportunity to do what we all acknowledge to be the right thing, to defend the most defenseless among us, and it is indeed an honor for us to take this action on the week that commemorates National Missing childrens week and here, even on this day, National Missing childrens day. I urge all my colleagues to join me in supporting to protecting against Child Exploitation act and we hope that everyone will do the right thing here today. With that i yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back. All time for debate on the bill has expired. For what purpose does the gentlewoman from texas seek recognition . Ms. Jackson lee madam speaker, i have an amendment at the desk. The speaker pro tempore the clerk will designate the amendment. The clerk amendment number 1 printed in part b of house report 115152 offered by ms. Jackson lee of texas. The speaker pro tempore pursuant to House Resolution 352, the gentlewoman from texas, ms. Jackson lee, and a member opposed, each will control five minutes. The chair recognizes the gentlewoman from texas. Ms. Jackson lee i thank you, madam speaker. I associate myself with the words of my Ranking Member, mr. Conyers. We look forward to strengthening these laws and as well working on legislation to continue to protect our children, our innocent children from sexual abuse, Sexual Assault and the devastation that it has on their lives. Continue that theme and to indicate, as i said earlier, that some of the clarifications in the underlying bill are important and important to clarify and important to provide prohibitions that will be clear. And possible further court interpretations. But i maintain that we cannot predict the court interpretations. And the clearer that were to protect our children i believe is the route we should take. The bill would add new classes of offenses, but section 2251 does not provide for romeo and juliette exceptions. I. E. The penalties apply even when conduct is consensual and when the victim and offender are close in age, for example, a 19yearold and a 17yearold who videotape themselves engaged in a sexual act then email the video to their own email accounts, the 19yearold would be subject to mandatory minimums. That is the cause of the basis of the amendment, the jackson lee amendment. The jackson lee amendment is a romeo and juliette exception. The amendment is a reasonable approach to treatment of adolescent behavior that should not be left to prosecutors. The pervasiveness of personal technology such as cell phones and tablets have given rise to teenage section continuing sexting. Research has shown it is widespread, even among middle schoolaged youth. Under section 2251 teenagers prosecuted for talking and sending messages and taking and sending messages would be subject to mandatory prison sentences of at least 15 years and sex offender registration. In light of the recent troubling statements made by attorney general session, congress should apply attorney to existing mandatory penalties in sexting cases particularly with juveniles. We cannot say that a juvenile would not be would be prosecuted federally. They could be under this particular case law. Under this particular statute. And so this is a carve out, a romeo and juliette carve out to ensure that it does not happen to protect its possibility of happening. A study found that more than half of the undergraduate students who took part in an Online Survey said they had sex when they were teenagers. 30 said they included photos. And thats stex meaning they had sent sexual texts. I would ask my colleagues come together and support the jackson lee amendment for a romeo and juliette carve out. I reserve my time. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from louisiana seek recognition . Mr. Johnson i rise to oppose the amendment. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized for five minutes. Mr. Johnson thank you, madam speaker. I strongly oppose this amendment. Its not only unnecessary, but its fashioned in such a manner which may potentially create the type of loophole that were looking to close. Under current law, socalled romeo and juliette cases, such as those between 19 and 15yearolds could be prosecuted under any of the child pornography laws. Possession, production, or distribution. Thats always been the case. However, i reiterate that we know of no such instance that has been brought under any of these federal provisions under the circumstances covered by this amendment which further supports the fact that federal prosecutors do not appear to be bringing such cases. There is just simply no evidence thats been produced to suggest otherwise. For that reason the amendment is completely unnecessary and based upon no evidence at all. On the contrumpcarery, the underlying bill is based upon a real case where a real 7yearold girl was sexually abused and photographed by a real sexual predator. Our colleagues on the other side have also continually referred to attorney general sessions recent charging memorandums to suggest under the policy in his memo prosecutors will suddenly be forced to aggressively prosecute 19yearolds engaging in consensual Sexual Conduct under this statute. But that notion is preposterous and also based on no evidence. As an initial matter, the minority completely ignores the fact that a prosecutor makes an initial determination as to whether to commence or decline prosecution. And this is distinct from the subsequent decision of what charges should be brought and in which would only occur if the decision to prosecute is made in the first place. According to the u. S. Attorneys manual in making the initial determination to commence a prosecution, a prosecutor must consider whether, quote, a substantial federal interest would be served by the prosecution and whether in his or her judgment, one, the person is subject to effective prosecution in another jurisdiction, or two, there exists an adequate noncriminal alternate to the prosecution. The sectionings memo doesnt change that and its absur to think the memo will cause the department of justice to shift the prosecutions to aggressively go after romeo and juliette cases. This is especially ridiculous as attorney general sessions made clear from the outset that the priorities of d. O. J. And this administration are to prosecute Violent Crimes and offenders. I think that the majority minority just fundamentally misunderstands and mischaracterizes not only the sessions memo but this legislation. And for that reason i urge all my colleagues to oppose the jackson lee amendment. With that i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yield back. The gentleman reserves. The gentlewoman from texas has two minutes remaining. Ms. Jackson lee i thank the speaker. Let me just quickly say as i like to yield to the Ranking Member, let me quickly say i respect the gentleman, but i take great issue in calling a members amendment or the analysis of that amendment ridiculous. Because it is notry not ridiculous. It is an extremely reasonable amendment. Unless he has some powers that i am not aware of, no one can predict what a prosecutor and when a prosecutor will determine that they will prosecute. We cannot. We pass laws every day. Criminal justice laws and cannot predict. Whether or not it is based upon the sessions membero, which as far as i anyone who can read knows were going back to a stricter enforcement of everything criminal against everyone. That is clear. The jackson lee amendment recognizes that not all sex offenses are the same. And currently 2251 is a one size sentencing scheme that fits all. Even a 19yearold. The jackson lee amendment would provide a better alternative punishment would be available involving offenses when the defendants are no more than 19 years old, the judge would have discretion. Thats simply what were asking for. The headline says, keep mandatory minimums out of the juvenile justice system. This bill does not do that. And as well we indicate that i ask unanimous consent to put these into the record, teenage sexting is not child porn. I ask my colleagues to support my amendment. I yield to the gentleman from michigan. Mr. Conyers i thank the gentlelady and congratulate her on this very important amendment. This amendment creates alternative sentencing specifically for teenagers who participate in sefment. Xting and could as a result of this bill sexting and could as a result of this bill and mandatory minimum sentences be subject to mandatory sentences of at least 15 years. We should not, as she has already stated so well, leave it to prosecutors to determine whether teenagers take part in teenage behavior. The speaker pro tempore the gentleladys time has expired. The gentleman from louisiana is recognized. Mr. Johnson thank you, madam speaker. I have tremendous respect for my colleagues on the other side, mr. Conyers and ms. Jackson lee, and i understand that her amendment is heartfelt and has the proper mowive and intention. I would suggest motive and intention. The risk of this amendment outweighs any benefit because it creates the loopholes were trying to prevent. I urge my colleagues to oppose the amendment. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. Pursuant to the rule, the previous question is ordered on the bill as amended and on the amendment offered by the gentlewoman from texas, ms. Jackson lee. The question is on the amendment by the gentlewoman from texas, ms. Jackson lee. So many as are in favor say aye. Those opposed, no. The noes have it. For what purpose does the gentlewoman ms. Jackson lee madam speaker, with that i request a recorded vote. The speaker pro tempore does the gentlelady ask for the yeas and nays. Ms. Jackson lee i ask for the yeas and nays. The speaker pro tempore the yeas and nays are requested. Those favoringing a vote by the yeas and nays will rise. A sufficient number having arisen, the yeas and nays are ordered. Members will record their votes y electronic device. Pursuant to clause 8 and clause 9 of rule 20, this 15minute vote on the adoption of the amendment will be followed by fiveminute votes on passage of the bill, if ordered, and passage of h. R. 1973. This is a 15minute vote. [captioning made possible by the national captioning institute, inc. , in cooperation with the United States house of representatives. Any use of the closedcaptioned coverage of the house proceedings for political or commercial purposes is expressly prohibited by the u. S. House of representatives. ] the speaker pro tempore on this vote the yeas are 179. The nays are 238. He vote the speaker pro tempore on this vote the yeas are 180. The nays are 238. He amendment is not adopted. The question is on engrossment and third reading of the bill. So many as are in favor say aye. Those opposed, no. The ayes have it. Third reading. The clerk a bill to amend title 18 United States code to criminalize the knowing consent of visual depiction or live transmission of a minor engaged in sexually explicit conduct and for other purposes. The speaker pro tempore the question is on passage of the bill. So many as are in favor say aye. Those opposed, no. The ayes have it. The bill is passed. For what purpose does the gentleman from michigan seek recognition . Mr. Conyers ask for a record vote. The speaker pro tempore a recorded vote is requested. Those favoring a recorded vote will rise. A sufficient number having arisen, a recorded vote is ordered. Members will record their votes by electronic device. This is a fiveminute vote. [captioning made possible by the national captioning institute, inc. , in cooperation with the United States house of representatives. Any use of the closedcaptioned coverage of the house proceedings for political or commercial purposes is expressly prohibited by the u. S. House of representatives. ] the speaker pro tempore on this vote the yeas are 368. The nays are 51. The bill is passed. Without objection the motion to reconsider is laid upon the table. The Unfinished Business is the vote on passage of h. R. 1973 on which the yeas and nays are ordered. The clerk will report the title of the bill. The clerk Union Calendar number 85, h. R. 1973, a gill bill to prevent the sexual abuse of minors on athletes by requiring the proper reporting of sexual abuse to proper authorities and for other purposes. The speaker pro tempore the question is on pass afpblgt bill. Members will record their votes die buy electronic device. This is a fiveminute vote. [captioning made possible by the national captioning institute, inc. , in cooperation with the United States house of representatives. Any use of the closedcaptioned coverage of the house proceedings for political or commercial purposes is expressly prohibited by the u. S. House of representatives. ] the speaker pro tempore on this vote, the yeas are 415, the nays are 3. The bill is passed. Without objection the bill is passed. Without objection the motion to reconsider is laid on the table. For what purpose does the gentleman from georgia seek recognition . I ask unanimous consent that the committee on oversight and government reform be discharged from further consideration of s. 1083 and ask for its immediate consideration in the house. The speaker pro tempore the clerk will report think title of the bill. The clerk senate 1083, an act to amend title 5 of united stays code to revise for during a period when they are committee lacks a forum. Amendment to senate 10 3 offered by mr. Heist of mr. Hice of georgia. In section 412b1 as proposed to be added by section 12 of the bill, strike shall and insert may. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the amendment is agreed. To is there objection. Without objection, the amendment is agreed to. The bill is read a third time, passed and the motion to reconsider is laid on the table. Mr. Speaker. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from georgia seek recognition . Mr. Hice i ask unanimous consent that when the house adjourns today it adjourn to meet at 10 00 a. M. Tomorrow. The speaker pro tempore without objection. The chair lays before the house n enrolled bill. The clerk h. R. 375, an act to designate the Federal Building and United States courthouse located at 19 Church Street in nashville, tennessee, as the fred d. Thompson Federal Building and United States ourthouse. The speaker pro tempore the chair will now entertain requests for oneminute speeches. He house will come to order. Members and staff please take your conversations off the floor. Lear the well. For what purpose does the gentleman from arkansas seek recognition . Mr. Speaker i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and revise and extend my remarks. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. Mr. Speaker, the house is not in order. The speaker pro tempore the house will come to order. The house will come to order. The gentleman from arkansas is recognized. Thank you, mr. Speaker. I rise today to pay tribute to brian c. Cooper. This gentleman right over here. Who is retiring from the office of the parliamentarian after 35 years on capitol hill. Mr. Womack brian is a native of baltimore, maryland, graduate of Frederick Douglass high school and the Community College of baltimore where he received his degree in commercial and graphic arts. Brian began his capitol hill career in september of 1992 when he was hired in the stock room of the longworth building working in publication and distribution services. Throughout he 1980s and early 1990s, he held a variety of positions on capitol hill including roles on the Small Business committee, the Government Operations committee. Through this experience brian learned the i wantry kacies of the legislative process and the inner workings of house operation, skills that would serve him well when in 1995 he was hired as an assistant clerk to the parliamentarian. Brian was spend the next 22 years in the house parliamentarians office and became chief clerk to the parliament tanche in 2009. For over two decades, brian has been a fixture at the house rostrum, dutyfully assisting the presiding officer in time keep, recognizing members on the floor and preparing and reviewing reams of legislative paperwork for the house. Brian has prepared the house chambers for visiting dignitaries and state of the Union Addresses alike and everything in between. If that wasnt enough, brian also created the first Computer Network for the parliamentarian. An accomplished artist, brian remains active in his artist exendeavors which run the gamut from pencil draws, water colors and oils to photography and architectural design. His retirement will offer new opportunities to continue these pursuits. A devoted orioles fan, it is my hope that brian will spend some of his wellearned free time at camden yards. A consummate professional, brian has spent his career on capitol hill committed to assisting with the orderly and accurate legislative process, observed in a fair and nonpartisan manner. He is a quintessential legislative resource for this entire body and i am certain the house of representatives has known few individuals more dedicated to its proper functioning and legacy than brian cooper. On behalf of everyone affiliated with this peoples house, including my colleagues gathered in front of me here as i speak, brian, we are happy to celebrate this important milestone in your life and we thank you for your dedicated service to the house and to america. Hank you and i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the chair notice for the gentleman from arkansas, we did not keep a close eye on the oneminute time for those remarks. For what purpose does the gentleman seek recognition . Without objection the gentleman is recognized for one minute. Mr. Speaker, the president s fiscal year 2018 budget calls for the elimination of the Minority Business Development agency. This is shameful and counterproductive to the progress minorityowned firms have acheed. I led on this issue by sending two bipartisan letters to the house propings committee joined by over 70 members calling for at thes to fund the mbda 2016 level. The agency has one of the highest returns on investment in the federal agency helping minorityowned firms secure 40 billion in contracts and capital over the last 10 years. The eight million minority businesses in the United States contribute 1. 4 trillion in economic output to the economy. My home state of kale leads the nation with 1. 6 with 1. 6 million minorityowned firms which represent 45 of all the business in my state. Mr. Speaker, i urge my colleagues to continue funding the Minority Business Development agency so we can continue to see this progress in our Economic Growth and for the communities of our nation. Thank you. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from arizona seek recognition . Without objection the gentleman is recognized for one minute. Mr. Speaker, today is National Missing childrens day. This day of recognition was started by president reagan in 1983 to raise awareness of the threat of child on ducks and reminds us today, we still have work to do. Following the tragic murder of yearold Amber Hagerman in 1986 1996, congress established the amber alert system to assist finding abducted children in the first hours after an abduction. Since its abinception, more than 800 children have been recovered through the use of the amber alert system. However the original legislation did not include Indian Tribes as eligible users of the program and we saw the tragic effects of this when 11yearold ash lin was abducted and murdered on the navajo nation. Nor reason i have introduced the amber alert in Indian Country act this will include our 567 federally recognized tribes as partners in the Amber Alert Program to ensure that everyone is able to utilize this important tool my bill is a bipartisan effort and endorsed by criminal justice, child safety groups and Indian Tribes around the country. Mr. Speaker, the amber alert has helped many families experience the joy of being reunited with an abducted child. Its time we extend this alert to Indian Country so no child is outside the jurisdiction of this vital program. I urge my colleagues to support this legislation so we can continue to protect our children. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from minnesota seek reck necessary . Recognition . Mr. Speakering i have to be recognized for one minute to address the house. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. Mr. Ellison America Needs a raise. Its been years since we have weve increased the federal minimum wage is is an abysmal 7. 25. All over this country, we see ballot measures passing in red states and blue increasing the minimum wage. Alaska, arkansas. Weve seen the minimum wage go up in new jersey, all other the country, because while the people in congress may not realize that America Needs a raise, people across the states really do. Today, im going to participate in a press conference that says were going to have the minimum wage, were going to propose a bill to raise it to 15 and index it. This is a simple recognition that if you work full time you shouldnt live in poverty. If you live in if you work full time you shouldnt have to rely on food stamps or Housing Assistance and medical assistance. I believe in those pams and support them but if you work hard every day you shouldnt have to rely on government assistance just to put food on the table. You know, mr. Speaker, 2 3 of the people who would benefit from an increase in the minimum wage are women. This is a gender issue. This is a gender equality problem. We have to fight. America needs a raise, mr. Speaker. Lets do it. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from pennsylvania seek recognition . I ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized for one minute. Feas with a heavy heart we say goodbye to dr. Reed, exemplary mother and wife and patient advocate. Dr. Reed didnt ask for the procedure and it was evident to her family she was going to be a fighter, not only for herself but for others. Through her loving husband and her campaign to bring awareness to the dangers of power morcillators. And regulators have been forced to review standards. We are eternally grateful. My thoughts and prayers with her husband, six children and entire family. Let our community embrace them and vow to carry her legacy and mission forward. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from tennessee seek recognition . Permission to address the house for one minute and revise and extend. Without objection the speaker pro tempore without objection. Mr. Cohen i felt like i was listening to something out of the 1950s and being tough on crime and locking people up. He didnt talk at all about the causes of crime and bernie madofflike budget. Cutting minority business centers, cutting snap find funding and liheap and medicaid, health care and education. There are causes to crime that should be attacked. There is a smart way to attack crime. The dumb way is to return to the era because we failed to lock up 30,000 a year and only people that are happy is the private prison industry. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. For what purpose does the gentleman from florida seek recognition . Address the house for one minute and revise and extend my remarks. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Yoho i would like to honor our countrys fallen servicemen and weekend. This weekend we will observe memorial day. Since 1868, americans have celebrated what was once called declaration day. Every year since then we have honored those who have fallen at gettysburg, on the shores of desert, on at the norfolk and zabul province. This important day is not only to commemorate those who died, but also to highlight why they were called upon to serve our country in battle. They fought to preserve freedom that we must never take for granted. Americas promise would not be possible without the courage of sacrifice. We owe them a debt that can never be repaid but remembered always not just on memorial day. This is a solemn occasion and not only say prayers for the fallen and celebrate their lives and give thanks to god and their families for their sacrifice in protecting our nation. And i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. For what purpose does the gentleman from florida seek recognition . Ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and revise and extend. The speaker pro tempore without objection. This morning, i supported the protecting against Child Exploitation act to stop the unspeakable cruelty. The trade of child porn on the internet is not just information streaming across wires, it is abuse. Deutsche deutsche they are compounding the abuse of innocent victims that are depicted in these horrible images, real children, next door and across the country. 28 of American Youth will be sexually victimized at some point in their lives. Thankfully the Child Rescue Coalition in florida is already fighting back. They are using data to help Law Enforcement track sexual predators from the darkest corners of the internet to their front door. They have used technology as a critical information to help rescue lonely, afraid and hurt children across the world. I thank my constituent carly rose for the heroic effort of the child rescue information shielding rescuing and safeguarding children from sexual exploitation. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. For what purpose does the gentleman from texas seek recognition . Permission to address the house for one minute and revise and extend. Mr. Burgess i rise today to continue support for this weeks focus on combatting Human Trafficking. Some of the people most vulnerable are unaccompanied daily. These children are released sponsors of relatives and sometimes they disappear. Once released, unaccompanied alien children receive one followup phone call leaving them potentially vulnerable. No child should fall into the hands of traffickers because of our lack of surveillance. When i was in practice as a physician, if a child was suspected to be abused, we are required to notify Law Enforcement. Im asking the office to redouble efforts to make certain these children never end up to the care of their own people. I want to thank our sheriff, tracy furnish my. They conducted a Human Trafficking operation that led to 11 arrests. Im grateful to them to takeing the steps to end this abuse. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does gentlelady from texas seek recognition . Ms. Jackson lee permission to address the house for one minute. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Ms. Jackson lee i will be excited to go home and join my community in honoring the fallen as we come together and say thank you. As i go home as well, i will be visiting with so many constituents who will be asking the questions why. This week in the budget committee, callous statement by the o. M. B. Director by people who have diabetes and sitting on their couch eating nonnutrition food. They want to take 23 Million People off of health care and taking money away from seniors in Nursing Homes and shutting down the meals on wheels. They will be asking me about the ridiculous, if you will, actions of the president firing the f. B. I. Director because he was involved in the russian investigation, asking the National Security Agency Director to block or to avoid talking about russian collusion and the National Intelligence director, asking him to cover up such things. I believe now is time for an impeachment inquiry that goes along with the other investigations and u. S. Commission and the legislation on special prosecutor because the special counsel can be fired. Our constituents are asking for the truth and we need to get the truth. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore members are reminded to refrain in engaging in personalities towards the president. For what purpose does the gentleman from new york seek recognition . Permission to address the house for one minute. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Mr. Speaker, i rise to introduce the Mental Health services for all veterans act. Last week on may 18 just before noon, a man in his car did a uturn in times square and mowed people. This man is mentally ill and also a navy veteran. Every day in america, roughly 22 veterans commit suicide. In fact, according to a study by the g. A. O. , 60 of troops that have been discharged for misconduct suffered from a Mental Illness. Its too difficult for veterans to receive Mental Health counseling and we need to make counseling available for every single veteran regardless of whether the national guard, reserves or active duty. Its obvious when someone loses a limb or is injured tragically in war to identify that their injury is service related. But for veterans who go home at night and suffering with a Mental Illness, too many are suffering alone and not easy to identify these problems especially to show up at a vamplet a. Center and show that their Mental Illness is service related. We need to make Mental Health Services Available for every single veteran in this country regardless of their status and income in every single circumstance. Thank you. For what purpose does the gentlelady from new york seek recognition . Request unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and revise and extend my remarks. The speaker pro tempore the speaker pro tempore without objection. Ms. Tenney i applaud the passage of the Veterans Administration scheduling accountability act. All too often i hear from veterans in new york who waited months and some years to have their claims addressed. In our service to our great nation, they sacrifice and never should die waiting for care. The house reformed the scheduling and appeals process while expanding access to the important resources that our veterans depend on. This bill will hold every v. A. Accountable. We seek to correct a wrong. On behalf of the veterans in the 22nd district, i thank my colleagues in the house for putting our nations heroes first and unanimously passing this important piece of legislation right before memorial day. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady yields back. For what purpose does the gentleman from new york seek recognition . Permission to address the house for one minute. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Thank you, mr. Speaker, and i colleagues. May is asthma awareness month. Mr. Engel i would like to talk about what we can do. About 24 million americans have asthma, a quarter of children. Asthma costs 56 billion every year with billions lost in lost productivity. In new york, more than 1. 5 million who live with asthma, we are all too familiar with these costs which comes on a heartbreaking human toll. I have asked appropriators to und the c. D. C. National Asthma Control Program which treats asthma at 29 million. This has brought down costs by millions and saves lives. Since the program inception, deaths have fallen a quarter. So this works and money well spent. In honor of asthma awareness month, implore my colleagues to support this program and bring much needed relief. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. For what purpose does the gentleman from massachusetts seek recognition . Permission to douse for one minute and resize and extend my remarks. The speaker pro tempore without objection. The gentleman is recognized for one minute. I rise today to recognize the 45th anniversary of the university of massachusetts a. M. He rmp st, one of the oldest adult bachelor agree programs in the nation. U. W. W. Provides nontraditional students with access to the resources. It has developed into a National Leader in Adult Education having graduated 4,300 students including julius erving. And u. W. W. Provides an excellent education to students including many veterans who are unable to complete a Traditional College agree due to personal hardship. The key to its success is the Incredible Team who have dedicated their lives to supporting adult students as they balance responsibilities. I wish to thank all of the faculty staff and u. W. W. Students to their dedication to excellence. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. For what purpose does gentlelady from New Hampshire seek recognition . Ms. Kuster i press my opposition to President Trumps proposed budget. This Budget Proposal concerns are worst fierce about the priorities of this administration. This budget is cruel, it is short sighted and would be a disasters to strengthening the middle class. In my district and across the country. It will hurt families and communities throughout New Hampshire. It guts public education, afterschool programs and student loan support. It jeopardizes clean air, clean water and our response to the opioids epidemic that is reaching crisis proportions. It eliminates critical programs for the most vulnerable like lowincome Home Energy Assistance which keeps families warm in the cold winter months. Snap, which helps families feed their children and decimates Successful Economic Development programs like the Northern Border Regional Commission and Community Development block grants. The last thing we should be doing is eliminating effective programs that create jobs and boost our economic competitiveness. I urge my opponents my colleagues to oppose these misguided cuts. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from texas seek recognition . Without objection the gentleman is recognized for one minute. R. Poe mr. Speaker, nolan brooders younger sister believed she could trust her big brother. So that when this 19yearold brother offered her marijuana and the opportunity to get high she accepted, trusting him. But with nolans pushing she became so stoned she no longer recognized the man in front of her, that it was her older brother. Taking advantage of the drugged state, he sexually assaulted his own 16yearold sister. This is repugnant, mr. Speaker. On may 17, nolan was sentenced for rape of an intoxicated person. The sentence, a mere 240 days in prison and then probation. Why . Because the judge decided that prison was severe would severely impact brooder. Well, mr. Speaker, isnt that the point . Even evidence showed the defendant had no remorse and was smug at the trial. I was prosecutor and judge in texas for over 30 years. I met a lot of rape victims and learned that their lives were forever devastated by rapists. Mr. Speaker, Sexual Assault is never the fault of the victim. Contrary to what judge folle to tt thinks. Judge follett got it wrong. Its time for him to pack his toothbrush and leave the bench. Thats just the way it is. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from florida seek recognition . Without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. Mr. Speaker, i rise today to introduce the United Statesisrael agriculture Strategic Partnership act. H. R. 2659. A bipartisan bill that permanently authorizes the u. S. Israel Binational Agriculture Research and Development Program otherwise known as bard, which is celebrating his 40th introducer, congressman yoho, as well as you, mr. Speaker, for being a cosponsor and many others in the florida delegation. I could wax ecstatic and poetic about bard but let me just say this the program works. It inspires healthy computation of good competition of good ideas. Beneficial to both countries. And provides a fantastic return on investment. Mr. Soto over 440 million worth of benefits for the United States and 300 million in benefits for israel. Bard is focused on urgent goals like increasing agricultural productivity, particularly in hot an dry climates. Bard is training the next generation of innovators through ag science, workshops an postdoctoral fellowships. It has programs in over 25 states including our great state of florida. It strengths our relationship with our best ally in the middle east, israel, and this is a forwardlooking, commonsense bill supported by experts and advocates on both sifeds the aisle. Thank you and i yield back. The speaker pro tempore are there further requests to address the house for one minute . Seeing none, under the speakers announced spoifl january 3, 2017, the gentleman from florida, mr. Mass is recognized for 60 minutes as the designee f the majority leader. I ask unanimous consent that all members have five legislative days to revise and extend their remarks an include extraneous material. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Mr. Mast i rise on the heels of memorial day to discuss what we must learn from those we specifically remember on this and every memorial day going forward. All among us, every Single Person in this chamber, every Single Person that visits here, we all have those days of the year where the history that is buried down deep inside of us is stirred up for whatever reason that may be. For some of us maybe its that we lost a loved one right around christmas. And now we cant get through the holidays without remembering that person each year and the ways in which that person touched our life. Maybe for others it was right around your birthday when you lost a loved loved one or somebody passed and on each year on the celebration of your own life, you find yourself remembering the loss of that life, the loss of that friend. Maybe for you that history is buried down inside, gets stirred up because of a certain smell in the air that brings you back to a time and place in your life that can be hearing a special song that had meaning and somehow connected that person to you. For others maybe its driving past a certain restaurant or an intersection or a park that really weighs heavily on your heart. I find those feelings each and every day as i look down at my wrist and i read these bracelets with the names of friends who left this world in the most honorable way that any person can, in defense of our nation. Medic army Ranger Jonathan penney. On his fourth tour in afghanistan, died on june 1, 2010, from wounds sustained while giving medical aid to another wounded ranger. He was only 2 years old. When i speak to his mother, i know just how much she misses him. R Sergeant Justin allen. He was killed on july 18, 2010. I can remember the last thing i said to him. I remember the mission vividly that we were on and i remember the rangers who spoke about him the next day on the flight line as we sent him home. I remember bradley rapune and andrew nichol. And the compound we were assaulting when they passed. You know, for me and many others across this nation, the day that stands out above all for us is the day that is just a few days from now. Its memorial day. The day that america has specifically set aside to remember the men and women that relinquished their life while serving in the United States armed forces. And it rests as the day most heavy on our hearts. This day is so heavy on my heart that to my shame, one year i asked my wife brianna that she and you are children, magnum and maverick, that they not accompany me to the cemetery i was going to be speaking at. I asked that she stay at home with our two boys. I made that request because i didnt want my little boys to see me in pain and at that point i wasnt Strong Enough, i wasnt Strong Enough to tell them why daddy had tears or was crying on that day. Today i try to be more ourageous. I tried to tell my boys why i have tears on that and every emorial day. Whenever i hear the slow, solemn. Um of taps whether its on memorial day or veterans day or in the presence f some newly fallen comrade. Or playing on a tv in the background. I have to pause and wipe my eyes and regain my composure. Or when i hear that cold crack of the 21gun salute. I do find myself too numb to the sound of gunfire to be startled by it. But it still reverberates to my core, as though i was struck by she shots myself, thats the pain i feel. Those little boys of mine, they need to know that there were brave men and brave women who showed strength and courage and patriotism with every fiber of their being on their behalf. That they may live free. That they may live free. Think about that. They served, never thinking about personal gain or personal sacrifice. But thinking about their personal contribution to our nation. And as we find ourselves on the heels of memorial day, i believe every member of this house, every member of congress, must reflect on every tear shed across this nation, every empty seat at every dinner table, every name etched onto a piece of stone that is for a son or daughter of america who gave everything for the freedom and the life of others. We in this chamber, we must think daily about all the men an women who have fought and die for this cause. This nation that they love more than their own breath. I think about those i knew personally. Those that aye heard about. I think about those who came long before me. And i ask myself every single day, would they be proud . Would they be proud of the work we do in this chamber . How we represent our nation and the values that they fought far, that they gave their life for, would they want us as a member of their team . I used to tell folks that today in our theaters of war ive lost 67 Close Friends. That used to be true. But the reality is i no longer know how many friends ive lost, i stopped counting. What i know is that we must live the way that they lived every day. Without excuse. Without regret. Full throttle, as one of my friends used to say. For some of them their bloodstained my own uniform. Some of them, i lost simply being on the same mission. And some were on other missions in other places around the world. And each year on memorial day and many other days, i think most often of one of my friends specifically. Ranger Sergeant First Class nce vogue ler vogler, who after four tours in iraq and eight in afghanistan made the ultimate sacrifice on october 1, 2010, while in battle just a few short days after my own injury. I know hes deeply missed by me and all his friends and certainly by his wife and his two children that he left behind. I can remember him, i can remember him telling me one night, as we were in afghanistan and he and i sat against a fence in the dark of night, waiting for a helicopter to come and pick us up. I can remember him telling me about his family. I wasnt there when he passed. But i am told that his last words were of his wife and of his children. And i think often, would he be proud of they have way that this place conducts itself . He is the definition of a hero. He is exactly what memorial day honors. And knowing him, i know that none of us here can measure up. But i want to know that we honor him and every other hero who is remembered officially in just a few days with our actions in here each and every day. We owe it to men like him to fight to make america the strongest version of itself that it could ever be. I want us to honor each of those Close Friends that ive lost in our theaters of war and every other who has trade their life for our freedom. For our america. With their own actions. On each day. As we approach memorial day, i always remember well a lot of things about those friends. I remember their smile. I remember the jokes that we would play on each other. I can remember hiding somebodys gear, or adding a big rock into their pack without them knowing just to weigh it down, make them sweat a little bit more. And i can remember where they were from, i can remember the time that we spent training together, shooting together, jumping out of aircraft together, roping from helicopters together, blowing things up together. I can remember their hobbies. And i can remember their plans for what they wanted to do whenever they returned home. I can remember the pictures that they themselves would carry in their breast pocket of the ones that they loved most just like the one that i would carry of my wife brianna, and our one son we had at that time. I can remember their lifesaving actions on the battlefield. I can remember their acts of valor and i remember the way we each confidently put our lives in each others hands. I remember some that are no longer with us today who placed themselves in the line of fire to carry me from the battlefield that i not become a casualty of war. I can remember their loyalty and their determination an their grit and for some of them i can remember their last breaths. I can remember saluting their casket. With the most beautiful flag that i have ever seen draped gracefully across it. And i can that flag was holded and passed to those. And i can remember seeing the way that those family members would cling to that flag. And as i remember these moments, i want to see more than anything that the way we here in the house of representatives conduct ourselves honors the way those who gave the last beat of their heart, conducted themselves on our behalf. If stat ties of those men and women surrounded our floor here, would they look on to each of us and swell with pride over our service or would their hearts sink . Would they turn away and be ashamed . Would they look on and be proud . The goal of american heroes has always been Country First, been self second. They knew those who gave on behalf of this place that the establishment of this country, the maintenance of america, the safety and protection of each and every citizen is not a product of chance. Its not a product of luck or indifference. So they stood between every american and evil with purpose and resolve regardless of what it was going to cost them. They knew the job was never easy. It was never safe. It was always dangerous. And it was almost always deadly. And while they may have disagreed on how to conduct a mission, i know they never wished for the fail turf their comrade or for that matter, the failure of any american ever. They certainly never wished for the failure of the leaders of our nation. My office is in re burn office building. And in one of our entrances is the name of each who has fallen in the war on terror listed year by year, all of those friends of mine are listed there. And when i see them, i stop. And i think about them every single time. I wish that the name of every single american who has fallen while in defense of our nation adorned each and every wall of this chamber in here as it does in my office building, that we would look on each time we speak on this floor and question ourselves as to if our motives are as pure as their motives were. Every american child, every adult, every man and woman, has the limitless opportunities to enjoy their life, to become whatever it is in the world they want to be to achieve whatever they had the courage to attempt and the determination and the fortitude to spend themselves in fully to accomplish. That limitless opportunity each citizen has and each of us here in the house is afforded, it has been paid for with the blood and the spirit of men and women who traded their own life to fulfill an oath to our great nation. The oath is the same that we as members of congress vow to fulfill, to support and defend the constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic to bear true faith and allegiance and seriously. And though we take that same oath, i know we do not always show the same commitment. Those heroes never thought about what was easy or popular to masses or what what they would get out of their actions. It was not reelection on the line for them. It was their life on the line and gave it freely. And as i think about memorial day, i wish we could daily see every heroic name across our walls here and recall the harrowing stories of the Second World War and over 400,000 and each and every one who died in pacific and africa for the freedom of the entire world from being ruled by evil and intolerant empire. They died in places named dens forest and midway. I wish we thought about each vote we took and looked at the names of our over 36,000 Service Members who would never return home from the mud of korea and think, is that what they fought for at the chosen reservoir. I wish we could recount the names and stories of the 58,000 Service Members who died in combat or while cap purchased who went through torture and starvation before giving their life or went missing as a part of the vietnam war in places like sigeon. I wish we saw the names of the Service Members who put their Country First while serving in the Dominican Republic or iran, el salvador, buy route or the petitioner and gulf. And if our words would be worth even one second of their life. I wish we could think about the delta operators or the blackhawk pilots who gave it in the dusty sands of somalia. Medal of honor recipients like Master Sergeant gary gordon and who volunteered to go into a situation that would claim his life in order to save fellow fighters. They were devoted to their duty. And their duty was to their brothers and to their country. Or those who fought and died in bosnia and kosovo and uss coll and places that we may never know because of threats to us that we never even knew existed. We need to ask if they would give the last beat of their heart for the way in which we legislate our country. Most personally for me, i would think deeply on the thousands of soldiers, sailors, marines, airmen, coast guardsmen who defended this country in a place like iraq or afghanistan or syria, would they be proud . These were the men and women i served along side. Men and women who served selflessly and repeatedly year after year knowing full well the hazards of their profession. I couldnt be more proud than to have the few moments that i did with the best and the most honorable that our nation has ever produced who sacrificed their whole self because it was best for the men and women to their left and to their right in battle, because it was best for the freedom and the liberty and the security of every person. I dont know how to ever make the pain of their loss go away. I do know how to honor them. We do it with the way we live each day going forward, that they do not have the opportunity to live. They would want every american to cherish the gift of freedom that they had been given by god, which was defended by those angels, whose names are now etched in row after row of white plain markers in Arlington National cemetery. They would want us to live exactly as they lived, with no regrets, loving this country, fighting as hard as they fought, never quitting, never giving up and we owe to do so. To not ask ourselves and ask what we can give. And i want my kids to grow up honoring these men and women who have sacrificed. You i want my young boys to know they get to give me a hug or a smile, but there are men and women who are willing to risk never having one more of those from their own families. And i want them to live the way that those heroes lived. And i want my children to know it is honorable to have the courage to mourn them. And i want them to have the resolve to not squander the opportunities which have been paid for with the selfless blood of every american warrior. I get grief in my heart when i think of those who have gone in defense of our flag. But i also think about each of the great warriors that they were and i smile. Because there can be no more honorable way to leave this world than in a pile of brass while fighting for the greatest nation ever to be established on the face of this earth. We here need to think of the thousands who gave their lives selflessly without expectation of anything in return. True Selfless Service serving simply to do what is best for the United States of america. Some were engineers or tankers or something else. They were men and women that through the ages created the reputation and the legacy and the tradition that made me say that is what i want to be. That is how i want to serve. That is how i want to help. And here, we must learn from those who we think about most on memorial day. We need to look at them and their names and their lives and stories and sacrifice and demand the same thing out of ourselves. They pushed through the cold. They pushed through the snow. They pushed without adequate supplies. They fought back tanks and pushed back in the face of bottom barreding artillery. And their weapon would overheat. They pushed through trench foot and did it with bayon nets which they used to defend their fox holes and then used to carve our enemy out of their foxholes. And they stayed in the fight when they were wounded even though it would mean a bitter end that was very far from home. They did not stop because they were tired. They did not stop because they were exhausted or freezing or hungry, they did it even though they had to sleep on the ground or in the field or sometimes never sleep at all. They only stopped when the job was done. This is the grit with which americans have always defended america. And we have taken that same oath in this house. And american heroes, they set the precedent for every generation about how to do that job, to do it for them was not just a job or a paycheck, it was a calling. It was a calling that few had the stomach to undertake and that certainly even fewer still are capable of ever doing. And it requires uncommon characteristics such as courage and valor and selflessness. And today, those words are thrown around very lightly by many. But those we remember on memorial day have actually lived and breathed the characteristics. Drove armoredthey vehicles. And yoking their bodies with a rifle or a pistol and carrying hundreds of rounds of ammunition and hundreds of pounds of gear, wearing a helmet and explosives, carrying everything that they required to save the life of another Service Member as well as everything they needed to survive for days or months on end and did it while targeted by snipers, while having bombs or mortars or grenades hurled at them or an r. P. G. And walking in fields of mines of explosive devices. They walked miles across mountains and rolling hills, forests and rivers and did it while carrying letters for their friends which they promised to deliver to their familiar list should anything happen to them. They did it while missing births and birthdays and ball games and bath times and holidays and every other good time that they missed with their families. They did it in the face of mortal combat. They did it while holding both the lives of their friends and the lives of our enemies in their hands. And we honor those we remember who are not with us today by taking no charge more seriously than honoring their sacrifice with the lives that we now live. What those heroes have done in defense of our nation can never be taken away from them. And we must remember that so, too, what we do here in defense cannot be taken away by the years that past if we endeavor to be warriors willing to defend america at any andal costs. Those we remember are a testament to the values and ideals sewn into the fabric of our nation. Thank god for men and women like that for creating such patriots for us to revere as the standard by which all other americans should serve america. And i yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the jell yields back. The chair recognizes the gentleman from texas, mr. Gohmert, for 30 minutes. Mr. Gohmert thank you, mr. Speaker. At this time i would like to yield to my friend for such time heas may use. I thank the gentleman for yielding. As a floridian i just have to take a moment to share my gratude for the gentleman from flida, mr. Mast, and the rark he is just shared during my occupancy of the rostrum. My own eyes welled with tears as i thought of the empty chairs at the table in my own district and roughout the country as ople, as family, have mad crifice and sent those to fight for us. And i can only be reminded hearing the gentlemanrom floridas remarkthat each and every day in this house, we do fall short of that great patriotism that is refcted by our servicemen and women. We could do better. We could be more worthy of the sacrifice. We could resist the influences of special interests more. We could make the tough decisions that are necessary. We could put america on a better footing forward. And its m belief and my sincere hpe that by hearing the ords of my colleague, by raising our gaze to an even broader and more accepting patriotism that we can do it. I believe mr. Mast to be one of the people to lead us in that regard. Ihink the gentleman from texas or yielding and i yield back. Mr. Gohmert i thk my friend from floria. Mr. Gaetz represents the First District oflorida, brother in arms, since i represent the first distrt of texas. But we are very grateful for brian mast and what hes given for his country, what hes been willing to give for his country. Its an honor to serve with him in the trenches. Sometimes literal trenches around here. Patriotgreat, honorable for america. An on monday that is what well celebrate, memorial day, and i want to talk further about that. Right now, i want to touch on an issue that has occupied a lot of peoples concern and time this week over c. B. O. Scoring. Rather important. But it should not be. The congressional budget office, the joint tax commission, do the , the g and historically projections by c. B. O. Seem all too often to be far too out of line that any governmental entity would base important critical decisions over peoples lives, their health care, it will certainly affect their lives. Base it on a group that, as theyve explained, we set up models. And we feed the garbage in, they dont use that term, but they, as far as im concerned they feed garbage in, they get garbage out. And projections, oh, we have to wait and see what c. B. O. Says, weem waiting with baited breath, is it going to be in line . For heavens sakes. Anybody that waits on a score from the j. T. C. Or c. B. O. In dealing with the tax reform that we should do doesnt have much sense. And theres nothing wrong with not having much sense, it just hurts the country when people without much sense are here in washington making decisions about peoples lives and encroaching on their liberty and freedom. So we have people like brian mast, we have people like those the last iven all measure of devotion for our liberty, and then we turn around and have a federal government that passes laws about health care reform, decides they have to have all the medical records here in the federal government. And you know what . We need to have a consume brother text finance bureau to protect people from unscrupulous bankers so were going to get everybodys banking records. As a former judge, former prosecutor, you wanted somebodys banking records, you had to have sworn proof rising to the level of proximate cause that a crime was committed and this person committed it and then youve got the records when a judge signed off on it. Not now. Not with the Consumer Financial protection bureau. Get everybodys records and then without reining in obamacare, nd if we did not rein in the Consumer Finance protection bureau, washington continues to gathering peoples medical records through sweetheart deals a private entities, hypothetical i raised many years ago as obamacare was being pushed through, come ever closer, really, its here to the point that we could reach a day, not quite here, still got got a chance to save america from the orwellian nature of obamacare and the c. F. And the cfpb combined, but years ago, i said, you know if we dont stop this craziness, year going to reach a point where you could get a letter from the federal government saying, hey, you know, weve got your medical records, but we notice that you made a purchase at your Grocery Store this last week and bought some bacon. Pound of bacon. And we know from having your medical records that your cholesterol rate is not at a very healthy point right now. So youre either going to have to quit eating bacon or were going to be penalizing you substantially since were in charge of your health care, Health Insurance, were in charge of it. Thats where weve been heading. And its something the founders, you know, they would not have seen the advent of the computers , but what they did foresee, whatever developments in technology came long they foresaw this ongoing battle to keep government from , ntrolling peoples lives eliminating their liberty. Thats what they saw coming. They didnt have to see the technology. They knew what was coming if we didnt keep the federal government reined in. And i know there are groups out there that are gathering information, well this member of congress this senator, he doesnt get many bills passed. Well if you look at most of the things we passed other than funding bills, so often theyre creating more government agency, more government power, and each time we do, no matter how noble the purpose is, were taking just a little bit of freedom, a little bit of liberty, away from individuals and giving more power to the government. And why i think its appropriate to bring this up as we approach memorial day is, people have not fought throughout our history, on to ack to 1775, 1776, 1783 and the winning of the american revolution, on through each of the wars thats been fought in the name of liberty, they didnt fight so we could come to the floor and pass more and more bills, create more and more government. Even when were told, oh, but c. B. O. Says this will only cost 5 million this year. Only cost 10 million. Not that big a deal. Its still eroding peoples liberty. Its still taking away freedom and giving more control to the government. So as we look briefly at some of the history on c. B. O. Scoring, paul an article by teller, special assistant to the president for legislative affairs, he says a new report from the office of assistant secretary for planning and evaluation calculated average monthly premiums for Health Insurance in the 39 states that use healthcare. Gov. The Research Found that from 2013 to 2017 the average obamacare premium increased by 10 by 105 across the country. They also looked at the cost spikes by state. While we await further analysis of the c. B. O. Score for the American Health care act as passed by the house, this is important reminder about the negative impact of obamacare. Besides just how unaffordable obamacare has been for hard working americans, you might consider three key things about todays c. B. O. Score in the context of this new report. Number one, the c. B. O. Estimate of obamacare premiums made back november 30, 20 2009, november 30, 2009, said premiums for the nongroup Exchange Markets would increase slightly and would be about 10 to 13 igher in 2016. C. B. O. Has the gall to act like they are so important and so accurate, but over and over, you look at critical projections theyve made and for people to have said at c. B. O. In 2009, you have a 2016, you might 10 to 13 increase in your premiums is, or would be laughable except for the crying of americans across the country who cant afford the premiums that have gone up two, three, four, 10 times. One of our Small Business employers said he paid, a couple 53,000 for his employees Health Insurance. And the following year it was 150,000 for his employees. That live leaves him without personal income because hes had such dramatic increase in premiums. But how could that ba . C. B. O. Said maybe 10 , 13 increase over that sevenyear period. It comes back to show once again , i told bloomberg this morning, appears those folks figuratively speaking couldnt find their rear end with both hands. But number two, even if you assume c. B. O. s ahca estimate is completely accurate, the first score, back march 17, 201, showed that the bill would bring down nongroup premium costs over the next 10 years while c. B. O. Did say premiums would rise slightly other the transition period attributed to the repeal of the individual mandate, by 2020, the ahca would change the trajectory of premiums. By 2026, average premiums for single spoil holders in the nongroup market under the legislation would be roughly 10 lower. So you hang around and wait for 10 years under the original ahca and you might have a 10 decrease. 10 years from now. That was so desperately wrong on their projections. And i dont have in front of me, but may be in one of these articles here, but i think originally the projection of obamacare was 1. 2 trillion over 10 years and the president got set because he said, oh, no, will be under 1 trillion for 10 years and calls the director of the c. B. O. And have a conversation and amazingly, the director of c. B. O. Comes out and says after meeting with the president , some things came clear for me and turns out it will be 800 billion, it will be like the president said. I just needed to speak to the president to have a lot more clarity than i did before. But it is under 1 trillion now that i think about it with more clarity. And after obamacare passed, we started learning, it wasnt going to be under 1 trillion and maybe 1. 9 trillion. And before long we start seeing projections maybe more like 2. 6 trillion over 10 years and even one that i had seen maybe 3. 6 trillion or 4 trillion over 10 years. As i have said over a number of times, any scoring agency whose margin of error is plus or minus 400 really shouldnt be relied on by anyone trying to create meaningful law in congress. Thats why for a number of years, i had been pushing for the elimination of c. B. O. For a better system, where, as americans, we believe in competition or we used to. I know we have some folks that cant compete. They need a safe space if someones going to compete with them. But what made America Great is american competitiveness. We could compete with anybody and prevail. Hy wouldnt we have scores mpete so we have the scorers and the American Public didnt get sidetracked by bogus models. Im not saying they do it intentionally. You dont have to do it intentionally to have a margin of error plus or minus 400 . You cant be that bad on how much things will cost. It has happened throughout the time we have had projections. What i was proposing, and i have my friend, chairman of the budget committee, to agree to sit down to dinner with a good friend of his, the former economic adviser to reagan and adviser to President Trump and also a ours, steve moore who had been with the wall street journal and Senior Editor there. I asked if the budget chairman would sit down with me and Arthur Laffer and moore and talk about c. B. O. We sat down at the Capitol Hill Club one evening and dr. Coburn walks by and he says, ok, is this one of those puzzles, figure out which piece doesnt belong here. I get the chairman of the budget and wall street journal guy, steve moore and economic adviser, what are you doing at this table . It was my idea. E needed to come up with a way of competitive scoring by competitive scorers so the score is presented to us on a bill that is being proposed, you can look at the score of that scoring entity and if they have a score say of 10 being right within 5 plus or minus margin of error, then we could take seriously their scoring in the future. My friend at that time, chairman ryan, very open to discussing it, but really kind of felt like we needed to keep c. B. O. And have an official government scorer. But since then, dr. Laffer called sometime later to let me know that he had received a private grant and that he and his firm, his son, they would be working on a model that could work for congress. The house and senate, to begin having competitive scoring and scoring the scorers, so we could have something more reliable, so we didnt have a bunch of bureaucratic malaise from models created that kept us from doing what was good for america. D so as has been pointed out before, whether you ask c. B. O. How much federal revenue would we have come in if we were at 100 income tax or say 200 income tax, probably good chance tell us how much federal revenue comes in if we create a 200 income tax that would probably come in since they are not allowed to consider reality and history, but only the models they create mechanically, they would probably come in and say, you know what . If you set up a 200 income tax in the United States of america, then next year, you will bring in twice as much money to the federal treasury as all americans make in thatear. Because they are divorced from reality. It doesnt work into their models they create. And in talking to my friend i hope he doesnt mind my sharing it and i hope hell invite me to have spaghetti with his family at their home in nashville. Loved visiting with him there, being with his family, great family. But he was very encouraging. I was a dill depressed. And he said you are a big idea guy. Dont get discouraged when you propose ideas like getting rid of the c. B. O. We get beat up every time, like dan webster found, we have 82 federal programs charged with getting people to and from appointments and we dont need 82 federal agencies. They have three wide seat advance to can carry everybody. You republicans hate seniors, children or puppies, youre evil, so we keep 82 federal programs to get people to and from agencies. Where if we can create, maybe a Standing Committees and pull people from different committees but a Public Assistance Committee where we have all 82 of those in every area of public assistance, we see all the duplication because it is all in the same committee, then we can get some reasonable federal Government Back under control. Another idea that we just need to move on. But i have been joined by my friend and i would be glad to yield much time as he may use. I appreciate you yielding about three minutes of time. I want to take a few moments to ank the house for the work they did recently on h. R. 1242. And i want to urge the senate to take action on this bill as well. 400 years africanamerican commission. I look forward to the Senate Passing this bill and important for all citizens to recnize the history and contributions that africanamericans have made to build our great nation. Im invigorated by this legislative intention to identify and educate the people of the arrivals of africans. And generational impact that slavery and laws that they had on the United States. There have been many inspirational africanamericans with contributions we miss address disparities by achieving six miltones for success. They include entering school ready to learn. Reading by third grade. Graduating from High School Ready for college. Completing Postsecondary Education or training, reducing violence and providing a Second Chance for returning citizens. I applaud the organizations actively working to address these opportunity graps faced by africanamericans and my community, i appreciate the efforts of the president and founder of black menu nighted. True grassroots leader and highlight some other organizations. I serve to implement these organizations are serving to implement a create cradle to college and improving the outcomes of all young people. Urban league in nebraska, the start center, the omaha power network, the Eastern Nebraska Community action partnership, the black men of omaha. Operation youth of success, the efforts of the city of home that through the black male achievement program. Like all complicated issues we need this type of Strong Community support along with smart Bipartisan Legislation to address these problems. As the africanamerican commission develops programs, i hope they will inspire communities to continue to build partnerships between government, businesses and foundations. This will connect men and women with support networks mentoring programs and skill they need to succeed in the classroom and work force. While we learn from and celebrate, we must look for a Brighter Future of all americans and i yield back to my friend and colleague from texas and i appreciate the speaker indulging e. Mr. Gohmert iould like to point out something that is not getting enough attention as the media seems to be driven over assault, harge of russian connections. May 22, democratic aide suspected of major Security Breach under government protection. There are Critical Issues here. These pakistanindividuals, we dont know if they fled now from the u. S. , some gone back to pakistan and working for our democratic colleagues in the house. Some of them like my good friend Debbie Wasserman schultz since 2005 and may have worked for the d. N. C. And their investigation, allegations of stealing, perhaps a couple hundred thousands of equipment, uter accessing government information that they shouldnt have been allowed to access and banned from accessing the house system. One of them, particularly the one thahas been working for asserman schultz had stolen or taken a ltop of hers and hidden it and a Capitol Police man found it. Its important to us, even though the d. N. C. Never let a f. B. I. , c. I. A. , n. S. A. Federal agent never let them examine the d. N. C. Computer system before they said, oh, yeah, its definitely the russians. Really . How can you say it is the russians . Thats the way things he been going lately, but this is regarding congresonal computer syem. And we need to get to the bottom of this. How badly has our system been compromised in addition to the thefts and making over 4 million since 2010, having people they owed money to. At least one put on the system and now we learn he never visitedhe hill. A lot of issues needto be dried up, cleared up. But those are mor issues that need to be clarifd. No evidence of russian collusion, but there is definitely evidence of pakistani collusion and corruption rough the firne Democratic Congress members that they worked for. We just dont kw how badly they corrupted the system. We know they got money that they surely should not have. Lets have an investigation into that. In the meantime, we owe it to all of those who gave ther last full measure of devotion for this country. We owe it to them to do a better job here in Congress Passing better laws, of giving people more liberty and more freedom for those who died. There is one thing that is absolutely certain and jesus knew what he was talking abo, john 15. 13 no greater love than this that a man lays down his life for his friends. And for all of those mr. Speaker who have laid down their live for americans for those around the world for their liberty, we just say thank you. Thank god for you. May god may god continue to bless america by giving us such patriots in the days ahead. Thank you. I yield back the speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back the balance of hisime. For what purpose ds the gentleman from tas seek recognition . Mr. Gohmert i move that we do now hereby adjourn. The spker pro tpore the estion is on the motion to adjourn. Those in favor say aye. Thse opposed, no. The ayes have it. Motion is adopted. Accordingly the house stands adjourned until 10 00 a. M. Tomorrow

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