6 Similarly, intrastromal Amphotericin-B (ISAMB) has also been employed successfully for targeted drug delivery.
7 In an experimental study in rabbit eyes by Mimouni et al, intrastromal natamycin (ISNTM) was employed successfully for treatment of
Fusarium keratitis.
8 While many studies have individually described the utility of these drugs for intrastromal injections in recalcitrant fungal keratitis, there is a relative paucity of peer-reviewed literature prospectively comparing the safety and efficacy of these drugs.
We conducted a randomized clinical trial to determine and compare the safety and efficacy of ISVCZ 50ug/0.1 mL, ISAMB 5ug/0.1 mL and ISNTM 10ug/0.1 mL as adjuncts to topical NTM 5% in cases of recalcitrant fungal keratitis.