right? you just want to get together and enjoy family and everything, and you can t do it. it s very, very difficult. we re not approaching civil war status, i don t think that s ever going to happen. by the way, if it did, the left would get its ass kicked. [laughter] [applause] but i think we do need to step back, take a breath and do exactly what you say. next time you re in a conversation just realize, hey, look, we ve seen a lot worse times. and it s not the death of the republic every time the administration takes an action. greg: you know, tom, is it too much to expect the left to meet the right like finish not even halfway with. i d be happy if 10 %. because they re angry they re out of power. you want 10% or you going to give 10 or give 90? i m going to give 90. oh, that s too much! [laughter] i don t know. i don t think it s that bad. i mean, people yell at each other on, in the media greg: that s true. on tv we yell at each other. we re always yelling at each other
tracy smoler, yelling not screaming and person that screamed at me was eric schultz at the white house. and would be a little upset that this thing is getting some traction. but the reporter, come on, let s not whine, people yell at one another all the time in this business and yelled at. not only have i been yelled at i ve done my share of yelling when people lie to me or mislead me, he that s the business, come on, get over it. and what about one frt senate news conferences, you always have to protect the president whatever administration, plausible denieblt. and said he didn t know anything about in, but this is a program run out of the same office in tucson arizona in the bush administration. alan, you ll be happy about that well, you called wide receiver, how could he say he didn t know about it? he didn t say he didn t know about the program. what holder said was this is an important distinction, the media ignored, is that holder said he did not know about an
how do you think that s going to be received by voters? i mean that s really lying on the line. you know, ed, these are really three kind gentle words. people yell in audiences that i attend when i describe what she s done. for example, she says that if a 12-year-old girl is impregnated by her father, you should make lemonade out of lemons. and people yell from the audience, a lot worse than being extreme, dangerous, and embarrassing. those are just some of the words they yell. so you think nevada voters are going to figure this out. i mean, you re neck anding in. they ve spent $40 million trying to defeat the most powerful man in the united states senate. one of the afl-cio officials here told me that she s certifiab certifiable, you know? are you surprised you re in this position? i m comfortable where i am today in this selection. we have been doing polling for quite a few days. we are fine where we are. why is the race close?