come back until the crisis mode has sort of taken a turn that you d like to see? i think there is a level that would be a move. the fact that he s walking away or leaving is giving that away r leaving is giving the impression things are vastly improving and that is not the case. images need to be out there. people haven were incredibly supportive and the spirit on the ground of great resilience, those here have to raise the pressure. be the voice. when we come back, what may end up being the most popular decision of the trump presidency. to reach your business goals it takes more than buzz words. it tooks tools. tools to help you work better. attracting customers and driving growth getting you and your business to the next level. join me weekend mornings at 7:30 on msnbc and connect with us
we are back with ann from the washington post, a great film reviewer and ted johnson is also with us. he s going to give us best picture picks. picture best director, what is the surprise coming? ted? surprise, i think denzel washington for best actor. people haven saying, hey, it s going to be casey affleck but, washington won the sag award. that was a bit of a surprise for people. actors make up the biggest part of the academy branches. he s the meryl streep for them. he s gotten two. that s right. i think it is setting some sort of a record. i m sure there s a record in there he will set. go ahead. ann, what is the surprise? i think i could see a scenario where the front-runners are la la land and moonlight.
you ve looked at how bad this problem is. you ve been looking into this, dealing with it for 10 years. you get this law passed. are you confident or has it been guaranteed to you that taxpayers are not on the hook for any of these charges yet? well, i can tell you in the past sometimes they have been on the hook and people haven t been fired and sometimes people haven t even been charged for the fraudulent use of taxpayers money. in some instances there has been some prosecution. i can t give you a figure on it. but it lacks oversight by the department of defense. listen, we ve run into other departments, too, that have done the same thing. the purpose now is to make sure we got official oversight, rather than just relying on whistleblowers to tell us what the information is, whether it s being abused or not. that s what this report is all about. now, whether something else needs to be done, we ll wait
19 americans died. we caught a glimpse of a real bright light, just, you know, like after that we were all blasted up against the wall. 19 americans killed in the saudi arabian blast. blasted a 35 foot crater next to a military housing. in front of the eight story building demolished. no suspect, but focus on muslim militants. 270 americans were injured. 19 more killed. the bombings of two embassies, killed 224 people including americans. and the targets of the bomb blast and the american embassy and the building on to dozens of people haven been killed. two simultaneous bombings in east africa, a very chaotic situation. 17 people at least killed in the kenya explosion in nairobi. a crater behind the building, trans nia, 9 killed. 16 injured.