Hitlers eagles nest. The veteransd by center. Incolonel edward shame began 1942. He was enlisted with the 101st airborne. He received a battlefield commission. He was transferred to easy company as a platoon commander. He has quite the sassy attitude. Are you ready for that . It is and gentlemen, i give you colonel edward shame. [applause] let this guy for you, my kitty cat did this to me about four months ago. Incidentally, all of you familiar with battlefield commissions, probably not. People familiar with battlefield commissions wanted photo ops. They can put all the names in the cap. That was me. See, now you know. That was supposed to be funny. The American Army almost lost a hitlers eagles nest. After we landed in normandy. If you noticed your programs for , youll knowse that they gave me a second 30 minutes to go from normandy to the eagles nest. I asked for 10 minutes, they said five, i settled for six. Maybe they are trying to get rid of may. Ofe had these types occasions all
Colonel Edward Shames began in 1942. He was enlisted with the 101st airborne. He received a Battlefield Commission. He was transferred to easy company as a platoon commander. He has quite the sassy attitude. Are you ready for that . It is and gentlemen, i give you colonel edward shame. Colonel Edward Shames. [applause] colonel shames dont let this cane for you. My kitty cat did this to me about four months ago. Incidentally, all of you familiar with battlefield are you familiar with Battlefield Commissions . Probably not. People familiar with Battlefield Commissions wanted photo ops. They can put all the names in the cap. You picked one. And that was me. See, now you know. [laughter] colonel shames shames that was supposed to be funny. The American Army almost lost a year to reach hitlers eagles nest. After we landed in normandy. If you noticed your programs for todays lecture, youll knows that they gave me a second 30 minutes to go from normandy to the eagles nest. I asked for 10 minu
Something you highlighted in your testimony about them acting recently to recognize that lgbt rights are human rights. A first in that forum. You highlighted it and it is very important in moving forward. I guess i want to ask in terms of your po posals and recommendations to others, how important it is for governments and authorities and regimes to say lgbt rights are human rights and how dangerous is the absence of that, the silence to that. Thank you for this important question. From my own experience being a gay man in syria, i know i knew at an early age that the government has laws against us and we are not legal. I was not allowed to say it out loud. I was not allowed to be out in the open. It was punishable up to three years in prison. And worst that it could be persecuted by your own community members. Its very important for us to put the words out there. To say the government will be held accountable and say lgbt rights are human rights. From my understanding, my community in
Wonderful, discussing all the ways they are perverting islam warhe way they are waging and taking advantage of our political failures in terms of how we are gaining territory. So this is not a clash of civilizations. Islams people perverting and taking advantage of political realities. So i just want to get from you you said this already and i want to go one step deeper specifichat are the tactics to sort of expose isil for the perversions they are doing . What are the best ways to go about that . Thank you, senator. I really believe in the common narrative. That is very important. When i started to do this less than a year ago, i realized there was no very articulate, clearcut counter narrative. How does islam deal with issues of plurality, citizenship . All of these things have been argued by 200 years but are unknown to the vast majority of muslims. The principles daesh claim as the bones of modernity have been dealt with already. It is based on the primary sources, which are import
Thanks for being with us this week. You realize this is something i not ond would love to do but something i think could be different about books written in the path and a way to rethink and reevaluate who this person was, what his real significance was. What his virtues really were that made him the most one of the most adored and adlated figures in the american history. But also what were his flaws and what were his the thing that is made him in many ways unpleasant and even hated by millions of people. Tonight on q a Hudson Institute senior fellow herman takes a look at the life and career of u. S. Army general macarthur. I think thats one of the things about him that you have to say he saw the future more clearly often than he saw the present. Whether it was americas role the ia, the rise of china, split between china and the soviet union which he foresaw. But also perhaps, too, the fate of american domestic politics. Tonight at 8 00 eastern. On tuesday the Senate Homeland security