brian: whoever they are. ainsley: introduce each hour that he wants water and sunrise. brian: i like that. ainsley: brian got snow. will: ski slope. brian: for ainsley. you she misses it. ainsley: i love the snow. every city needs a little bit of snow every winter for the kids. brian: just to hydroplane instead of gripping the road. ainsley: to build a snowman. brian: you have to commit to making a snowman. let me say something? overrated. make one snowman, okay. this is it. ainsley: what about the snow angel? not overrated, that s eadsy. will: that s overrated too. lay in the snow goes up your sleeves and back of your coat. brian: spoken like a guy who never did it in texas. ainsley: welcome. glad you are here this morning. will: on pins and needings to see what it will be like at 8:00 a.m. brian: you re right it will be interesting. ainsley: 8:00. will: asking former presidents and vice presidents if they have any classified documents in
bidens code but diagnosis, as mild as it may be, still it triggering event to the d.c. establishment, what if something happens to the president and kamala harris has to step in? this scenario is a terrifying prospect for anyone who s followed her performance over the last few years. in an administration of punch lines, she s in a class by herself. last sunday during a podcast interview where she managed to make the democrats holy grail of abortions sound evermore callous, if that s possible watch. listen, women are getting pregnant every day in america and this is a real issue, and we need to act with a sense of haste about what is at play, what is at stake. laura: there s a baby at play, just to clarify. at least she didn t to the trademark hyena cackle at the end of that, but she was saying saving all of that for today in indianapolis where she was nervously avoiding any opportunity for q&a with the press. so in terms of the format, we will let the press in, repr
advanced technology. brian: we left 14 billion worth of our equipment in afghanistan. we did not see that i could tell we left any tanks there just, real quick, politically, if the president wants to get the pressure off him politically, give them everything at once. having to keep going back is politically detrimental to this war effort and for the u.s. support. don t you agree? go back once. this is what we need. we will replenish, that s it. wouldn t it help? yeah, i mean, the problem we have here is that the administration it s commendable the amount of support they have provided and how they also have led the europeans in providing support. give them credit for that but at the same time, it s too slow. this should have been there months ago. the air defense systems that defend the cities, the ukrainians were asking that months before the russians began to attack their civilian infrastructure. get this equipment.
the under current here senior officials in the pentagon who don t believe the ukrainians can retake all this territory. and i say stop under estimating all of them after all this time ukrainians have proven they have the mettle to get things done. russians are defending over 1,000 miles and that defense is vulnerable low morale poor training not having all the equipment they need have. they are going to be able to penetrate these lines and retake territory and give them the means to do it. brian: absolutely. this is the russia s b team they have lost tens of thousands already. general, thanks so much. yeah. great talking to you, brian. the team, have a wonderful weekend. brian: by the way speaking of weekend coming up at 8:00 and repeated at 11:00. one nation yesterday to go. one year anniversary. guest senator tim scott will he run for president.
certainly sounds like he is. boy, not everyone, but too many. whether it s hollywood who acquiesces the same way biden did they don t put chinese characters where they continued to buy stuff where they are committing atrocities, even to make our biggest corporations in america. there are a lot of folks deeply connected to china in a way that s not good for the united states. the general they re kind of just assumed failure, he assumes the chinese ought to be able to dictate who can travel where from the united states. what s next? are you going to tell leaders they can t travel some place else because the chinese don t like it if they go to fiji or the solomon islands or wherever it may be? this is a very dangerous path to head down. we ought to do the things that matter america, the things that defend and protect our sovereignty in our security. we can do that. we need not be fearful, we need to be strong and clear. whether speaker pelosi went or not six months ago might not have