Here is the detail of LIC s policy from where you will start getting money at the age of 40. The name of this policy is Saral Pension Yojana, in which you can get a pension even from the age of 40 years. Let us have a look at this scheme.
Retirement saving is at the centre of the debate on rising income and wealth inequality. This column studies the role of the pension system in wealth accumulation and distribution in Denmark. The authors find that a pension reform in the late 1980s increased the savings rate and aggregate pension assets significantly by introducing mandated funded pensions. Moreover, it has
Study show that, although average lifespan has increased, the period that older people spend in good health and able to work has not necessarily extended at the same rate.
Union Minister of State Dr Jitendra Singh on Monday launched unique Face Recognition Technology for Pensioners and said that this will bring ease of living for the retired and the elderly citizens.