the collision was not intentional and that the russian pilots, they were pilots, they were ma and incompetent. amateurs, make no mistakke ne, t was no accident. and i can guarantee you that vladimir putin personally signed off on this military aggression. now, here s our very owngenn jennifer griffin with senator mike rounds. take a look. t i just like to geto what hap your reaction to what happened today in the black sea.d . sec i mean, let s just be honeston about this for a second.omin the report coming out of our government is that this was an unperfects act in environmentally unsound. i m sorry, folks. folks. they shot down a unitedrplane. states war plane. ey took they took it out of actr and that s the response wees get back. it. so, yeah, not very happy about it. and the cannote bottom line is . cannot allow that to happen. we can allow that to happen. that s right. we can t allow t this to happen russia and putin s hostility and aggression against our c
their wallet that much. instead of producingmuch. cing domesticho oil energy right here at home,mr it s the party with the economic and energy policies that are crushing the middlean working class ing the middlean po country. it is theliti cians. on peoplmocratic politicians. they are the ones that lie and say that they re not going a yeary that they re not going to raise taxes on people making under four hundred thousand dollars a year. and what did joe biden do? turn turn around. around? he wants taxes on oil, gas,, coal, pensions, corporations. they, pensions, corporations. corporations don t pay taxes. they pass that cost on to all of us .result are now, two thirds of the countrypa as a result, are living tapping paycheck to paycheck. neycheck to paycheck. their pension accounts for bare necessities. we have otheamericans payir amel paying bills with credit cards. this year, the average househol t withd was hit with aion tax. ten thousand dollar fighting inflation ta mucx. that s h
BEIJING, Feb. 26 (Xinhua) More than 24 million individual pension accounts have been opened since China announced the implementation of its private pension p
Главный диетолог департамента здравоохранения Москвы Антонина Стародубова призвала россиян мыть арбузы и дыни теплой водой с мылом, так как существует риск попадания микробов с поверхности в мякоть при разрезании. Диетолог также посоветовала не употреблять в пищу арбуз или дыню, если они повреждены.
Ist ein finanzieller Bonus der richtige Weg zu mehr Gleichheit? Die STANDARD-Community diskutiert
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250 Euro im Monat â so viel solle man als Elternteil für die ersten vier Jahre als Bonus ausbezahlt bekommen, wenn die Wochenarbeitszeit zwischen 28 und 32 Stunden beträgt, so die Forderung von Arbeiterkammer und ÃGB. Das Ziel: Die Familienarbeit in Ãsterreich soll gleichmäÃiger auf Mütter und Väter aufgeteilt werden. Aktuell ist es immer noch so, dass bei den meisten Familien die Frau mit 20 Stunden aus der Karenz zurückkommt, während der Mann Vollzeit weiterarbeitet. In weniger als zehn Prozent der Fälle gehen laut Statistik Austria beide Elternteile in Teilzeit, um sich die Kinderbetreuung aufzuteilen. Das schlägt sich natürlich in späteren Jahren dann auch auf den Pensionskonten nieder, im Schnitt erhalten Frauen monatlich 851 Euro weniger Pension als Männer.