When I graduated from New York University (NYU) in 2008, our commencement speaker was Michael Strahan. As someone uninterested in sports, I had absolutely no idea who he was at
(RNS) Among American Hindus, a survey by the organization Interfaith Shaadi found that 38% marry outside the umbrella of Dharmic faiths Hinduism, Sikhism, Jainism and Buddhism.
The Domini Hoskins Black History Museum and Learning Center is looking to take $2 million in state funding to secure a longer-term location for the pop-up museum, which showcases the
The Multifaith Light Over Darkness Festival will host leaders from five major faiths to share interpretations of removing darkness and ignorance through light and knowledge Dec. 2 at the Sanatan
Standing by the fireplace in front of a small portable lectern, the Rev. Álvaro Durán starts his sermon with a question. First in Spanish, then in English, he invites participants