could also be assigned to a segregation cell where she would lose all of her other privileges as well. peggy. yes. i m one of the gang officers here. yesterday they confiscated some letters from you. what s going on? what can you tell me about the letters? i know that i was writing a pen pal and she didn t give me a chance to read the letters. i don t know what was in it. she said it was how many pen pals are you writing? just one. do you know what gangs these people are part of? i know that my baby s dad s confirmed. i just don t know what you don t know what. the other gang? he s a orejone. or something like that. according to the letter, this was on there. what does this mean? it s on the bottom part of the letter. i didn t write the letter. he wrote to me. oh, i m sorry. he wrote that to you. this is garcia, she s a class officer here, she ll be monitoring you from this point on. any reports of gang-related activity i ll remove you from inmate work
he helps me out when i m sad. i have three pen pals but i write him more. i have like everybody s name tattooed on me, i could have my own baby name book. it s embarrassing. oh, yeah, they re all pen pals and it s a big mistake and don t use tattooing for prison. since coming to jail, peggy perales has also developed a pen pal relationship. but the male inmate she writes to is a member of the largest jail gang, the tango orejones. she also writes to her boyfriend, a member of the orejones archrival gang, the mexican mafia. jail officials intercepted a suspicious letter the orejone pen pal wrote to perales. a big concern on our part to determine what information is traveling to and from the buildings and another big concern we have is why are two rival gangs communicating with one female. are they even aware they re both communicating? so i m going to talk to her to let her know we re aware of it. if officials determine perales is colluding with either gang, she stands to lose
she s like you don t got nothing to do. your boyfriend ain t writing you, i was like, i guess, somebody just to make my time pass quicker, i was like all right. at this point i don t think the men are aware they re both communicating to the same person. it is possible but i don t think they re aware of it. once they find out, the only person that could be punished from this is the female receiving the two letters, we have to walk on this with kid gloves. in addition to perales safety, officer rodriguez has a new concern, the last letter written by her orejone pen pal was intercepted by mail room staff but suspicious content. she wrote to two different inmates, two different gangs but written in some sort of code. you see that? i need someone to go through her bunk and pull the letters she s writing this guy because if they are coded messages, we need that. and they could simply just be love letters.
can they actually get citizenship if they married a convict? i was thinking about that earlier. i think that s a legal gray area there. well, all right. you don t like his plan, darrel? i love his plan, but i think it s a little gray. very gray. yeah. gray or not, step one for bulmer is finding a pen pal. he has just joined a pen pal club. release or next parole date. i ll just put 2014. eye color? blue. hair? i m putting down silver. gray would give you away. there you go. sexual orientation. are you straight, gay, lesbian or bisexual? i m not gay, but extremely happy. i m straight and a little bit lesbian. no! are you willing to correspond with an overseas pen pal? yes. what s your type? oh, girl, i didn t know you
oh, heck no, i m done. no, i m not coming back. how can you guarantee that? if i stay away from certain places i can t guarantee it. that s the answer i m looking for. there s no guarantees. that s what i m looking for. exactly. i want it but that s what i was looking for. that was the answer i was trying to get out of her. she can t guarantee that. every day is going to be an issue for her. i keep thinking i can once in a while go out and have a drink. i can t do that. if i think i can go back and do that right. i m stupid. i do belong here. as she awaits her release, gallorini must also contemplate how to deal with what she describes as a sex addiction. lately, she s been cultivating some new relationships with younger men. i have a pen pal, another guy that s been writing me from another jail. yeah, he s written me some pretty juicy letters. he s been in jail for a long time. i just wrote him and told him when i was getting out. apparently he really