Rampant shoplifting and organized retail theft, often unchecked by local governments and allowed to grow into a multibillion-dollar business, have major retailers turning to Washington for help.
A chaotic year for the House is coming to a close with more Democrats than Republicans deciding to leave the chamber, a disparity that could have major ramifications in next year's elections.
When you buy eyedrops at a U.S. store, you might assume you're getting a product made in a clean, well-maintained factory that's passed muster with health regulators.
As the Senate wrapped up its work for the year, Sen. Michael Bennet took to the floor of the nearly empty chamber and made a late-night plea for Congress to redouble support for Ukraine: "Understand the stakes at this moment."
Congress and the Pentagon are battling over a legal requirement to create a joint military task force in the Pacific needed for a possible future conflict with China, but so far the military is slow-rolling the mandate with a lesser force, according to lawmakers and congressional aides.