Card and internet frauds were just Rs 87 crore involving 2,321 frauds during the April-September period of 2022-23, according to the RBI’s Report on Trend and Progress in Banking.
RBI recently granted license to over 50 payment aggregators to act as online payment aggregators. We provide a list of all the entities whose applications have been approved, are in process, or have been returned.
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on Wednesday gave an in-principle nod to the payment arms of US technology majors Amazon and Google and 30 others including Reliance Jio Infocomm s Reliance Payment Solutions to operate as online payment aggregators. aaa
As the UPI juggernaut rolls on‚ the six-year-old real-time payments system is set to disrupt big-ticket credit card‚ debit card and remittance payment ecosystems‚ and even the cash in the system.