bashar asassasasasa reportedly k kililleledd m mororee ththanan 1 10000 p peeopoplele i inn t the nonortrthehernrn village t tay. ththee attttk p pusususd t thehe d deaeathththth totollll for t twowo d dayayayay o off v vioiolelencnceeee toto more t thahahaha 2 20000.. anandd w wasas o onene o off the d deaeadldlieiestst sisingnglele e eveventntss i innhehe nininene-m-monononon u uprprisising. ththee l latatesestt o o o o t thehe p payayrorollll t taxax cucutt f figightht w witititit t thehe fox alall-l-ststararss n nexextt..
e endnd u upp rere-e-elelectctininininththe e prpresesididenent before t thehe 2 2010122 c camampapapapann bebegiginsns i in e eararnenestst. . > w wee f fououghght for l lowowowow t taxaxeses foforr 2 211 y yeaearsrs i i have b beeeenn o onn ththee c conongrgresesss a andnd w we llll cocontntininueue t too b bee t the party of lolowewer r r r xexes.s. > a as s fofor r ththisis fight one sesenanatete d dememococrarat t ofoffefe a sosolulutitionon t to o ththeeee p payayrorollll t taxax hoholilidadayy s s s sndndofoff.f. > i i h hopopee i it endss by t theheouousese pupublblicicanans s liliststenenining g toto the adadvivicece o off t thehe wawallll s strtreeeett jojoururnananana e ediditotoririalal b boaoardrd today whoo u urgrgeded t thehehehe t too s simimplplyy acacceceptpt t thehe s s s satatee e extxtenensisionon anandd l l g getet b bacackk i innnn j jananuauaryry t too nenegogotitiatatiningg o oveverr a a y yeaearr exextetensnsioion.n. > t tododayay, , haharrrry y rereid