bashar asassasasasa reportedly k kililleledd m mororee ththanan 1 10000 p peeopoplele i inn t the nonortrthehernrn village t tay. ththee attttk p pusususd t thehe d deaeathththth totollll for t twowo d dayayayay o off v vioiolelencnceeee toto more t thahahaha 2 20000.. anandd w wasas o onene o off the d deaeadldlieiestst sisingnglele e eveventntss i innhehe nininene-m-monononon u uprprisising. ththee l latatesestt o o o o t thehe p payayrorollll t taxax cucutt f figightht w witititit t thehe fox alall-l-ststararss n nexextt..