Hello, on the air of the news of the studio sergey tugushev Vladimir Putin held a meeting at the headquarters of the special military Operation Group in rostovondon. On the footage, which was distributed early in the morning by the Kremlin Press Service , it can be seen how the president would arrive at the location and meet with the military president , reportedly heard reports of the chief of the general staff Valery Gerasimov to the commanders of the directions and other Senior Officers of the hq group in rostovondon. The head of state has repeatedly visited earlier in midmarch. Vladimir putin held a meeting there and listened to the reports of the military; the president also came to the headquarters on december 31 and made a new years address from there. In the red lebanese direction, the special operations of the military grouping of the center repelled six attacks of ukrainian formations , their losses amounted to more than 40 militants, in addition, more than 30 artillery posit
Flight. If there is a challenge, it must be overcome. Is it a challenge . Rather, a gift of fate, only forces and talented people, and so many resources have been expended. Im sure it wont all go in vain. This will definitely be noticed. I love challenges. Everyone is waiting for the challenge of jokes with jokes yulia is the first actress who really visited space. This must be seen. The worst is ahead of us, everything will be fine. Everything will be great. The idea arose two and a half years ago. As i understand it, in some kind of negotiations, uh, constantino erste dmitry rogozina well, my producer, respectively, called me, almost permanent. Uh, edward tin said, they had such an idea, they called me, what do you think about it, and we began to discuss. Uh, the concept that there is such an opportunity, naturally for me it was wow roskosmos offered us such an opportunity we realized that our dream is finally coming true and we can help roskosmos in the implementation of their scien
This regard, more services, and staff training, now this is deeper work, and accordingly, well, you werent looking for these students of yours, thats right, you probably didnt register them, you probably they didnt pay there taxes for them, your task was to prepare a course, yes training, conduct it well, maybe test them there, that is , lets fix it, that is, the first expert. First you need to invest in the name, that is , in order for you to come out, that is, when you separate, when you leave the wall of your company from its brand, you must become a brand, well, no less, maybe even more, so was there any then preparatory work for expanding your brand . There was no special work, the only thing i can probably note is that i became more active appear on social networks, show your life, show yourself as a person , show cases. Either the money will run out, or time will run out, or patience will run out, and sometimes everything ends at once, but in fact, thats why the second question
The members of the first detachment were already senior comrades for them, i said, i immediately realized that gagarin would probably fly first, i said, why . And somehow korolev started talking to him and somehow it turned out to be a very serious conversation, a very long conversation, the king paid very serious attention to him, but why did Sergei Pavlovich korolev immediately Pay Attention to gagarin. It is often written that because of his wide open smile, and indeed, gagarins smile is very inviting. But you must admit, its hard to believe that the chief designer decided who fly into space just because of this. There was Something Different here, something that korolev felt during his first meeting with gogarin. In 1960, naturally, when it was held. Preparing our cosmonauts for the flight, Sergei Pavlovich korolev decided to get to know the candidates for the flight better and invited them to his Design Bureau in podlipka, and there the seat for landing the cosmonaut was already b
His task. Coped successfully, valery demin blundered. In the debut of the second segment , sinara still took the lead, albert akbaliev, trying to interrupt gerasimovs pass, sent the ball into his own goal. In the thirtysixth minute , demin made up for his penalty miss by hitting the empty target at the moment when the guests replaced the goalkeeper with a fifth field player. Andrey pankratov made the score 43, in the end Gazprom Yugra again went to oban, switching to a game with five field players. This led to gleb timoshenko once again hitting the unprotected goal with a longrange shot, for a total of five. Sinara settled in sixth place. The southeastern Handball League has decided participants in the final four. They were two clubs each from russia and belarus. The Current Super League winner cska sensationally lost to viktor stavropolsky in the quarterfinals. Having won the first match by a margin of seven goals, the army team received a minus eight at home. The heroes of the meetin