The members of the first detachment were already senior comrades for them, i said, i immediately realized that gagarin would probably fly first, i said, why . And somehow korolev started talking to him and somehow it turned out to be a very serious conversation, a very long conversation, the king paid very serious attention to him, but why did Sergei Pavlovich korolev immediately Pay Attention to gagarin. It is often written that because of his wide open smile, and indeed, gagarins smile is very inviting. But you must admit, its hard to believe that the chief designer decided who fly into space just because of this. There was Something Different here, something that korolev felt during his first meeting with gogarin. In 1960, naturally, when it was held. Preparing our cosmonauts for the flight, Sergei Pavlovich korolev decided to get to know the candidates for the flight better and invited them to his Design Bureau in podlipka, and there the seat for landing the cosmonaut was already being installed, and at this action there were just the six first candidates, among whom he naturally belonged Yuri Alekseevich gagarin. Gagarin was the first to volunteer to sit in the pilots seat, but before he went in, he did what he does. A reflection of respect for the work of those people, korolev, because it was probably who were engaged in the construction of this complex equipment for cleanliness. Gagarin respected the work of others since childhood. Yuri alekseevich was born in the small village of klushino, smolensk region. Father Alexey Ivanovich plotnik, mother anna timofeevna dayarka. The family has four children, valentin, zoya, yura and the youngest boris. Tamara fillatova yuris niece gagarin. She spent her entire childhood with her beloved uncle, who was also her godfather. When i was born, yuri was 13 years old, so i dont know, firstly, i was the very first niece. Because you had to feed the children, you had to work on the collective farm, you had to provide for your huge farm, take care of it, and tell them to be so good, be so smart, dont let them be rude to the elders, help them there and so on, its easy for them there was no time to do this, perhaps it was thanks to this christian childhood that gagarin possessed a unique feature, when a person is very tired. He once fell asleep on the sofa, on an armchair, and so on, a little time passed, he woke up like new, managed to rest during this time, this was a feature, we envied ourselves for this, how so you can relax in such a short period of time, this was gogarins, in fairness it must be said that all the cosmonauts were in excellent physical shape. We are ready to go through fire and water without thinking, but no one knows for sure what the worlds first cosmonaut will have to go through. Knew. I want to say. That there were serious tests then, korolev before the first flight, he tried to do this, because well, they didnt know that you would be with a person. The first thing that was clear was that there would be large overloads during launch and landing, so the astronauts did a lot of training in the centrifuge. As if lying down, there is a load on you, on every molecule of yours. After another centrifuge test, the whole squad sat depressed and tired, suddenly gagari began to tell an indecent joke, everyone immediately lay down. Sincerity, thats how yuri was grigarin. The second thing we practiced to perfection was parachute jumping. The design of the first spacecraft was different from the modern one. During landing, the astronaut ejected and landed by parachute. Worked out any possible situations, and as it turned out, not in vain, each jump is different from the previous one, some conditions seem to you that you Must Immediately solve correctly, if you decide correctly, on may 15, 1960, the launch seemed to be successful, but the vostok ship was unmanned due to a glitch, went into a higher orbit instead of the planned one during the descent, the ship remained in space for another year, that is, this ship reached the earths atmosphere when gagarin had already flown into space. If such a malfunction occurs with a person on board, painful death is inevitable, because the air reserves in the ship are only for 10 days. On july 28 , 1960, the launch was unsuccessful again, an explosion immediately after launch, if it had been a manned spacecraft, the cosmonaut would have died instantly, on Yuri Gagarins ninetieth birthday. Within 2 weeks after the space flight, yuri gagarin received invitations from 80 countries. In rio de janeiro, the car of the first astronaut picked them up and carried them in their arms, it was interesting, really, such a performance by children, sports performances. Do you know that you are a genius . He simply told me yes, clark, i know, im confused. This march marks the 90th anniversary of the birth of mikhail zhvanetsky. I remember how everyone froze at home, turned on the tape recorder, recorded zhvanetsky, and at the age of 11 i could not understand what this man was saying, in the hall the people were happy, in my house they were happy. This is not prose, this is poetry. Zhvanetskys dictionary is the dictionary of the country. Our exclusive today is my wife, son and friends of the satirist, about his work. In my last conversation with him. The main advice that my dad gave me, he told me have a conscience and do what you want. exclusive with dmitry borisov. Premiere. Tomorrow on the first. The flight is serious. For the first time, a person is present on board, which launches into space. Nobody knew what it was. In practice, the animals were in space, but they did not tell the dog anything. No one knew how an astronaut should act either, everyone guessed roughly, so the ship was completely automated, that is, protection they made one that even took away the helmet, automatically closed, because suddenly something happened, the imported tires themselves tightened, but in the event of an emergency , the astronaut had to switch the ship to manual control. He had to do this, as they say, in his right mind and sober memory, so the candidates passed tests for psychological stability. However, korolev looked not only at the test results, but also studied the biography of everyone. Gagarins childhood occurred during the war years. Elena gagarina, eldest daughter of Yuri Alekseevich, he admits that war was always a pain for dad. Yuria at that time was 7 years old, his younger brother boris was five. To survive, the parents dug a small dugout in the yard, the size of a train compartment. Tamara fillatova knows about the occupation from the story of her grandmother, anna timofeevna, gagarina. Albert, such an ardent fascist from bavaria, lived in their house in the village, he was nicknamed for. This happened in front of yura, he rushed into the dugout after his mother, screaming, damn, he hung up the fight. She flew up, pushed this albert away, grabbed boris, took him off, he was already turned blue, he and yura quickly flew into the dugout and closed. How the grandmother speaks and writes about this, that the task was not only to save the children, not only. They fought for their lives, precisely for their mental, moral state, before committing the worlds first crime. But 7 years later in march 1968. I completely believe in technology, it should not fail, but it happens that out of the blue a person falls and breaks his neck, something can happen here too. But i myself dont believe in it yet, but if anything happens, i ask you to first of all, you, valyusha, dont die from grief. By that time, the gagarins had already been married for 4 years, had two children, twoyearold lena, and gali, who had just been born. This photo was taken in orenburg, then it was called chkalov, where Yuri Alekseevich graduated from Flight School and this. From the world, however, the details were classified for many years, and there was something to hide, when the worlds first cosmonaut had already taken his place in the ship above him, they began to batten down the hatch , it turned out that one of the three contacts did not close, it would seem that there was nothing wrong, its just this failed contact that was responsible for. Imagine what gagarin experienced, sitting in the spacecraft, hearing the technicians working and talking anxiously, let s try to press it here, lets try to tighten it here, in the end the contact was closed, the hatch was battened down. Fedor, im alone at dawn, the ignition has started, the worlds first flight into space has taken off. Such a scream at this distance, everything rattles in your soul, your whole chest rattles , this is the power of a kilometer, everyone feels what it is, but he is alone, the rocket was raped works, the rest are everyone who is in the bunker, who is protected, he alone is not protected, this is it. Launching gagarin into orbit, his apogee orbit was 100 km higher, in fact 100 km higher than the one that was assigned. Gagarin remembered very well the launch of an unmanned prototype, which was sent on may 15, 1960, and which was still hanging out in space. This means that if the braking engine does not work, then it will also not be able to return to the ground at the estimated time. And this. Is certain death from extinguishing, because there is only air for 10 days, whether it will work or not brake engine, the cosmonaut will find out only after an hour, but while he is orbiting the earth, i observe the earth, distinguish folds of the terrain, forest, rivers, clouds, cumulus clouds, everything around is beautiful, beauty. When it was time to engage the braking system to return to the ground, the engine fired, but abnormally. And this led to a number of problems. The descent was subject to strong overloads and the ship was spinning randomly at breakneck speed. Approximately 30 revolutions per second. Oh, its hard to even imagine. And in this deadly cardaballet, gagarin retained his presence of mind. These are heavy overloads, but then i calmed down. So at the commission he said with humor i had to pass. The dance group is then ejected. Having ejected, gagarin saw the volga stretching out below him and realized that no one was waiting for him here. The ship did not reach the estimated landing site by about 200 km; here, instead of three parachutes , only two opened, and the wind carried it straight towards the river. Gagarin knew that if he splashed down, he would not be paid. Weight was in the spacesuit. We carry emergency supplies, everything is as it should be, 182 kg, i remember this well to this day , it is very difficult, it is very heavy, a wearable emergency supply, or as it is called, is, roughly speaking, a bag attached with a long strap to a spacesuit, it contains everything to survive from a boat to a pistol, to at some point, naz fell off the rope and went down on his own, absence. The reserve was saved by gagarin, he became 30 kg lighter, was able to turn around and land away from the water in a field, at that time the whole world already knew about his flight, he was already a star, says moscow. Says moscow, we convey a message from tas about the worlds first human flight into outer space. The pilotcosmonaut of the spacecraft is major Yuri Alekseevich gagarin. Anna timofeevna gagarina did not know that her son was an astronaut, because all the preparation was absolutely secret, however. In levitans message she immediately understood that this was her yura, the first man in space, her grandmother just heard that Yuri Alekseevich gagarin was in space on the radio, she compared all his business trips, she realized that this was her son, she was wearing slippers, in her robe she grabbed a quilted jacket for 10 rubles. Then the ticket to moscow, to the station, cost 2. 90, she found out that her son had landed, only. Already, when she was traveling there on the train on chkalovskaya, everyone else was at home, and in the evening they were all taken away, on april 12 to moscow, they didnt take me because we had four piglets, we had chickens and rabbits, we had to go after them, but of course it was a shame to the point of tears that i was left on this farm. Comrade first secretary of the Central Committee of the communist party of the soviet union, i am pleased to report to you that the task of the Central Committee of the communist party and the soviet government has been completed. You are supported by your hands on your legs, on your heels, on your legs, on your feet, on your arm, and you have insurance, no, you are without insurance, yes, there is such a truck, beautiful, thats what they called it. To this, and theres a little rabbit like this, youre fooling me now, okay, now ill fool you back, fool me, try to repeat it, come on, its wrong, zhanna, come on, zhanna, or better yet everyone, new season, tomorrow after evening news. Three of them in masks broke into the bank, started beating and shooting, it was very scary. In donetsk they robbed a private bank , cleaned out your cells, viktor fedorich, you will take this business for yourself, this is a chance, you will move to the major leagues, Lieutenant Colonel igorelnik, is now involved in the donetsk case, they should not get too far, the main intrigue is whether ukraine will sign an association agreement, we do everything right, everything will be fine. There is information that they want to liquidate you, tigor alekseevich, we stood in the same formation, all my partners said smile, you look more like gogarin. a woman has no right to go out with her lips uncovered. When you go to the mirror in the morning, and if you get scared, it seems to me that you shouldnt grab your. I watched your concerts, i cried, dont cry, the most crying folk singer, thats what they say, in general there is a sense of humor, and a more positive one in general and a funny person, hard to find, podcast lab with you all nights, evening of april 12th. The photo of the first cosmonaut never left the pages of soviet foreign newspapers. By april 14 the whole world already knew gagarin by sight. Twentysevenyearold yuri gagarin began a new life. A kaleidoscope of meetings, flowers, gifts, adoration. Became a citizen of the universe, he met with heads of state , addressed the people from the stands , a crowd of people was waiting for him, everyone wanted to touch, hug, kiss their idol, especially zealous fans wanted to grab something as a souvenir, and what can you take from the person who stands in front of you in. The form buttons. And he always took buttons with him on business trips, because they were torn off the uniform and the buttons disappeared, but nothing could be done about it. The first to pass through the universe, the conqueror of space, the messenger of peace, sewed buttons to his jacket every evening. Gogarin could no longer just walk down the street; he was instantly surrounded by crowds and flowers. Amats, hugs, once boriseva, his younger brother told me, he and his wife and daughter went to the zoo, it was summer, he said storm, you know, i m going to moscow today, while i do my business, you can take a walk in the zoo and then ill take you ill pick it up from the zoo, lets go home. well, we say, thats it, we spent time at the zoo, had lunch , everything is there, satisfied and happy, we meet him, get into the car, we tell him, he says, he asks us. You had lunch, we say, yes, we had lunch, and he says that , and i didnt have lunch, i say, i say, well, nonsense, now let s stop at any canteen on the way and have lunch, he says, how you laughed, borya, how do you even imagine this, if ill stop by, can anyone give me lunch . Boris bought it for his star brother in the nearest grocery bottle of milk, bread and sausage so that the most famous person on the planet could just. Eat, thats how long i watched him , for some kind of superiority over people or Something Like that, maybe youll think that this is my dear person, thats why i say this, believe me, im not the only one who says this, Valentin Petrov met gagarin in the sixties, even before the flight, valentin was 25, gagarin 26, the young people immediately became friends, they continued to be friends. After the flight, valentin vasilyevich recalls after on april 12, gagarin no longer belonged to himself, he belonged to the world, to people, but nevertheless remained himself. Disdainful of those around him, he called back and said remember, in your heroic star there is only one of yours. the rest is the gold of the people and the country. Korolev and general kamanin could not help but notice this character trait in gagarin. They understood that the worlds first cosmonaut would have to communicate with millions and participate in meetings at the highest level. When choosing between gagarin and titov, did you think about this . Probably yes, and they were not mistaken. This is definitely true. Talent, yeah, talent, and it was an extremely successful choice of this cosmonaut, namely gagarin, because i also worked with titov a little, titov is of a completely different type, also prepared, smart, but he was so a little silent , a little withdrawn into himself, gagarin is a flash, a smile, communication, thats it, he worked at the indian embassy, ​​in november 61 he spent 10 days side by side with gagarin, he was his translator into hindi. When gagarin arrived in india, he was greeted without exaggeration crowd of millions. For the indians, the astronaut was akin to a deity, a man who came down from heaven. Imagine, a soviet boy who grew up in a village comes to a country where millions of people revere him as. A celestial being, in my opinion, he was always ready for any situation and was ready to react very calmly, well, lets say we were at a reception in one of the palaces, a delegation is walking there , a huge number of indians are standing, suddenly one jumps out of the crowd and touches his shoes with his hand, which is very unusual, well, another person would jump away, you never know. Truth there were no terrorists then, but he calmly looked down, and i hissed at him, because this is an indian custom, when you really respect another person, you touch his shoes, and then he told me, i thought i had shoelaces there the laces have come undone, and the man wants to fix them; apparently, gagarin will remember that walk along the red carpet for a long time. Spending almost 24 hours a day with gagarin, the diplomat was amazed at the cosmonauts ability to negotiate. Gagarin intuitively knew with whom to talk about what. He had amazing the quality that he understood that here you can say it differently, here you can say it more simply, here you can say it more seriously. Can you tell me in a nutshell what the earth looked like from the ship of the east . But in a nutshell, if you say it, you can say that the earth from the ship of the east looked round. Of course, gagarin was not a politician, he was rather what is called today the soft power of the soviet union. This is a good expression, soft power. I think it was a combination of soft power with great professionalism and we must understand that this was the face of the soviet union, which suddenly appeared to the whole world, and the whole world perceived it very positively. The main impression, in my opinion, from this trip is that we made a lot of friends in england. After the flight, gagarin visited 29 countries, 46 foreign business trips, not counting. Constant travel around the soviet union, i would love to visit everywhere, but im afraid that there wont be enough time to visit everywhere, but they are waiting. In addition, in the sixtysecond year, the astronaut was elected as a deputy supreme soviet of the ussr, they wrote and called him from all over the country with completely different requests offices next to each other through the wall, i sometimes heard, before there were no mobile phones there and so on, you had to shout into the phone so that the far east, from there there were calls from requests to help gagarin with this and that. Then they asked him to help, that all the other services had gone through help and still didnt get help, but gagarin would definitely help, and he answered such calls, he helped, he helped many, i know this, but he had time for gap, not enough time, everyone. Indeed, gagarin rarely saw his family, especially children. With valentina, they also went to official receptions on business trips abroad. For example, gagarin traveled to india with his wife. Andrei vavilov recalls that valentina usually tried to stay away and not show off her outfits in front of the cameras, as first ladies often did. They were of different types. Gagarin, such an open, cheerful fellow, and valentina, rested with us, he really loved wild games, it was always a lot of fun with him, lying around, run around, make some kind of jokes, practical jokes , this always happened when he was at home, another thing is that he was not at home very often, especially in the evenings, he returned very late, everyone had already been asleep for a long time, children, i have i mean, she knows everything, lets ask me. In order to sit us down and tell us something, how we should live, how we should behave, he believed that every person should choose his own path in life, and he believed that every person should take an interest in what he would do later, so he i always said that under no circumstances should you look at the successes and interests of other people, you should have your own. In march 1966, all the cosmonauts and their families moved to live in the star town. The gagarins settled on the same landing as the volynovs. Andrei volynov was a schoolboy then. He remembers that Yuri Alekseevich loved to joke with the boys in the yard. Yuri alekseevich traveled a lot. And when he was in italy, he was given a foreign car. But he brought her here, but. Well, we ran around in the winter, it was just as snowy, we played around the house, we saw this car in the parking lot , but naturally, we surrounded this car from all sides, while we were looking, suddenly snowballs flew in from somewhere, we naturally rushed, so to speak, to look, maybe one of our guys there throws himself, it turns out its Yuri Alekseevich, and we, well , naturally, in response, we started throwing snowballs, and we ran around the parking lot. He laughed between the cars, hid, so we, so to speak, threw snowballs. Where did gagarin get his strength from . Elena yuryevna, gagarina believes that her father simply sincerely loved life. Yuri alekseevich was always busy, he had no thoughts about what to do, that today he was in a bad mood, that he was sad, and. Something was very upsetting to him, if he had any problems , he tried to find a way out very quickly, tried to make a decision, so what is now for everyone. At the door of all my friends, i invite them to join, the exercises were on the street, in such a small forest, which was located opposite our house in the star town, usually no one came out, but there were three of us, here, but nevertheless, there was an invitation, in sports he successfully beat almost everyone in basketball, drove around the hoop, coordination, energetic turns, gaining speed, and so on, jerks, as if he also had a good throw, but he is short in stature was below me. It has long been known that gagarin, despite his relatively short stature, played excellent basketball, but few people know that the first cosmonauts real sporting passion was water skiing. Gagaririn learned about this foppish sport by chance in. He saw a group of young people rides on a strange device, they had skis, a speedboat, and most importantly there was a huge passion, having gone water skiing for the first time, gagarin will say, this sport was invented for people who decided to test themselves on the full iron. And he tested himself to the fullest extent. He said that water skiing has such a complex effect on all muscles, on their work, on keeping them in good shape, that nothing can compare with water skiing, so as soon as possible, he always skied, skied couple, skied on one ski, he believed that this was the best sports activity to which he devoted a lot of time. He kept a boat on the bear lakes, they were floating around on these lakes , when friends came, like kabzon, kobzon came, yura, he drove the boat, they sailed out onto the lake, kobzon sang songs, and we were delighted, people stopped along the outskirts of the lake, he finished the song , people clapped, not knowing that it was a song. After the flight, it turned out that gagarin was a born leader by nature, although when selecting candidates for the first flight, this the quality was unimportant, the flight was solo, people were ready to follow gagarin, and most importantly, he was ready to lead them. In may sixtyone he was appointed commander of the cosmonaut corps, and in may sixtythree deputy head of the cosmonaut training center. He had a lot of things with him, here we are talking about the cosmonauts house, it was gagarins idea to build a house. Everyone said yes, the officers house, but for us. he says no, this will be the astronauts house. It was gagarin who was able to make a single team out of the flying cosmonauts and newcomers. To to help colleagues unite, he came up with. For the sake of it, well, one by one, not just one, they threw everyone in turn. Gagarin dreamed of space and was sure that he would fly again. He became a star, a media personality, a deputy, but at heart he remained a pilot, a pilot desperately wanting to return to the space program. Big plans, the most cherished dream, this again, and if it allows. yes, you should fly to gagarin, but each of his flights abroad is a gain for our diplomatic school. Gagarin continued to carry out his diplomatic missions, but from did not give up the main goal. Despite his busy schedule, he entered the Engineering Faculty of the air force engineering academy. All astronauts were supposed to receive an engineering degree, and if everyone did, then he was no exception. Gagarin studied, worked and at the same time wrote reports about inclusion in the Flight Program and achieved his goal. In 1966 he was appointed as vladimir komarovs backup, but the backup was not required on this flight. On april 23, 1967, the soyuz1 ship launched with komarov on board; after a series of emergency situations, a decision was made to landing, during descent the main parachute did not come out, the emitted device crashed into the ground at great speed. The astronaut died. After this, the management came to the final conclusion, gagarin is too valuable on earth to risk it in space, they told him that no, you wont fly, because every flight is a risk, once youre gone, then what, no gagarin, i dont know , it seemed to me that those who banned the loon were right. On march 27, he had already left the house, but suddenly remembered that he had forgotten his pass to the airfield and returned for it, although who would not have known . Cosmonaut number one, here it is, this pass, it was for him that gagarin returned, after. A few hours he died. Until his last day , yuri gagarin remained true to his principles. Because of this character trait, most likely he was chosen for the very first step of humanity beyond the boundaries of our planet. He was a very positive person, he was an optimist to the core, despite the fact that the profession was difficult, the profession was associated with enormous risks, one of his favorite songs. Two weeks after the space flight, yuri gagarin received invitations from eighty countries, from kings, president s, ordinary workers, behind all this there was one thing the desire to see the first cosmonaut with his own eyes. These visits became the second orbit around the world of yesterdays twentysevenyearold senior lieutenant, who grew up in a simple village family and had never traveled abroad in his life. 46 trips to 29 countries that undoubtedly influenced world history. In 1961, there were neither the people nor the technology to organize a world tour for a man of such fame and importance as gagarin. There was the experience of returning the crews of chkalov and gromov to their homeland through america and europe. Gratefully accepted the crews invitation to take the copilots seat. He was in the cockpit until landing in prague. When i was driving around the city, i noticed that in the shop windows , in the apartment blocks, there were colorful bouquets of flowers surrounding a photograph, a drawing, or at least a sheet of paper with my name, the accompanying people explained that no one had given them any orders in this regard, they expressed their joy is spontaneous. Whoever knows how. Unexpectedly for myself he becomes a czechoslovak stage star. The song good afternoon to major gagarin. Good afternoon, major gagarin. The gustav strom orchestra begins recording on the evening of april 12th. And since radio stations broadcast it immediately after the news about the distinguished guests stay, we can say with confidence that Yuri Alekseevich topped the czechoslovak hit parade. As if you were hanging horizontally on straps, as if you were in a suspended state. Official london did not send an invitation, it did it for him united union of flying workers of great britain, of course, because the first cosmonaut on the planet, their colleague, graduated from the school as a flying pharmacist. And it must be said that trade unionists organized everything at the highest, one might say, government level. One complete violation of it. For the first time in history, all Buckingham Palace staff were allowed to line up in the lobby to greet guests. It was impossible to refuse people the desire to see the first cosmonaut with their own eyes. As i wrote the head of the delegation, Lieutenant General kamanin, a simply dressed, very pleasant middleaged woman entered the living room. It was the queen of england. During lunch, gagarin complained to her majesty that he was not yet familiar with the highest things, to which elizabeth ii replied that although she grew up in the palace, it was also difficult for her to remember the details of all the ceremonial procedures. However, this gastronomic test was hardly particularly difficult for Yuri Alekseevich after what he had to endure in the thirtieth minute. Flight. In accordance with program, gagarin should have become the first person to eat in space. And no one knew how everything would go, whether he would be able to swallow and breathe easily. He took water and food. I took water and food normally and can take it. I didnt feel any physiological difficulties. Somewhat unusual. Then you get used to it, adapt to it. There were no bad feelings. At the end of the reception, the queen invited Yuri Alekseevich to take a photo as a souvenir, although this was not provided for according to etiquette. Subsequently she explained i took a picture with a heavenly, unearthly person.

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