pappa paulie p. is justth luckiest guy in napa. nancy would never get involved in pillow talk, right? we are going to keep turning up the heat. and nancy is feeling the pressure thanks to independent journalists at unusual whales, go follow them on twitter and you the audience. nancy was repeatedly asked about her family profiteering from legislation and today the pelosi family caved. pappa paulie p. sold all of their shares in the chip company at a loss, $340,000 loss, which is peanuts to the king and queen of nap p&a but they knew we had them cornered and they couldn t pull it off like they used. to say now they have less money to spend on defense lawyers for paulie s dun district attorney s office is going to take care of that problem for them. by the way, paul s hearing is next week. angry seals, elmo calls you
police. january 6th we relied on law enforcement to save our democracy. donald trump lacked the courage to act. the brave women and men in blue all across this nation should never forget that. jesse: whoa, republicans watch out. joe is heating up and his voice sounds deep and scary. and nancy pelosi has got the guy clicking on all cylinders about to get the chips act passed in the senate. soon it s going to be signed into law and then paulie p. can take his profits and open a nice bottle of napa cap. don t get in the porsche, pauly, don t do it joe met with semiconductor yesterday one of the handful of times taking questions from reporters this year. one of those questions was from our very own stupid son of a bitch. how worried should americans be that in a recession we re not going to be in a
senate passed a 52 billion with a b semiconductor bill to boost chip production. nancy is already telling her friends once her bill hits the back floor she is backing it. so you can expect it to be a slam dunk. why is nancy so excited about a chip bill? well, papa p. fresh off buying 20,000 shares in a chip company called nvidia. putting $5 million on the line banking that it would skyrocket. and just like magic, the stock is already up 16% just in the last five days. hmmm. it s almost as if pappa paulie p. saw the bill coming. how odd. fancy nancy says there s nothing to see here. her office telling us, quote: the speaker does not own any stocks. the speaker has no prior knowledge or subsequent involvement in any transaction. one problem with that statement, california is a community property state, which means
spouses split assets 5050 so when paulie p. slings a couple stocks, nancy automatically gets 50% of the action. this looks so bad even the lefties on cnbc don t like it. watch. why hasn t congress moved on this and then i say why hasn t congress moved on it look who is in charge of the house. doesn t it just undermine the credibility of congress and our elected officials? to think that nancy pelosi should be recuse herself negoti, voting on and participating in any conversation around the act. jesse: that s a good question. let s ask criminal defense attorney brian claypool. all right. what have you got brian? hey, jesse, great to be back with you. let me get this straight, nancy is the speaker of the house, right? so we think she is a pretty intelligent woman. and she is telling you that she has no ownership in any stock?
to swim towards the shark. because the shark is elf and is not used to being challenged. and i don t know what to think. i am shook. i m kind of like hemmer, my confidence is now shot, and i m starting to think the guest doesn t like me, and he just wanted me to swim so i could be shark food. i m not going in the water this weekend, i m sorry. just not going in the water. text messages. cassandra, what does she have to say? is there really no one in congress who sees what the pelosis up to? why isn t anyone doing anything about this? i m surprised martha stewart hasn t said anything. primetime is going to be reaching out to stuart for comment. maybe we will have that next week. max as paulie p is coming back on the streets, i think it is time to quarantine again. yes, i think everybody needs to show their road awareness out in napa valley. samantha from north dakota, great show, jesse, i wonder how much fuel was used on biden strips. well, more fuel than he would have used last year