anxious over what s going down with paulie p. when people ask me what is the most important issues facing the congress, i always say the same thing. our children, our children, our children.
p. s driving record this isn t pelosi s first accident. when he was 16 a young paulie p. flipped over his sports car on a tight highway car tragically killing his brother who was in the car with him at the time years later he and nancy were on a fundraiser with their children when the car flipped on it side. luckily nobody was injured. and, of course, nancy wanted to turn down money, so she stuck her thumb out and hitchhiked to the fundraiser. we never found out who was driving the car that day. we expect there probably was a little bit of a cover-up back then, too. pelosi supposedly wants her p.r. goons to keep us from knowing pappa p. s record. the new york times in their puff piece was already taking the bait, blaming pauly s most recent accident, you ready? on his recent cataract surgery. so paul pelosi couldn t see and
driving was always met withstanding rather than criminal charges. but that s not all. we re just getting started. buried between the paragraphs about paulie s sleek salt and pepper hair and nancy s favorite nail salon, there is some shocking details about what really happened that night, things we haven t heard before and things that only make this night seem more suspicious. for example, according to the times, there was a witness at the scene of the coalition. collision.a witness. funny we asked for witness statements and they told us to take a hike. so who is this witness? just standing on the side of the road in the middle of the night? in the middle of nowhere? there s no bus stops, n. wine country. so if you is ask prime time, this sounds a little fishy, so we have to ask, was the witness in the car with paul? we know nancy was out of town that night and reports suggest paulie p. has always had a
p. we can assure 82-year-old he looks pretty good after totaling the sports car he has the sports coat. the article was spoon fed to the times by pelosi s clean up team to make paulie look like a victim. that s right. and i use the term pelosi s team very loosely because we re not really sure nancy is on board with what happened that night. more on that later. the times refers to paul pelosi as a, quote: swag gearing presence in napa. well-dressed with a full head of salt and pepper hair. with high society connections to the newsom family and getty tycoons. they quoted friends in napa who said pappa paulie is nothing more than just a social drinker. of course. and it would be harsh, quote unquote to put him in jail because in napa, quote: drunk