An antigravity device for electrons There is a very simple way to nullify the effects of the Earth s gravity on electrons, without using any external po.
Image credit: The Cosmic Perspective / Jeffrey O. Bennett, Megan O. Donahue, Nicholas Schneider and Mark Voit.
From Azri our original question-asker on the topic of how long the Universe has been accelerating: Just when you mentioned that the universe was almost 7.8 billion years old when started accelerating: I think that calculation is based on a constant” cosmological constant! what if Dark energy was dynamical !? can one expect more than 8 bill years, lets say almost recently!
If dark energy changes over time which it
may then it s conceivable that the Universe began accelerating either slightly earlier or later than this. If dark energy was weaker in the past and is stronger now, then the Universe will have been accelerating for