existing think tanks wanted him so team maga has set up their own insurrectionist clubhouse. i ll be joined by the journalist who revealed this maga snake s nest. we ll look at this particular demographic of young men who seem to have the same demographic of disturbing grievances. two parties separated by the atlantic ocean. we are stuck with the party willing to gulp the kool-aid. it goes back to brexit. it was a decision fueled by anti-immigrant hysteria. for many brexiteers, it was the idea to make british great again. save it from cultural mutation. that vote should have been our warning sign. trump echoed the very same anti-immigrant propaganda. when mexico sends its people, they re not sending their best. they re bringing drugs. they re bringing crime. they re rapists. some, i assume, are good people. the political chaos that ensued in brittain eventually led to boris johnson s elevation to prime minister. he promised to finalize brexit, to make it happen. johns
tonight, panic and terror. we have new video tonight. it just shows simply the horror, the sheer horror as the highland park parade shooter began attacking spectators on july 4th. store security camera shows parade goers flowing to safety. this video is from a store right across from the building that officials say the shooter used. and it actually comes as the shooter today confessed to the massacre and said that he contemplated a second attack in madison, wisconsin. that is the city that he drove to after he fled the scene in highland park. it appears when he drove to madison he was driving around. however, he did see a celebration that was occurring in madison, and he seriously contemplated using the firearm he had in his vehicle to commit another shooting in madison. well, thank god he didn t. but tonight we are learning about those that he did kill and attack in highland park. 69-year-old eduardo valdo died tonight at the hospital. his wife was hit with bullet flagme
so it s a real problem. and if in fact zelenskyy agrees to go, i know he s been invited, i suspect the administration has a couple of options. they could send a lower level delegation. they could participate remotely in an effort to demonstrate or president biden will go because if he doesn t, then the absence of trying to create an american narrative and tell an american story would be critically important. so it s going to be a tough call as we approach november. okay, i want to ask you about the release of american trevor reid in a prisoner swap deal with russia. thank goodness for his release, but still being held in a russian prison. bri brittney griner and paul wheeland. how does reed s release help leverage the state department s
approach on the release of greiner and wheeland? it demonstrates in this sort of crisis when it comes to these issues, russia and united states still maintain a channel. the mystery, look, this has building up for months. both the white house and the state department have been engaged in efforts to seek a deal. paul, sorry, reed s health was declining. he s been exposed to active tb. i think he had been on a couple of hunger strikes. the russians may well have concluded they couldn t afford or didn t want to afford, given what they ve done in ukraine. though it strikes me as straining the grounds, the breaking point to think putin cares about the health of trevor reed, but they agreed to this. and in return, the united states traded a appears to be a significantly large in terms of