Every company on the planet would like to know the "secret" to successful sales. In fact, there are as many books, courses and workshops as there are companies that claim to be able to do just that..
Animal Rights? Debates Amongst Libertarians
Here are my pubs on that subject:
Montgomery, Stephen and Walter E. Block. 2016. “Animal torture and thick libertarianism.” Review of Social and Economic Issues (RSEI), Vol 1, No. 3, Spring, pp. 105-116. http://rsei.rau.ro/images/V1N3/Articol 5.pdf; http://www.rebe.rau.ro/RePEc/rau/rseijr/SP16/RSEI-SP16-A5.pdf
Volume 9:2, pp. 53-68; DOI: 10.2478/sh-2020-0013;
Subject: Re: WSJ Post
Why should humans have rights but not animals? Not sure I follow the logic… we are slightly more evolved animals imo.
On Friday, November 13, 2020, 09:00:40 AM PST, Walter Block wblock@loyno.edu wrote:
Dear Paul: