trouble. the new york times reporting that no-knock search, when a lock is picked yeah. that took place and he was informed by mueller s prosecutors that he would that they plan to indict him. did you have any interactions with him during the campaign? i had some when he first came on board and when i was doing more traveling with the candidate at that time than i did later. i had interactions with paul and then interactions on the transition because he was involved in the early transition planning as well when he came in and replaced corey lewandowski. so let me ask you this. it s an open secret in washington that paul manafort took the kinds of clients that other firms wouldn t. they sometimes represented people not known as the good guys in foreign policy circles. the pro-russia side in ukraine and others. do you think that the folks who brought him into trump s orbit, i don t know who they are. do you know who brought not specifically, no. do you think they had
did was take that wall away which is a very interesting now ramification of the patriot act will be that some of that stuff now has gone from one side of the wall that doesn t any longer exist to another side. what it tells you is, obviously, law enforcement and intelligence agencies were looking at what paul was doing for quite some time. it didn t necessarily have anything to do specifically with and the original one was 2014. to your point, and i want you to jump in here, to your point, we have a strategic interest in a western democratic ukraine. that man, paul manafort, worked against that for decades. at the behest of the russians and then he became the head of the campaign of a man who people are wondering is whether he s colluding with russia or not. connecting those dots is a very scary prospect. i m interested in your confidence in the fisa process because a lot on the right, they are suddenly, you know, people who might not have necessarily
had? no. why? because i don t think they analyzed it that closely. should they have? sure. cnn has reported and we have not independently confirmed this but there were two fisa warrants approved to listen in to paul manafort ostenseibly for the purposes he may have been in conversations with russians. do you think that was a possibility. did i think it? no, nor did anybody else but fisas by their very nature of the most secret of this kind of activity. and i think the way i read this stuff was that there were people who considered he may be an agent of a foreign power and all and there s very specific things you have to prove to a fisa court judge without putting everybody to sleep that you need. they re not easy warrants to get. i got many of them when i was a u.s. attorney. they re not easy to get. the interesting thing about this, though, is that all that information, whatever information they gleaned, prior to 9/11, would have never been seen by the law enforcement si