Are those who are what we call in Political Science to export prices, which is to blame it on an outsider. Not on a side note. I remember this case, the muslim countries, and that was the world. And the Muslim Community inside the United States would serve as a justification for the crisis. And of course, it would also just this case be muslim countries and that was the word what thats all from me for today. Don, a quarter will be taking the reins at the top of the hour check in with him. As for me, ill see, seeing greater trenchard is a simpson actually, what that means is we end up Picking Solutions that cost a lot, but actually drink very little. Its just a kind of fuel. Did she seem wrong to advocate and indeed from an equal betrayal. Once on, many find themselves worlds apart. When shes to look for common ground, how we crossed the rubicon. Lets ask stacey. Well, you know, max, i came up with this idea because we were talking about crossing the rubicon on this weekends orange bowl
Side willing to concede. So well be going to the u. S. Supreme court we want to. Voting just so youre prepared for any efforts republicans make in any court and you key states to advance the absurd theory that the president is hours last night. Make sure to check out our website r t dot com for faster than light updates on anything and everything surrounding the u. S. Election ill be back with more of your world news updates in just about an hour thanks for watching and i hope to see you then. Oh backs ties are this is the kaiser report i think there is a winner yes we have a winner stacey we have a when are we have a winner oh well incoming incoming. My best just a civil war but dont call in the troops for us because you know at the civil war the noises you hear the incoming missiles and shrapnel and not theres a weaponry thats just the larp ing going on and Rachel Maddow and and or some coopers head you know theyre magine in the civil war that was here that was happening oh yeah so t
Know why theyre saying Jerome Powells the winner why because not only is he taking care of the can tell you in our class and i can tell you in our class must be taken care of max whether or not whatever party wins whatever of the 2 parties are allowed to vote for when but remember what we talked about in the lead up to the election or the notion of the Central Bank Digital currency z c b d c s whereby the government the Central Banks are going to be able to deploy fiscal policy because the governments themselves are so locked in partisan hyper hyper warfare. The civil war. Well apparently right before the election i. M. F. Chief economist get to go penarth says global liquidity trap requires a big fiscal response and again you see wow thats almost a difference between monetary and fiscal while Monetary Policy if you see you know the charts leading up to. Until 2020 was just what the government the Central Banks did through quantitative easing and the m 2 money supply did not increase b
Election or the notion of Central Bank Digital currency is the c. B. D. Sees whereby the government the Central Banks are going to be able to deploy fiscal policy because the governments themselves are so locked in partisan hyper hyper warfare. The civil war. Well apparently right before the election i. M. F. Chief economist get to go penarth says global liquidity trap requires a big fiscal response and again you see. Thats whats the difference between monetary and fiscal while Monetary Policy if you see you know the charts leading up to. Until 2020 was just what the government the Central Banks did through fanta tate of easing and the m 2. 00 money supply did not increase because it just stayed in credit in the banks whereas fiscal policy goes to you to me to everybody joe back to donuts out in the street. All sorts of people thats going to cause inflation thats what they want they want to be able to write so the Central Banks are just going to print the money put it right into your l
Media a reflection of reality. In the world transformed. What will make you feel safe. Isolation community. Are you going the right way or are you being led. Directly. In the world corrupted you need to descend. To join us in the depths. Of the shallowness. Oh backs ties are this is the kaiser report i think there is a winner yes we have a winner stacey we have a when are we have a winner oh well incoming incoming. My best just a civil war but dont call in the troops for us because you know at the civil war the noises you hear the incoming missiles and shrapnel and notes are so weaponry thats just the larp ing going on and Rachel Maddow and and anderson coopers head you know theyre magine in the civil war that was here that was happening oh yeah so the war just did the sequel when the sequels are as good as the original and of course the winner of the 10th is your own power thats what the headline says max this is jerome powers moment no matter who wins and that was that trending story