Election or the notion of Central Bank Digital currency is the c. B. D. Sees whereby the government the Central Banks are going to be able to deploy fiscal policy because the governments themselves are so locked in partisan hyper hyper warfare. The civil war. Well apparently right before the election i. M. F. Chief economist get to go penarth says global liquidity trap requires a big fiscal response and again you see. Thats whats the difference between monetary and fiscal while Monetary Policy if you see you know the charts leading up to. Until 2020 was just what the government the Central Banks did through fanta tate of easing and the m 2. 00 money supply did not increase because it just stayed in credit in the banks whereas fiscal policy goes to you to me to everybody joe back to donuts out in the street. All sorts of people thats going to cause inflation thats what they want they want to be able to write so the Central Banks are just going to print the money put it right into your little digital wallet directly theyre going to bypass the banks theyre going to bypass the banks and theyre going to bypass government because so central bank the roof is the bank of america its got all 3 branches of government its going to be in just one branch town you dont need 3 branches just get one branch thats the drone power branch thats all you need according to the can tell you in our class thats all they need they need that and they need the Supreme Court right because the government itself congress and the senate dont lead they dont rule they dont legislate really they let you know the Supreme Court or the central bank so congress is authorized to create money but under this scenario theyre out of the picture theyre authorized as well to declare war and they havent declared war and the last you know 50 years since we went on the standard so central bank is simply going to hit the print money its going to go directly into peoples Electronic Bank account and its going to be of course surveyed pretty closely and its going to be like a giant video game where are you get more money and if you do the right thing in the game so its going to be legislation and government then spawn a reward pavlov dog basically so hes got 300000000. 00 americans and if you say the right thing online you get a scooby stack you know drone power sense if you like china dollars if you Say Something bad on line like hey did how come you didnt declare war before you bombed all those people and you get some scooby snacks taken out of your town bank and one thing that you can count on if youre not happy with this side global liquidity trap happening if youre not happy with this. Fake civil war happening you could always go off planet because one of. And might be time to go to mars oh boy this is exciting right right before the election as well space x. The querist independence iran must firm says they will not recognize earth laws in planned mars colony and says free planet will adopt self governing principles so there is of course again you know the governments themselves have abandoned all responsibility for governing they handed over to the Supreme Court and they handed over to the Central Banks so here youre having the same thing is the elites are abandoning this planet they want to go x. Planet they want to go to mars they want to go to andromeda galaxy they just want to get off this planet because they themselves have created the catastrophe that is here and theyre going to drag their asteroid filled with gold along with them and perhaps you know a few trees or is filled with bitcoin well yeah absolutely they are escaping the mess that they created and why not just create your own laws on mars with the elon musk itll be like jim jones indiana in the have some martian version of koolaid and then thatll be the end of the earth if he doesnt mention whether or not theyre going to have a central bank up there but you know musk space x. Has declared mars a free planet and claims their planned colony on the red planet will not recognize earth based laws the claims were spotted buried in starlings beta Consumer Service terms that was recently sent to customers ahead of the internet rollout dubbed governing laws the section states spacex. Will not abide by International Laws beyond earth and the moon but instead adopt selfgoverning principles established on good faith like you dont even have to go to mars to be a martian and human must love colony because the neural link has other projects where theyre tapping into your brain with neurons and nodes you can have virtual mars in your head then you could be networked with other people in virtual mars in your head. And you can live on mars in your head you dont actually need to go there they can have probes on mars mapping mars in real time and you could have the experience of being on mars in real time certified to your 60 or 70 network and you could be actively seceding from planet earth living on mars without having your corpus your body have to go in outer space in any possible way but thats true for all the planets in the galaxy and thats true for all the galaxy the multiverse as you tap into the universal a conscious mind which is powered by because you dont need the physical space to exist anymore and thats part of the renaissance that weve been talking about the last few months that depends on the larp or is because the larp is to have cultural power right now birds are what the who live action role playing these are the people who are in control of the algorithm of facebook in control of the algorithm of twitter remember twitter told us apparently leading up to the u. S. Election we were only interested in harry styles his car broke down and he spent the day at a fan superfans house and that was the trending topic for about 3 days car dash ins as well kenny west apparently got some sort of a hologram of her father for his wife and then thats a good point the whole the ground because that president is exactly im saying the whole the grammar of you on mars will be controlled by you on earth and youll be having interactions on a virtual mars visa via Licensing Agreement with the on my ass right here on earth and it depends of course on whether or not Rachel Maddow swore. They were those big time you mention or she gets so excited and drops another bomb on us or sends an incoming missile right so you know every time you know whoever controls these algorithms that are what youre allowed to think what were allowed to think in the lead up to the u. S. Election was that jerome pow it doesnt matter which party you are hes the unifying figure hes the guy that will take care of you the central bank is the person the entity the. Institution that we should all still believe in if we dont believe in the institutions all the other institutions all around us but theres the police the judiciary the legislative body the executive body were not happy you know obviously half the countries unhappy with the results of the election well you always have the central bank to take care of you and of course one thing about mars is you know thats often. Basically true of these Science Fiction films like expanses like here you go. Heading to mars and his colony is of course going to be at war with earth within a few you know decades or 100 years and paul krugman streams of massive fiscal policy and unifying the nation by being attacked by aliens and that gives us an excuse to print a lot of money and that might rescue us and save us from all these horrible things like elections right well you know central banker as hero is something the greek drama never predicted you know aristotle in the lot never thought that anyone would write a play or a story which had as its main heroic character a central banker you know this is kind of like. As our friend dan collins would say were de hellenized were going were going back to a new era when people worship the magical plants of the desert that sprout blood thirsty octopus in the its all very mythological and without reason Jerome Powell is a creature from Jekyll Island hes the godzilla of sake and we worship him in this country and around the world the point is again over and over were seeing the degradation of the deplorable population and any control they have over the situation whether its the algorithms telling them what to think or what to care about care about her dashing care about can you care about harry styles dont care about the election youre not allowed to care about the election because if youre if you care about the election youre manipulation manipulating the results here were always being foisted. Upon us all of these and elected officials those are the important ones who who gets to be chosen to rule over us the news crew people that you know that 20000000. 00 a year people and you know on a Television Set but those people are even being dissention mediated out of here and that these Computer Generated influencers are making real money while humans are locked down by coded so everybody is being locked down by covert lockdowns are going to continue no matter. If theyre going to be around for the next year but apparently were being replaced by a user Computer Generated influencers write us like that film being John Malkovich just ties it all together remember that they found a portal and they answered John Malkovich is mind ok here we are 2025 years later and you can do that algorithmically you can be in kim Carr National mind you could be in Michael Jordans mind and experience life through the algorithm as Michael Jordan and you can be on mars for Licensing Agreement of course oh boy were going to take a break and when we come back much more coming your way. Some control from middle class to homeless overnight muslim are very hardworking people who want to get ahead that have either have some some Health Issues or have some out of strict about luck a full time job wont always pay for a place to live and missing just a months rent can get you a victim to gunpoint if anything bad happens to any thing that just throws your budget off slightly. You better catch up real quick or youre going to have a judgment of possession against you and get addicted by anyone thats homeless is history like garbage people look at you like a monster or someone bad or you chose to be there most of the time its not the case see how it is to be paul in the worlds richest country. Is your media a reflection of reality. In a world transformed. What will make you feel safe. Isolation community. Are you going the right way or are you being led. By the way. What is true what is faith. In the world corrupted you need to descend. To join us in the depths. Or remain in the shallows. Sputnik 5 has the world. Just like its namesake the original sport. The farce craft of off to leave. Orbit the worlds side while many questions remain unanswered about russias new vaccine the authorities are confident enough to go forward with mass production. Of explosives for. What the family states please when you specifically say life in the kiddo was. Real radio received. Intros preliminary requests. Billions those of us all fresh overseas. All right this is happening. Will go on the reaction has been exactly the same as it was way back. To alicia not jealous not the world reaction is made of green cheese you have the. Little. To do with your. Welcome back to kaiser report i maximize our time at cern to alex edelman lolling dot com very Exciting Company to start up but its just going like gangbusters welcome to the show al its good to be here thanks for having me all right well lets talk about lolly tell the people what did it what is it. We are a bit cleaner words alan think about bitcoin is that it changes time preference to get your thoughts about this away from Immediate Gratification to one of long term savings but here you are combining both you know youre allowing users to dump that dirty fear on line consumption binge while stacking sats the mean that sounds like an awfully good Value Proposition to help me get rid of my stinky. Enter in sats right yes or that the way to look at it is like the feel goes into this sort of shredder and then pickling comes out. How long he works right so the other thing about allawi is that its kind of the polar opposite of what early pick coiners try to build with ways to spend bitcoin remember back in the 27th of 13 days people were talking about payments payment payments and then around 2016 or so people realize it because its more of a savings technology and so youre basically saying dont spend your bitcoin convert it to figure out spending into because now let me ask you this after years of trashing j. P. Morgan just did a u. Turn when theyre forecasting a huge price increase or because it has millennial see it as an alternative to gold as he said here in the kaiser report many years ago you appear to be falling into that demographic alex are you a millennial and do you prefer to coin i am a millennia will and i prefer bitcoin so yeah i would say theyre probably right after all these years probably what watching your show for a while and i think they caught the bug. Right thats thats probably true because we do go out globally so whats happening with the startup law is how many years old is it and how many people they have working over there and whats been the growth i mean i know a little bit about it seems like its grown a lot what top whats happening over there. Yes we got started about 2 years ago with this mission of making bitcoin more accessible to everybody you know when we 1st got in this space the only way to really get in was with mining and really like the early days of exchanges so it was a really like safe or it didnt really feel like approachable to like you know my my family or friends to go send them to an exchange to go buy it so we took this idea where we said you know so so few. People are investors or miners are ever going to be investors or miners so in order to take that point to billions of people we need to make something that was like way more accessible so 2 years ago we launched we got 500 merchants these are a lot of merchant that weve made a lot of money over the years with our last company so a lot of them you know joined you know the. The Initiative Just as friends and then fast forward a little bit you know weve proven out that weve created a real Business Model we have a significant amount of users that are using lolly to earn bitcoin instead of cash back and so a lot of these advertisers these merchants we know have have joined us so they see their competitors making money and so they want to join so we just pass a 1000 merchants there is our last big milestone a lot of growth on the merchant side and what you kind of brought up earlier which i think is a really interesting you know top topic of conversation is where people kind of thought that there was going to be quite adoption and where there actually was an adoption so i think ill go thought that you know merchants were come on typically i payments but i think what with everyone quickly realized is that. You will really want to pay with her because because its the best savings technology of all time its a great its an incredible investor and merchants dont really want to deal with all the remittance networks in their treasure departments so they dont really want to deal with the volatility so i think you know today we have more Merchant Adoption than any other Crypto Company in the world and you know were 2 year old start up with about 10 people working on it so yes been its been awesome and i think were like it that you know were just Getting Started and weve got some big and exciting things ahead all right are you open to merchants outside of the United States now yet weve weve taken this approach of being hyper focused on providing the best Customer Experience before we start to expand internationally its you know its very rare for like a startup to go international from day one so you know were gearing up for. A lot of growth over the next few years and weve had an incredible amount of International Demand for what were doing so yeah we are a lot of our merchants are international but we havent turned on that switch to Serve International users yet over the next year and thats thats where were growing is international we spend a plan to expand to a lot of Different Countries and our merchants want us to expand those countries so they can attract more International Users to them and clearly you know we want to get more people all around the world to quote and price out during the covet lockdown lot of people are going into business for themselves or opening up shop say you know i see sites like at sea where people are making homemade stuff and selling it are a company like shop shopify up in canada they create all these merchants they have going to amazon and so lale is kind of like a value added right so youre americans and youre like i want to people to come to my shop and buy my stuff im an independent merchant if i do it deal with lolly then my kids my customers are going to get bitcoin back as a reward right. Exactly yeah it we could if we criticize you know this model you know largely you know mimicking the company that you know bar last company which is rock a tent and rock it in really showed that you know they have 3000 virgins on their platform and you know the they have done very well in the u. S. In many parts of the world by building this i cash back model. It really becomes like a no brainer for these merchants to come on on the platform in because its like its all upside for them you know so yeah you know we plan to expand a shop if i and many other merging networks that are going to give more distribution to merchants and thus more between to our users right let me toss let me ask you about marketing because in the big coen world you know because i got to be 400000000000. 00 without any marketing it just hit their web in 2009 and its been growing ever sence and a lot of startups in the internet space and the big quiet space you know its very difficult to market your way to success you have something that people like in a work or you dont model of kind of you know selling ads carpet bombing with ads it is not really working so much with lolly you seem to have mastered the stuff i follow you on twitter which i encourage everyone to follow you on twitter because it has some really good bit coin centric names who is the chief beam officer is that you already have actually somebody there who just sits at their desk plays with executive toys on their desk and thinks imams all day. So we see that top top secret so its might as well be said. My god i do a big story. I do i do i mean you nailed it its that means or whats going to bring the masses into a big point because it takes these like complicated concepts and makes them approachable to everybody so yeah i mean i think our twitter account is a good representation of like our brand i think like youre totally right if you just market something to somebody its not going to really impact them you have to build a sort of brand around in this voice and i think ali has created the most like accessible brand in the space f. You will like enjoy following along they enjoy being a part of the conversation you know we love to have you on all the t. V. At some point we just were taking our efforts that weve taken on twitter and were moving them to instagram or moving them to you tube so keep getting the message out around the corner and spreading the good word now lollie if im not mistaken is headquartered in the rally North Carolina area and this is turned out to be a bit of a hotbed of al that weve got kasa its another company and a couple of others what what attracted everybody there ali is it because of the Research Triangle there just a lot of talent air a lot of good folks and what it what why rally why is this what is silicon romney whats happening i know its crazy i kind of i was talking about that with the casa team and theres a few other projects there in utah like jason is that theres a lot a lot of people in Raleigh Durham area what i think it is is theres a lot of like x. Banking individuals so you know charlotte was the 2nd biggest banking city in the country by new york until i think wells fargo came in bought. So theres a lot of expanders in the North Carolina area theres one of the highest concentration of ph d. s in the us in the Raleigh Durham area as you have. A lot of like smart people in the area and its also makes a great place to live so i think that theres a lot of theres a lot going for it rice said thats are sick point you make there theres a lot of banking folks in the area you know 1015 years ago even 5 years ago the smartest mit grads and engineers would go to wall street and work on derivatives but it seems like big coyness now hoovering up or inhaling all of the thin intact talent and the wave now is really bitcoin is really gobbling up all those jobs gobbling up all that capital and really defining Financial Technology really for it Going Forward you know i think about a lowly i think about Airline Miles you know theyre basically unusable at the moment theyre kind of trapped because the airlines are not flying and that was always a problem with Airline Miles both big coin and micro payments and rewards like you guys are doing it lolly l o l l i thats no problem its just a cruise value and you can use it in the future you can get past a tear grand kids right. Yeah its points that you like actually own and that are going to be you know going to have people know about the points business because you were very familiar with their last company with the point systems a lot of times theyre just gaming are doing arbitrage on the consumers intelligence theyre saying you know this this consumer were going to give them like an arbitrary amount of points and then that person has to figure out what the point is worth they have to go remember to go spend the points with a coin its you know staving technology so its its like work were creating this model off of that cash back more so than points and its better money so since we launched you know i think probably when you guys you know join in and heard about us and started supporting the project it was it was around the 3504000. 00 so already like lolly is already shown our early users some of them are big pointer some of them that were not better corners that if they get into big point if they keep stocking sats like lolly is 4 times better at 3 times better then rocketing in these other cash back programs because theyre earning something of value something thats scarce so its like were going to keep teaching people with the price and keep teaching people like you know with with lolly and rewards the big point is the best money in the world yeah thanks a lot they all my shopping this past year adjusted for the price increase i paid negative prices im paying negative right now for stuff i dont i pay less they pay me but i feel like i went out of our what our users invented this thing called the lolly effect that weve adopted that were calling it like the number that like when you buy an item and when the price has surpassed it item that it ends up being free were told were deeming the all the effect that i perfect well thanks for coming on the cause report thanks for having me all right thats going to do it for this edition of the guys report with me max keiser big banks to alex edelman of the la lee dot com its all next time. All the while the way i love you and down with the white house little how come. So far how i dont think if the thought of the clothes. And then. Top that come on itll develop. Enough momentum for one of. The star of a. 6 sputnik 5 as is a new manager of the world. Just like its namesake the original sport make. The 1st draft of a to leave out south korea and orbit the world and while many questions remain unanswered about russias new vaccine the authorities are confident enough to go forward with mass production. Total force of. What the Assembly States please we may see you may see a bump in the pillow. Received. Interest early in the requests. William those of us all fresh overseas. All right this is happening. Or go on the reaction has been exactly the same as it was waved by. Journalists from the us. The world reaction is made of green cheese. But. Its. Going. To stop the ballot count and allegations of fraud send on to the streets thats how the 2020 us president ial election is going so far while joe biden is creeping the doors of the white house although hes not yet through them for granted states and still not being called and even the final result hanging on one of them nevada has its thanks but this results in an error side. Handing victory to biden and also to come away from the democrats and the republicans we discussed

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